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Files posted by Jim_UK

  1. I needed slave collars for some screenshots and couldn't find any wearable ones so quickly put this together, all it does is make slave collars playable and puts some in a box next to the gas station in Goodspings, see image.
    Put ESP in your Folder, enable with your chosen mod manager.
    This mod is as is, I won't be doing anything else with it. 
    Permissions, do what you like with them.
    72 0
  2. Updated to 1.2 now sandboxes while waiting.
    This adds a companion called "Precious" to the Goodsprings pub, those who freqent the Nexus New Vegas Imageshare will probably know who she is. Those who don't can find out by going to my profile picture tab over there, there you'll find plenty of pictures as well as comics and links to larger comics. Not that you need to know anything about her to use her. 
    Mojave Delight by Glosshouse.
    Eyelashes New Vegas by Throttlekitty.
    (Optional) Mojave Delight Coolhair Replacer will improve hair texture.
    Suggested sources for clothing....
    Kristinas Closet for Type 3 and Breeze by jonas
    Rivens Goodsprings Vendor_Plus Mannequins

    Install the two required mods, the esps don't have to be enabled but the assets must in your game. 
    Drop the esp from this into your data folder.
    Enable the esp from this with the manager of your choice, not the games own launcher, it's crap.
    Travel to the Goodsprings Pub and she'll be wondering about in there.
    To Uninstall...
    Delete the esp.
    That's it. 
    Q, Does she have a companion Wheel? 
    A, Yes and it works.
    Q, Why is NMM/FOMM/My cat telling me it's ESM when the extension says ESP?
    A, The master flag is set to avoid a possible head/body texture mismatch that can happen with custom NPCs.
    Q, Is she also playable?
    A, Yes but she only has one set of eyes and hair, you'd have to add more if you want a different look.
    Q, Is she voiced?
    A, No, being a guy I can't do it and my better half being as supportive as ever didn't want to know. 
    cgy95 for his great Video tutorial
    Rexus3, Brigand231, FastBlackCat and Angrod88 for testing.
    Glosshouse and Throttlekitty for assets that make this possible. 
    And a special shout out to all those in the imageshare who over the last two years plus have commented, supported and endorsed my stuff, you guys have been great. 
    Permissions: Ask, I'll probably say yes, I just don't want her turned into a mutant or hooker.
    1,055 0
  3. This is a quick guide on how to create a custom race in the GECK, the PDF file is a rip of the page I uploaded the Tutorial to which can be found here. 
    It would be easier to follow the guide on that page, this is those who want to access to it offline or if any of the images are missing on that page.
    42 0
  4. This changes Veronica so she uses eyes and a face texture from Mojave Delight. The main file leaves her face structure alone so she still looks like the character Obsidian designed, the alternative file makes her look very different. 
    Requires Mojave Delight or at least the assets from it. 
    The master flag has been set on the esp to stop any weird texture mismatches.
    Credits. zzjay for her Megaton Hairs
    Do what you like with it but be sure to credit zzjay for the hair. 
    119 0
  5. Companion Idles..... 
    Adds idle animations for Boone, Gannon, Cass, Veronica and Raul. The idle animations have been added to FollowplayerDEFAULT and FollowplayerLONG, I've left everything else alone as they're flakey enough as it is and I don't want to mess with them.
    What does this do? When companions are following and you stop instead of your follower just standing there dead still staring ahead an idle animation will be played. Mostly it's subtle movements but enough to keep them looking alive. They'll fidget, scratch themselves or whatever. This is compatible with "Companion Sandbox Mode" by Povuholo. 
    Drop the Comp_Idles_NV.esp in your data folder and check it off in the laucher.
    Uncheck in the launcher, delete the esp.
    As with all mods be sure to make a save before installing. It's been tested with a custom companion and Boone, neither exploded so it should be fine. 
    Do what you want with it, if you can improve on it then please do. 

    377 0
  6. Look Poses.
    This is something I threw together quickly to make the dialogue shots in my comic strips seem a little more natural, all these "poses" do is angle the head in various directions, it makes it easier to get NPCs to look at each other in shots, it's also handy for conversation shots between short and tall characters. These are far from fantastic but they do a job. I made these for something I was doing but now they're made I might as well share them in case anyone else finds a use for them.

    The character on the right is the player character. 
    Drop the contents of the rar file into your game folder and enable with the manager of your choice.
    Delete the esp and the "Jims" folder from Meshes\characters\_Male\idleanims
    To use:
    For the player character go into third person, open the console, type TFC and hit enter, now type Player.playidle xxxx (xxxx) being the name of whatever pose you want, for 
    example to look left enter player.playidle left. To reset the pose use player.playidle reset.
    For NPCs, face the NPC, open the console, click on the NPC so their name appears at the top of the screen, type TLIK to turn off the head tracking, then playidle xxxx, again with the xxxx being the name of the pose you want to use, to put them back to normal use playidle reset on them. 
    These can be used with facial expressions, just be sure to do the facial expressions first, they cannot be used with other poses. 
    Jonas66 for his fantastic tutorial
    Cormell for testing them
    Permissions: Consider them a resource, use and share as you see fit as long as you don't charge money.

    69 0
  7. Requires the assets from http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42835/?. You don't need to have its esp enabled, just the assets in your game.
    General stuff...
    This is graphically intense and may suffer from low frame rates on lower spec machines, your game must be 4GB enabled.
    The entrance is a trap door between the Goodsprings pub and store. 
    The Navmesh isn't perfect but there are no real serious problems.
    There are invisible walls around the rocks to keep NPCs from getting stuck on them.
    If you use a mod that adds rain then it will rain indoors, this is an engine issue present since Morrowind
    NMM will tell you this is an ESM, the master flag was set to correct navmesh oddities. 
    The lights are on a timer, if you first arrive at night and everything is dark then wait 24 hours, that will get the script started and the lights will switch on and off as intended after that.
    The evenings are slightly longer than standard, I'm a sucker for sunsets.
    This mod is released "As is", no further development will be happening, you are however free to improve upon it.
    Golden Gecko  lordinquisitor http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40865/?
    Ark of the Covenant lordinquisitor http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40953/?
    Potions jbvw for the creation and sharing of her mod and resource Alluring Potion Bottles v3 by jbvw http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/33531/? ported by lancemorgan
    http://www.myfreetextures.com/ for many of the textures
    http://soundbible.com/ wave sound Recorded by Mike Koenig 
    Building Resource by ITOS http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42835/
    Glass and Beer Bottle Lady Sinestro http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54536/?
    https://www.texturecrate.com pool table top texture 
    http://sweetsoulsister.deviantart.com/art/Brushed-Metal-Silver-Texture-145936387 Silver pool table texture
    Riff http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49744/? for the wardrobe model
    Rez for the bed model
    Brigand and ArekkusuStorm for testing, thank you, it's appreciated.
    If I've missed anyone then please let me know.
    Usage... This can be treated as a modders resource.  Please include the Island Credits.txt in your mod, that will cover credits for the textures used on many items.

    353 0
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