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Everything posted by Vortec

  1. Forgive me if it's been brought up, but i noticed Seasons of Skyrim requires ENB 2.62, I still use Realvison 2.79 can i (we) use the New Enb 3.3 with the older presets?.
  2. Hope you get well soon. Maybe come to chat room 8ish tonight if your up to it...i liked your Twitch TV presentation last week:).
  3. Is Books Glow mod added for Legacy? or is it me.
  4. Quick question about the SpinIni. Does it only work for that specific MO profile or is it a global setting that affects all other's?.
  5. If your a newb to Modding Skyrim...Anatriax did all the hard work so you don't have too
  6. Quick question about your SKSE tutorial, you mentioned to move it in your Load Order. Be helpful to know where in the Load Order, others will ask.
  7. One opening left
  8. I haven't seen Ana's playlist yet but you Will need Unread Books Glow as you will be collecting books...an awful lot of Books
  9. If i remember right Legacy of the Dragonborn will detect other content mods..so need to install those first...do not install MoonPath too Elsewhere as its already included, Airship Dev is included too albeit watered down. I cannot reiterate at how huge this mod is, i started it at Lvl 0 from Live another life too Solitude's docks...i'm at lvl 97 now with most major vanilla quest lines done and i'm still doing Legacy quests...last major one was the Rkund/Planetarium quest
  10. That's an old recommendation thats not even in ENB 2.79 eg. Realvision
  11. Also for TesEdit are the Merge Plugin scripts going to included in this guide or is the recommendation for the Merge Plugin Standalone?.
  12. Doh...keep getting double qoutes. I thought it was best practice to not put any mod in the Skyrim directory as Mod Organizer handles all that. You can install Tesdit anywhere on your drive....just need to point MO to the exe
  13. Sorry if i'm derailing you. Citrus Heads on LoversLab http://www.loverslab.com/topic/33142-citrus-heads-high-poly-heads/
  14. Do you use Citrus Heads?, been using it past year now.
  15. Lol every HDT setup i've tried had random Boob spaz, haven't tried the Neko one though. The one i lniked too nexus has finger and vagina XML in the options. I just noticed that Nexus one doesn't have the UNP option anymore. Since 80% of my outfits are CBBE i'm sticking with it for now.
  16. For HDT i've been using Bounce and Giggles, confusing download page for sure but is highly customizable http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59416/?
  17. Yea avoid CNET at all costs, i was going to ask which version of Skeleton your recommending. I keep reverting back to either version 2.5 or 2.7 as i've found that the newer version were spamming the papyrus logs a lot.
  18. Hi Ana, i was wondering if are going to do something similar to what this guy did. Using merged plugin he created an all in one esp merging a lot of bug fixes into one- i used it in this play through and it worked well. Its called Bug Fix merged http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72534/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D72534%26preview%3D&pUp=1 it contains To Quote; Most of the bug fixes were from when game first came out. That's why it should be place at top of load order. Since that time many, but not all, have been incorporated into other mods. Put them all in there, this way if there's a fix not corrected by another mod, then you are covered. And if a bug is incorporated into another mod, then the bug fix in this is overwritten by that mod. Here's the list: Appropriately Attired Jarls-23793-1-1-1 Brawl Bugs - Compatibility Edition-24020-1-0 Clothing and Clutter Fixes - LEGENDARY-43053-1-3 Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition-47327-2-0-0 Dead Body Collision Fix Improved Fireball Spell-30947-v2-4 Enchantment Reload Fix-52717-1-2 Invisibility Eyes Fix v2-23916-2-0 Paralyze-34108-1 Smart Souls 90-14559-9-0 Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade-34093-5-1 Realistic Ragdoll_Medium_Force-601-1-9 Ghostly Invisibility-36185-1-0 Grass and Ground Fixes-13212-3-1 Lava Imagespace Fix-21787-1-0 Logo removal Missing in Action - Dialog Condition Removed-31360-1-0 Nightingale Portal v1-2-9207-1-2 No Muffle Effect-36185-1 No stretching USKP compatible -26126-2-2 Orc female idle FIX-25495-1-0 Orc Vampire Eye Fix poteme crash fix-23694-1-0 SafetyLoad 1_2-46465-1-2 Soul Cairn Runtime Error R6025 Fix-41411-1-0 Soul Trap Hit Effect Fix-37514-1-0 Summerset Fix-29756-1-0 Sunhallowed Compiled script-26873-1-0 Unbound DremoraBegone-9798-1-0 Vampire Gauntlets Fix-38400-1-0 Volunrrud Genealogist-27381-Final I am in no way confident of merging scripted mods lol, was wondering your take?
  19. Sorry should have clarified i'm still using 2.79 Realvision. Just wondered how well the new ENB is.
  20. What are your thoughts regarding the new ENB binary?. Supposedly helps game performance with new settings
  21. Hi Anatriax, would it be ok too join this thread?. I think it's a very good idea developing wise, as modding this game isn't easy.
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