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Blog Comments posted by LadySmoks

  1. So, I got distracted from the remakes for a while. While testing, I noticed the original neck piece for Lolita Maid clips the neck in some movements, so will be taking a look at the bones to see if I can do anything with it. Almost done my personal side project and will get back to the remakes soon.

    While at it, I am also looking at fixing some bone issues with Vaginator. I have a newer version of FemmeBot Alice, and A5000 that need to be finalized as well. Need to look at "Sey Robot" too. 

  2. I posted similar on my profile status, but to include here... Updating older content before re-uloading here, has kind of become an obsession. Learning, learning, learning... I have learned a few new things since departure from LL, not so long ago! Learning, and applying what you learn is one of things that keeps making things fun!!! Downside being that you look at older pieces and say... "I can make that much better now." So far, Lolita Maid, both teen and adult, have been updated, but not game tested yet. 3 other adult female dresses went well in TSRW, and so far, only one needs adjustments done, which is good. Game testing usually results in the extreme frustration phase of this clips, fix it, test it, something else is bad, fix it, test it, etc etc etc.

    The older CC uses EA bottom mesh. It's what I knew to do. Since then, although still not released separately, I have been developing my Priyatna female bottom meshes with a bit more mesh detail in certain place. 😜 Several generations of the mesh have been used in both FemmeBots and some garments. With better understanding and ability to paint bone weights, as well as refining other techniques and use of tools, I hope the newer versions will be welcomed, as the original versions were. But... more game testing, as I try to eliminate clipping...


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  3. 11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    You can always make changes. Perhaps even keep some of the versions and let others enjoy them if they are satisfactory to you. I am nowhere even near being able to do any of this graphics work :(

    I cannot do graphics either. "I am a mesh manipulator", as MurfeeL said about herself a while ago on her blog. And texture images that I make are not the greatest, but I rearrange, remesh and repurpose. Often, I use the original, or rearrange the original multiplier to match mt UV. Rare, but I have also rearranged my UV to match textures. So, I went back and put in the longer dress mesh (fixed), put in game, and like how it looks so far. I determined that not every dress needs to be mini, or see thru. Next up is testing to make sure the mesh looks good as the Sim moves, runs, walks, sits... etc etc, and no clipping. Also, part of "learning" is about the __Hat_grip__ bone. Another modder created a new bone (I think), and set of sliders. Headgear using that bone can be adjusted in game, in size and position. Lemonleaf made a bonnet that I now plan to also remake with this bone. This is an example of ideas that just pop into my head sometimes. ))))

  4. 3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    I am sure we can find some ideas for you to work on if you run out of them :P

    Leaning and realizing that you can do much better now is a good thing! :D Don't feel bad that you can look back and see what you can do better on a previous project provided you did the best you could at that time with what you knew. ;)

    Ideas was only a problem for a time a couple of years ago. Now it's more about finding time, and keeping focused to the end of a project. 

    Learning and improving keeps it worth doing. I am far from a master of any one thing, but I have grown... both knowledge and confidence. I have grown to where I can say, "That was pretty good." 🤗 

    BUT... I think I had a "took it too far" moment. My very first upload ever was an open bottom remake of Lolita Maid by Lemonleaf. Of course, I asked JoshQ to take it apart and critique it, so I could know and understand mistakes. I never fixed THAT piece, but incorporated things into what came after... Sort of "never look back". But now I decided to fix it. Well, too far is that I shortened the dress. I guess it looks ok, but I really do not like it so much, and will be making it regular length again tomorrow. )))

  5. One of my long time personal issues has been that I tend to "Doug"... SQUIRREL!!! Those familiar with movie "Up" get it. 🤔 Some times, you run out of ideas, what to try next. Other times, they just come, then the next... SQUIRREL!!! And... you work on the new squirrel, as the first goes unfinished. In part, I blame those darned voices, but that is a story for another time.

    So, hoping to finish Flintstones, which I began perhaps in 2021, May or June. Hope to organize and reupload a few more bots, as well as, more garments and other CC. I will say that a few of the older pieces need updating before putting up again.

    THAT would be another of my little issues... Learning is a good thing, and I have learned (and continue to learn) so much since I began, but then you look back and think, "I can do that piece better now." Currently practicing by remaking an af and matching tf outfit and getting ready to test in game now. I cannot believe all of the things I had to fix!!!

    Stay tuned!!!

  6. Slowly getting things together and reuploading. The PITA is that I have always given credit to original creators of CC that I modified or used in some way, and those links are buried among 20 garment workshops, 5 bot workshops and a Harley Quinn workshop... Each workshop may have 20 to 30 folders (mostly FAILS), with 10 or more sub-folders... AND, the links are buried with original upload texts. Either find those, or track down the links again. 😏

    I'm not the most organized person!!! 🤪

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  7. This is the first reload of my FemmeBots, here at NSFW, and includes original (slightly edited) text. Some things have changed as development of FemmeBots has continued since she first was uploaded, but the basics remain relevent, and will answer just about any questions you may have. I include the edited copy here, and the original is included with the zip file.


     LS_FemmeBot.zip     final FemmeBot text.txt

    The FemmeBot!!!!! LadySmoks Modeling, in co-operation with Landgraab Industries' "Super Secret Mad Science Division" has developed a fully functional Plumbot PLEASURE model!!!!!

    I use a lot of sliders to adjust FemmeBot (and Sim) appearance!

    Check out sliders at Shock & Shame, OneEuroMutt and Jonha @MTS

    Early head models had eyelashes attached... newer heads use 3d eyelashes by S-Club.

    Also here, and sliders to adjust are here


    The spoiler contains original (slightly edited) text from original FemmeBot upload, with assembly and operating instructions...

    There is a lot to read here, and for good reason! I am also including a copy of this text in the download, so you can read it offline. 



    I have seen TS2 to TS3, TS3 to TS4 EA Plumbot part conversions, and various methods on transforming a Sim into a Plumbot or Plumbot into a "human" looking Sim, but never actual custom Plumbot parts like these. So... she is BETA!

    She is FemmeBot. She began in February 2019 as my attempt to solve the problem of "human" looking Plumbots reverting to being fully "human" Sims under certain circumstances, especially traveling. Well, I crashed and burned in that effort, but like the Pheonix, FemmeBot rose from the ashes!

    First thing... FemmeBot IS a Plumbot. This means you MUST have EP11 Into The Future for her to show in your game. I know I usually convert everything I make to base game so all can enjoy, but Plumbots are EP 11, and I can't change that fact.

    FemmeBot is NOT a premade Sim with a bunch of outfits and sliders. She is Plumbot parts.

    Plumbot parts are listed as, head, body, shoes (which are actually the arms) and legs (which include the feet/ shoes). FemmeBot is a stand alone model. Her parts are not made to interchange with other EA Plumbot parts, so during development, I learned that I could take a few liberties with how things are arranged. Doing this helped with overall appearance, especially the face. Understand that regular Sims have more parts. Top, bottom, shoes and hair... BUT the head and scalp are automatically generated for every Sim... That's actually 6 parts on 6 texture and UV maps, Plumbots have only 4. So, you see the logistics I faced.

    So, FemmeBot comes with 2 heads. One is "sim-ulated" Sim skin, for a more "human" appearance, and the second uses the Plumbot shader, to give her face a more "Ooooo SHINY!!!" bot like appearance. The thing is that her face is a bot part. You can't add makeup to a bot head, right? So, I did the best I could on that end. Each Sim/ Plumbot CAS item has a maximum of 4 color channels. I used one for skin tones (Plumbots don't use Sim skin textures... They are refrigerators and get painted in the bot station), one for eye color, one for lips and one for eyebrows/ scalp hair. The body has the arms attached. This is one of the "liberties" I came up with during development, and it opened several new options. I used a technique often used by JoshQ, and mirrored, and overlapped the arms. I also folded over half of the backside of the body. This opened the shoes (arms) slot, and a "free" area on the UV map which I used for the hair. My original design had the face and hair squeezed into a single map, but this way also allows the face to be full size and keep most of it's detail. Unfortunately, there is only so much space available, and the hair is still squeezed a bit, and some detail IS lost. Finally, the legs, which have the feet/ shoes attached, basically as EA made them. It features a more detailed vagina, molded from a cast taken of Laura Klein's prized vagina! What good is a sexbot without a beautiful vagina???

    So, you get a total of 5 Plumbot CAS parts... 2 heads, 1 hair, 1 body and 1 legs. All have 4 recolorable channels, and all have very basic presets.

    Basic installation: Download the zip, open as usual, and place the packages into your Packages folder as you would any other CC. Clear caches and start your game. Go to the bot station, and build your FemmeBot!

    Okay, she doesn't look so hot. Don't know why, but EA actually assigns slider values to Plumbots... You just never notice as Plumbots are basically refrigerators. Most sliders work from "bones" that move the mesh. Plumbots have fewer bones than Sims. FemmeBot has a bone structure closer to, but not quite that of a Sim, so more slider changes show on her than a regular Plumbot. There are some sliders that actually work on Plumbots, but most people probably never tried it.

    Okay, how to fix her? A couple of options. You can click on your FemmeBot, use Nraas Master Controller Advanced> Play With Genetics, and choose two Sim "parents". You can click on a Sim, Master Controller Advanced> Transfer Genetics, and transfer that Sim's general appearance to your FemmeBot. OR, use the cheat, shift and click on FemmeBot to take her into Sim CAS. DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can do only a couple of things in Sim CAS. You can use sliders. Some sliders work, some do not. I will say that EA weight and muscle sliders do not work, as they are morphs, which Plumbots don't have, but breast sliders do work as they are bones. Go figure... Among other EA and custom sliders, again, some work and some do not. I have perhaps 200 sliders, maybe more... it would be silly for me to list what happens with all of them, as we all have some of the same sliders, and we all have some different sliders. Time for you to take some time and see which of YOUR sliders work. One suggestion is that if a slider does not change your FemmeBot, move it back 0 position. One time, I did notice a slider didn't change what I wanted, but did distort another body area close by.

    I often use one of the transfer genetics first, then take my FemmeBot into Sim CAS to "tweak" her appearance, as the transfers don't give exact replications. 

    I mentioned a couple of things that you can do in Sim CAS... You can add SOME accessories to your FemmeBot. Items that work are anything that has it's own separate mesh. Items like glasses, earrings, some necklaces, armbands, bracelets, finger nails (FemmeBot does have finger nails), rings, etc may work. Items that are a simple body overlay such as, some necklaces, tattoos, socks/ stockings, garters and panties will not work.

    Make up does not work. I did the best I could.

    Changing clothes does not work, and may "break" your FemmeBot. "Break" is that your FemmeBot may now tend to revert to human Sim under certain conditions, and take on Sim motives and simology. You can't change clothes on an EA Plumbot, can you?

    Hair does not work, and changing it may break your FemmeBot. Her face will be gone!

    For some reason, EA makes all Plumbots as Adult. It's possible to change her age to Young Adult, but the process is ugly, and NOT guaranteed to be successful... you might "break" her... but I have done this successfully. 

    Any custom coloring will be lost, but if you have adjusted sliders, the changes will remain.

    Before changing age, you may wish to save your game. This way, if she is broken at the end of the process, you can just exit without saving, and when you restart, your FemmeBot will be fine.

    Okay, in Sim CAS, change her age to Young Adult. A number of ugly things may happen... She now has various Plumbot parts, no head and Sim hair, and maybe extra feet, is the most common. Save her and exit Sim CAS. Now, enter Plumbot CAS via (I recommend) Master Controller or the bot station, put back her FemmeBot parts and redo any color customizing you had. Again, I can not guarantee that she is not now broken and may become a "human" Sim at some point. Use reset as a quick test, but still, no promises this will show an immediate failure.

    Generally, what happens is she will no longer have the Plumbot "Simology", and will then have regular Sim simology, motives, etc, in a Plumbot body. If you have Kinky World, you can make her into a Kinky World droid, but that was what we were trying to avoid, as droids will almost always need to be reset as droids after travel. 

    NOTE: You can NOT make your FemmeBot into a teen or Elder, or anything other than Young Adult/ Adult! Reason, there are no Plumbot CAS parts for ages other than specified, so the game simply won't recogize such an age change at all, and there won't be any Plumbot parts listed. FemmeBot is female, and only shows when the female symbol is chosen in Plumbot CAS.

    Again, I have been working on FemmeBot since February 2019. I have started, scrapped, started again many many times to get to what appears to be a very stable bot. Extensive in game testing has been done, using basically every EP and SP, different trait chips (including Kinky World "sexbot" chip), travel to EA and user created worlds with the help of my friend @landess. Still, I can't say that EVERY possible scenario has been checked.

    For Kinky World users: As FemmeBot IS a Plumbot, she does NOT change to have a "human" Sim nude outfit during Woohoo animations (as long as she is not broken and KW droid option was not used on her). So, your Sims will be engaging in Woohoo with a bot! What can be kinkier than that??? Also, the strap on itself does not work with Plumbots. HOWEVER... it appears that a different "part" is attached by Kinky World during such activities in which a strap on would be used. Having looked inside Oniki's package, it appears that the "part" has a group number associated with University EP9. I was not able to crack this item to convert it to base game or even EP11 part and have Kinky World apply it in game, so you would also need to have University for that to work. Sorry... I'm still working on it, and ANYONE who wishes to take this on is more than welcome to go for it!!!

    No testing was done using Passion. Not sure if Passion has Plumbot Woohoo? 

    Notes: Only the hair has a thumbnail, as the ones generated in game for the other parts are more than adequate. The game generated thumb for the hair was crazy looking!

    FemmeBots may lose trait chips during travel. This is a documented EA Plumbot issue that I have no control over. Any and all existing EA Plumbot issues do apply to FemmeBot.

    Credits:   CmarNYC's Morphing Nipples: http://cmarnyc.blogspot.com/2013/05/morphing-nipples.html?zx=ac5f26130daa5331

                    Kewai Dou's Misa Hair: http://kewai-dou.com/misa_hair-sims3/

                    Special thanks to Landess at LL for his help in testing with EP's, SP's and a lot of Worlds and CC that I didn't have at the time!

    Take care of my little girl. They grow up so fast!


    FemmeBot Heads (so far)

    2092461743_S3_626F60CE_A0000001_05F2CA24194A58BA_LS_FemmeBotCherry2000HeadX1THUM.png.207afbde8c7f7203b52ff09eff8e2787.png     1953338305_S3_626F60CE_A0000001_3AF59F5F3041EF49_LS_FemmeBotCherry2000HeadX2THUM.png.7809e4f92109df445ce000e26a084be8.png    2061509526_S3_626F60CE_A0000001_3CAC86887511B187_LS_FemmeBotV5000HeadTHUM.png.bc15ce0559ac1c6b67d82a748ae1cc4f.png

    LS_FemmeBot Cherry2000 Head X1.zip     LS_FemmeBot Cherry2000 Head X2.zip  LS_FemmeBot V5000 Head.zip

    These are the FemmeBot replacement heads (so far). As development had continued (and still continues) since the original FemmeBot, the X1 and X2 heads were made using simskin shader. X1 has 2 options, with or without scalp hair overlay, black pupils and 4 color channels for skin tone, eyebrows/ scalp hair, eyes and lips. X2 has 4 options, 2 for each pupil option, blue or red "cameras". V5000 head has 4 color channels for eyes, skin tone, lips and tattoo markings, and uses plumbot shader. 3 "tattoo" patterns are from a set by Analect @MTS

    Part of the continuing development was finding that S-Club eyelashes found in either make up, or as accessory, work on FemmeBots. This is because they are not an overlay, but a meshed part, so these heads do not have built in EA eyelashes. S-Club eyelashes @TSR. Also recommend the S-Club eyelash sliders to better position them.


    The Vaginator V800


        S_Vaginator V800.zip

    Credits: Sil Fantasy's Terminator skin for Sims: here
                 (Not included) Uzi 9mm Submachine Gun by Cloudwalker: here


    No Bottom (required for most FemmeBots below)



    No Hair (just an option if you want bald bots)


            LS_FemmeBot NoHair.zip

    After creating the original FemmeBot, I found that as my bots are "model kits" and not intended to mix with EA bot parts, I could take even more liberties with assembly and UV mapping. To acheive a more seamless waist, I combine top and bottom into one part, and list it in "Body" section. This absolutely requires the "No Bottom" part, or the game will automatically apply a random EA bot bottom. "No Hair" is simply an option that allows bald bots, if that is what you wish.

    FemmeBot M-Cekc (Alice)


    LS_FemmeBot Model M-CEKC.zip

    Based on EA EP11 Future Suit and Black Widow boots by Ms Blue @TSR. Alice was an early one piece chassis, and as I was still developing the bot chassis, bone structure in the feet is not good. This failing was corrected in later models, and I plan to upload a newer version of Alice when I have time., as well as a couple of other models.

    Alice Accessory Eyepatches

    There is right and left in one zip. They are accessory eyeglasses, and work with eyeglasses sliders. They also work on regular Sims.



    FemmeBot V5000 A-1 Body


    LS_FemmeBot5000 BodyA-1.zip

    V5000 uses textures based on the EA EP11 Future Suit. She also is one of the chassis that needs updating, but who knows when I get to that?

    FemmeBot AVO4CEKC M5-X3


      LS_FemmeBot AVO4CEKC-M5-X3.zip

    FemmeBot AVO4CEKC M5-X4


    LS_FemmeBot AVO4CEKC-M5-X4.zip

    Both bots are based on EA bot parts and some EA textures.

    FemmeBot V-Max V4


    LS_FemmeBot V4 Body.zip

    Chassis based on EA and my custom body parts.

    FemmeBot EDI V1


    LS_FemmeBot EDI V1.zip

    Based on 3D model on Pack 3D Models

    FemmeBot Samus Aran Zero-Suit


    LS_FemmeBotSamusAran-ZeroSuit Body.zip

    Original mesh and textures, with detail textures borrowed from a model which I cannot find the link

    FemmeBot D.Va


    LS_D.Va FemmeBot.zip

    Based on TS4 outfit by Gummy at TSR

    FemmeBot Asuka Langley V1


    LS_FemmeBotAsukaLangleySoryu Body.zip

    An original mesh and textures based on various online pics

    FemmeBot Asuka Langley V2


    LS_FemmeBot AsukaLangleyEvangelion Body.zip

    An original mesh and textures based on various online pics

    FemmeBot Sexy Robot


    LS_FemmeBot SexyRobot.zip

    An original mesh based on "Sexy Robot" by Hajime Sorayama


    FemmeBot Hair


    LS_FemmeBot Hair 104.zip                    LS_FemmeBot Hair 106.zip                    LS_FemmeBot Hair 107.zip


    LS_FemmeBot Hair 116.zip            LS_FemmeBot Hair 117.zip

    These are FemmeBot hairs and do NOT work on regular Sims! They are found in the "arms" section of the bot shop.

    I will be adding links to the originals, so you can enjoy them on your regular Sims.


    I will be uploading more as time permits... Thank you!





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