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Everything posted by Elerneron

  1. I suppose I can understand previous experiences coloring the perceptions of a new game. I for one wasn't very impressed with FO3, it was okay, but I got bored with it quickly. When FONV came out I fell head over heals for it and played it for like ever. The Tale of Two Wasteland mod was the only thing to get me back into FO3. I loved Oblivion, but I loved Skyrim more . . . I think I played Morrowind a bit back in the day, but at the time I hated first person games too much to give it a real chance. I prefer any Fallout Game over any Elder Scrolls game, but that is because I prefer Science Fiction settings over Fantasy settings. This might make it seem like I just like new things, but I hate The Sims 4, while I love The Sims 3 . . . I loved Mass Effect, hated Mass Effect 2, and thought Mass Effect 3 was meh . . . I loved Dragon Aged, absolutely abhorred Dragon Age 2, and am ambivalent toward Mass Effect: Inquisition . . . so I guess it isn't that. A side thought, I just realized that my love affair with Bioware RPGs is on the rocks. After the glory of Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age; their newest releases have all fallen short. So with that as a yardstick, I guess I better understand where people who dislike FO4 are coming from. I hope I wasn't offensive in any way.
  2. You know something doesn't jive with me: Fallout 4 received record sales figures. Now it could be that a lot of people bought the game that didn't end up liking it I suppose. That leads to the question, since the majority of the sales were through Steam, and they have a guarantee on the game why didn't the haters return the game for a refund? Then there's the fact that FO4 broke the record for the number of people playing a Non-Valve game on Steam. Maybe that was just a bunch of people figuring out that they hated the game all at the same time? If that's the case, that's quite a coincidence. It also has consistently high reviews pretty much across the board. Bethesda is calling it their most successful title to date, and the numbers support that. So anyway my point it that there are all the indications that Fallout 4 is an excellent game; and my personal feeling is that it is the best game that Bethesda has ever made . . . so why do I see so much more negative things about the game on the various forums than I see positive things? Are the others who love the game afraid of being called Bethesda Apologists? Are they intimidated by the vitriol of those who hate it? Let's face it, some of the FO4 haters are . . . violently opposed to the game. WTF is going on? Where are my fellow FO4 fans?
  3. I uploaded my Nude skins for the sims 4 via the Downloads section, but they appeared in the Mods Support Forums instead of the Mods Forum. Is this intentional? It doesn't seem correct, so I thought I would check.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    These were the first true skins with anatomical correctness that I am aware of made for the Sims 4. Simply extract the .zip file, and put the .package file into your Sims 4 mod folder. Any time they are naked the bits will show. These are textures only, they do not remove the censor mosaic. See below for a link to that mod. Required / Recommended Mods: If you want to see the details when they are bathing, you need a mod to remove the censor mosaic. There are several of them out there. I use moxiemason's Mod at MTS. If you want the sim naked while they are not bathing, you need some invisible clothing. I use Snaitf's . You can use any iteration of CAS to put them in the invisible clothing (creating a sim, planning clothes using the dresser, etc.). You need to click the x on the category type for the invisible clothes to show up. If you have none of the above you will NEVER SEE THESE TEXTURES! For Comparison: Standard Skin: Shiny nipples, genital are sort of a mess. A clumsy first attempt. Mk2 Skin: More natural, imperfect nipple shape. Genital with prominent clitoris. Mk2.5 Skin: Nipples cloned from Maxis Male skin. Genital with prominent clitoris. Mk3 Skin: Nipples cloned from Maxis Male skin. Genitals are a simple cleft, clitoris and labia are hidden. Only use one skin replacement. Do not try to use more than one, as load order will determine which you will see . . . I think.
  5. View File Elerneron's Female Nude Skins These were the first true skins with anatomical correctness that I am aware of made for the Sims 4. Simply extract the .zip file, and put the .package file into your Sims 4 mod folder. Any time they are naked the bits will show. These are textures only, they do not remove the censor mosaic. See below for a link to that mod. Required / Recommended Mods: If you want to see the details when they are bathing, you need a mod to remove the censor mosaic. There are several of them out there. I use moxiemason's Mod at MTS. If you want the sim naked while they are not bathing, you need some invisible clothing. I use Snaitf's . You can use any iteration of CAS to put them in the invisible clothing (creating a sim, planning clothes using the dresser, etc.). You need to click the x on the category type for the invisible clothes to show up. If you have none of the above you will NEVER SEE THESE TEXTURES! For Comparison: Standard Skin: Shiny nipples, genital are sort of a mess. A clumsy first attempt. Mk2 Skin: More natural, imperfect nipple shape. Genital with prominent clitoris. Mk2.5 Skin: Nipples cloned from Maxis Male skin. Genital with prominent clitoris. Mk3 Skin: Nipples cloned from Maxis Male skin. Genitals are a simple cleft, clitoris and labia are hidden. Only use one skin replacement. Do not try to use more than one, as load order will determine which you will see . . . I think. Submitter Elerneron Submitted 03/21/2016 Category Skintones
  6. According to Steam, I last played on 2/17/2016 and have played for 294 hours. That would be a LOT higher if I hadn't decided that I didn't want to keep rebuilding my settlements as the Spring Cleaning and Homemaker mods were in flux. As it is I'm waiting for the release of the G.E.C.K. in April for the mods to become more permanent before resuming serious play. In my opinion, this is the best game I've ever played from Bethesda. Now, I'm not an apologist . . . there are several glaring issues with the game. I suppose I don't see some of them because of my play style. For instance I always play the "good guy" so I don't get to be frustrated at the lack of "evil" options. It's the settlement building part of the game that has really won me over. I'm a Sims player that is pissed off at the Sims 4 though . . . so that might have something to do with it. That and the fact that I'd love someone to make an actual RPG/Lifesim game, and this is one step closer. I really want to see a game that combines the elements of Bethesda RPGs with elements of a Sims Lifesim . . . preferably with generational play. That would be my dream game.
  7. Hello, I'm Elerneron. I am more of an indy game maker than a mod maker . . . I've made only 2 mods (SexOut SexKey and Nude skins for Sims 4), while I've worked on (but never finished) dozens of game ideas. It isn't likely that any mods or games that I make will be appropriate for this venue give the community rules, but one might slip out that doesn't violate the rules. If that happens I will gladly share it.
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