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Everything posted by Moonsie

  1. I saw last week TurboDriver (the creator of WickedWhims) was being extra hate mob shitty on Twitter. Just shy of directly telling others to tell ColonolNutty to unalive himself. I speak up when I see it and just wanted ColonolNutty to know most ppl who use sex mods aren't puritan social justice hypocrites. The WickedWhims group want to eat their cake and have it to. Ironically EA hates them for the same reasons WW hates every and themselves. I only mention this incase the lack of updates has anything to do with them and their Tumblr lynch mobs weighing on you. They're not worth the excess energy. You have a better mod than them, hell you have multiple better mods than theirs because you're not a one note song. Rest up and be well. PS: Wicked Whims is so far gone now since the HS update it's permanently removed A.) Teen Sex, B.) Incest Trait, and C.) Polyamorous Trait
  2. Just to add my experiences since the July 26th, 2022 update. DD worked for maybe a week then errors started slowly trickling in. Currently I can't get sex going for more than 30secs or so before errors end the sex session. On top of that if I use Submission or Domination without the sex experience maxed out it falls into this feedback loop of forcing experience until the game crashes. And even then it sometimes happens even if all parties are maxed out of sex experience. Another issue I'm having isn't so much DD as WW and how it operates with the Noir and Dark Sims Pornstar Cock v6(Newest version). It only works with DD now, no longer WW. Not sure if that's useful information or not.
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