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Elf Prince

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Posts posted by Elf Prince

  1. Yes, since VirtualInstall requires the Skyrim game root, it is the best to install it on the same drive.

    Anyway when you use the multi-hd mode, you can save space by selecting the VirtualInstall folder to be on a different drive from the game's one, so you'll get all the heavy textures and meshes on it (but also keep in mind that if you put those files on a slow HD, then you could get slow downs while in game).

    Problem is, there as some files that won't work using this system, or at least not for everyone (.esp, .esm, .exe and some other), that's why you'll need to setup that NMMLink folder that NMM will use as a container for all those files that needs to be located on the same hard-disk as the game.

    Virtual Install should be set on the drive where you want the files to be physically installed (this must be on the same HD as the game (or better where mod files are usually installed), or anywhere if you use multiHD).

    If you enable MultiHD mode, you must set the Link folder on the drive where the game is located (or better where the game's Data folder is located), you select a path, NMM will automatically add to it {GameName}/NMMLink

  2. Thanks for a nice words ritual.

    I've been studying a lot about NMM, troubleshooting, mod testing and similar things. I believe that new NMM "makeover" will be a major improvement in NMM's stability and mod's behaving (installation/uninstallation) and profile management. Can't wait to see it.

    Anatriax is a female :o??? Didn't know that. :D Surprise surprise.

    As for multi HD option,it's still in "Beta" development. Not very stable but it works. (that's what I red).


    Forgot to say that beside NMM research, I'm very busy with my Sims 3 projects. The new one is about incest :ph34r: Working together with a friend of mine from LL.

  3. 1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

    NMM like MO has categories. I am not sure why this us so useful for some and why people spend so much time on creating categories. I ask (politely :)) because you went through and created custom categories for your selected mods. It might be something that I might want to look deeper into. I have played with categories even way back when I used NMM but never really "saw a reason" for it. Could be I wasn't using it to the greatest benefit as I at that time had usually less than 100 mods installed at any time.

    What are the benefits and if there are any, what are the drawbacks?

    Ok. here is the example. Maria Eden prostitution mod wasn't uploaded to Nexus. So NMM can't tag it and place it under specific category. I know, this (Nexus) policy is "stupid" but it is as it is. Since MEP is not tagged by Nexus, NMM can't place it in proper category. So, it place it in Undefined category, like all other mods that aren't uploaded to Nexus. So Since MEP have several additional mods, creating a new category is good because you can have all MEP mods in one category instead of in Undefined with others. It helps you to access your mods much faster and manipulate with them as you want.


    The good thing in NMM is that once you move certain mod to other category (even newly created) NMM remembers it so when you install a new NMM version from the scratch, it will hold all mods into their categories unless you uninstall those mods and reinstall them. I mean, the mods that aren't uploaded to Nexus.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Click Yes, to allow Nexus Mod Manager to sort your mods using predefined categories.


    ^ (for you Elfprince) Someone created a pretty good page for reference. I know you collect them so I thought I'd add this to your collection, just created :)

    Not sure how to do it now, years ago it was just clicking somewhere (can't remember where lol) in the catagories and selecting "new" then placing the name you desire and then selecting mods for the new category

    Thanks for the tip ritual. The tip you showed is what NMM does on the first install for every new game added to be scanned by NMM. When NMM recognized a new game installed and added to NMM scanning system, it offers sorting categories for the player according to the existing mods present on Nexus. All later categories (none existing) has to be added manually. For instance. I had to add new categories for Maria Eden Prostitution and RCOTS. :)


    Thanks for the page link too. I copied some tips from it to my OP and still checking on it from time to time. It is good to have it. :)

  5. 14 hours ago, Anatriax said:

    Mr Elf Prince, is there a way to make custom categories in NMM? I'm using for FO 4 (v0.61.16) and I'd like an "Armour" and "Armour Mod" categories as separate.

    Yes there is. Just open NMM and rightclick on any Category. A new menu will show up. Add a new category and rename it as you wish. :)  See the picture:

    P.S. Sorry for late answer. I was so occupied with soe other stuff + had to reinstall FF.

    2016-04-17 09_15_17-Program Manager.png

  6. Spoiler

    by Carlos on Wed 25 Nov 2015, 05:18


    This small introduction will be about "FPS" in Sims 3 and why it can be important. "Frames per second" (or FPS) describes the number of images that are displayed consecutively, and in one second. The term is used in areas such movie making/filming, video broadcasting and in computer graphics. The average computer will be capable of rendering (i.e. "keeping up with") refresh rates of about 60 FPS; more modern and higher-end machines may be capable of doing a bit more. 

    Now, a piece of software might be running at more frames per second than your computer is capable of keeping up with.

    Regarding The Sims 3 it is possible that for some users, the refresh rates can become dangerously high, possibly leading to screen distortions, game crashing/freezing, computer shutdowns or even hardware damage. See this example here from my own computer (I only made this screenshot for illustration purposes):


    It's not easily visible, but in the top left corner, you can see the number "218". This refers to the frames per second, and was recorded using Razer's GameBooster. This number is ridiculous and should not be that high. There can be cases however, in which the frame rates of players can be even higher than that.

    Unlike many other modern games, The Sims 3 does not come with a (proper and functioning) system of synchronizing the frames of the game, to match your system's capabilities. For the majority of players in Sims 3, the following part of the options-menu will probably be the default setting:


    "Enable Fullscreen mode" marked + the "Screen Refresh rate" with whatever setting is available in your cases. But that doesn't seem to do much to address the issue I described above. It is still possible that despite these settings, the game will attempt to render many more FPS, than your computer is capable of doing under normal circumstances. So what to do now ?

    1) As I myself have an NVIDIA graphics card, I can use an option in the NVIDIA control panel to "force" the game to use a certain number of FPS. If you also have an NVIDIA graphics card, right-click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.


    On the left, click on "Manage 3D settings". Under select a program to customize, choose the TS3W.exe. If it doesn't seem to show up for you, try creating another desktop shortcut to the TS3W.exe, by using the "add"-button in the NVIDIA Control Panel, right next to Sims 3 in my screenshot. The file will be typically located in C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin. Or C:\Program files(x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin, if you have it on Origin.

    Back to the NVIDIA Control Panel, scroll down a bit until you see the "Vertical Sync" option. Unfold the drop-down menu by clicking the symbol in the right. Choose ON from the drop down menu. I have not tested the other options which could work too, like "Adaptive" and "Adaptive half refresh rate", but choosing "On" should do the trick in most (if not all) cases.

    This procedure will synchronize the frame rate of the game, with the frame rate of your computer/screen. And should hopefully help solve some issues with crashes/lags/freezes/shutdowns and whatnot.

    Tip: as this problem with the excessive frame rendering can occur in a number of other games too (for example The Sims Medieval), it might be helpful to configure the V-sync setting "globally". See this here:


    If you turn on V-Sync "globally" in the NVIDIA control panel, then this setting will be applied to ALL your installed applications. So by default, V-Sync will be turned ON for all apps. You could then of course make exceptions, by going to the next tab, and configure individual settings for certain programs.

    2) For those of you having AMD graphics cards, try the following. Right-click on the desktop and select "Catalyst Control Center". Navigate to Gaming -> 3D application settings. You could also type "vertical" in the search box in the top left. You should get here:


    Scroll down to "wait for vertical refresh", and push the slider all the way to the right. Click on "Apply" at the bottom of the window to save the settings. 

    Keep in mind that these "vertical sync" tweaks will only work if you play the game in fullscreen mode ! Another alternative could be for you to go without these graphics card tweaks, and then playing the game in windowed mode. Just unmark the box named "Enable Fullscreen mode" in the options menu, and confirm the setting.

    In my case, after applying the setting shown in the NVIDIA Control Panel, the FPS never went higher than 60, in-game. Some might ask now if third-party frame limiters can help here too, but I have not looked into that yet.


    • Like 1
  7. Very useful quide


    by J.T.

    Hello simmers,

    Many of us have experienced a common problem: corrupted saves (which may lead to crashing and so on). This is the most dreaded of all and there are nearly no solutions for fixing this. Luckily, there are some tips for you to save the corrupted saves (if you don't know how to apply the mods shown below, visit http://www.games4the...ckage_files.pdf):

    (1) Download Porter from www.nraas.wikispaces.com and apply it. Follow the following instructions:
    1. Pause the game during Live Mode.
    2. Click on the map tag or the roof of an occupied lot, and use the "NRaas \ Porter \ Pack" interaction
    3. Specify the households and sims you wish to pack.
    4. Name your Porter family and save it
    5. Return to the Main Menu and start a new town
    6. Select an existing household to initially play (it must be an existing family)
    7. Pause the game and locate an empty house
    8. Click on the map tag or the roof of the unoccupied lot, and use the "NRaas \ Porter \ Unpack" interaction
    9. From the listing select your Porter family
    10. Wait.
    11. Go to Edit Town and switch to the household that you have just unpacked.
    Note: After using "Pack": Do not enter "Edit Town" without first unpausing. If you do not unpause, the "Return To Game" button may be missing from the "Edit Town" window.

    (2) Go to Edit Town and click on the household you are playing. Afterwards, choose "Save the household to library". You can either save the house along with the household or just the household. And then you can start a new save with the same household without losing all the progresses with your households.

    If you are constantly receiving crashing (or Error 12) from these corrupted saves, you can either

    (3) Download Traveler from www.nraas.wikispaces.com and apply it. Teleport your sims to another town with this mod.

    (4)  If your pc is 32-bit and has more than 3 GB RAM installed, allow your pc to allocate more memory. Type "Dixdiag" and hit "Enter" when you open up the Start Menu. The value after the line "Memory" is your pc's RAM. If you have more than 3000MB RAM. Allowing more RAM to be used by The Sims 3 by running "cmd" (command prompt) as Administrator.
    When cmd pops up, try the following:
    If you have 3072 MB of RAM installed, type bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2560 and hit "Enter".
    If you have 4096 MB of RAM installed, type bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 3072 and hit "Enter".
    After that, restart your computer.

    (5) Save your save-file as a new game (so you have a backup in case something goes wrong). Load the TravelDB.package in C:\Users\(your computer name)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves\_.sims3 using S3PE. Select all the _IMG files within the package and delete them. Save the TravelDB.package.

    (6) You can also alter your saves in this way to prevent crashing and Error 12:
    1. Save your save-file as a new game (so you have a backup in case something goes wrong).
    2. Load the NHD file using S3PE
    3. Select all the SNAPfiles within the package and delete them: At the bottom make sure the boxes for Display Names and Tags are checked. Also at the bottom, fill in "SNAP" in the Tag field (without the quotes)
    4. Press the Set button, you'll see the SNAP field gets copied into the box below it
    5. Tick "Filter Active". S3PE now only shows you SNAP resources
    6. Highlight any of the resources and press Ctrl+A
    7. Wait (patiently, depending on your system and the number of SNAPs) until S3PE highlights ALL the SNAPs
    8. Press the Delete button on your keyboard
    9. Save the NHD file.

    Other solutions that might help:
    (7) Open the folder C:\Users\(your computer name)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves. Delete any folders that are ended with ".sims3.bad".

    ( 8 ) You can also replace the corrupted save with a backup save by renaming the folder (name of the save).sims3.backup associated with your corrupted save to (name of your save).sims3. Delete the corrupted save that ends with .sims3 before doing so. You will lose some of the progresses.


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  8. I'm sure some or most of you are familiar with Zaira's Maria Prostitution mod. There is an item, a ring in the mod called "Friend of bandits". The ring allows Player to walk among foes and hostile creatures without being attacked and enabling Player to communicate with bandits as they are friendly NPCs as long the Player wears it. It could only be purchased at blacksmiths and it serves to a Player who prostitutes herself to be able to do a prostitution among bandits. I would really love to have that type of ring. I'm not having CK and do not know how it works too. I would truly appreciate if someone would be willing to create it for me. Thanks.

    • Like 2
  9. TEST REPORT ON NMM 0.61.16

    (testing was done with 151 mods and 139 plugins on Windows 7 Professional 64)



    Since the latest version doesn't have major  fixes, I did a basic test:


    1. Upgrading from 0.61.15 went flawless

    2. Installation of full version went flawless

    3. (re)Installation of all mods went flawless

    4. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface". (fixed)

    5. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present. (Can't confirm because I had no problem with it)

    6. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails. (fixed)

    7. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one. (Can't confirm because I have no FO4)

    8. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/". (fixed)


    From now on NMM placing "?" at the end for mods in cases that:

    - aren't downloaded from Nexus (not necessarily for every mod)

    - when mod's author didn't provide (correct) info file or no info file at all

    - when mod is outdated

    - when mod doesn't exit on Nexus any more.


    Warmly recommend for upgrade.


    Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.

  10. NMM 0.61.16 is out


    Warning: This version requires .Net Framework 4.6 (If you're not using Windows 10, you can download it HERE )

    Impact: Minor
    Type: Tweaks&Fixes


    1. NMM will now properly install mod archives where the root folder is "interface".
    2. Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a plugin that's no longer present.
    3. NMM will now provide better feedback when a "Delete Mod" fails.
    4. Fallout4 game mode will now interact with the Fallout4Custom.ini instead of the default one.
    5. The version column will now properly show both the local and the online version, separated by a "/".


    Download: my OP under NMM - downloads (Virus free rar installers): or you can go directly to Nexus: http://www.nexusmods...ds/modmanager/?

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, Anatriax said:

    Elf Prince, you're in the same boat I am. My family has a pretty tight budget, and we have VERY little extra cash...

    ... so I give to the community with my guides and support for them... as well as providing tech support other places when needed. 

    Keep doing what you're doing. 

    What matters is that you WANT and DO give back to the community. Not HOW the giving is done. 

    Thanks for encouraging words.

    • Like 1
  12. I truly wish to (financially) support this site and LL and some others that I like. It really makes me sad that I'm financially incapable to do it. Sometimes I feel like parasite; enjoying in great blogs and downloads but can't do anything to support people like you guys, the great mod makers. :(

  13. 1 hour ago, AlleyCa7 said:

    Hello everyone. I'm AlleyCa7 and on LoversLab, or VanillaNinja13 on the Nexus. I take screenshots of Skyrim and Fallout 4 and lurk. :)

    I'm so glad you joined the forum... I really love your blogs and pictures. Hope you'll post them a lot. :)

    • Like 1
  14. On 30.03.2016. at 10:22 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    In the UK face sitting and most BDSM content is against the law too.  *shrugs*

    If the face sitting is forbidden in UK, then I'm glad I'm not living there. xD I would probably end up in jail and my gf too because we both love when she sits on my face. ;)

  15. On 30.03.2016. at 6:36 AM, endgameaddiction said:

    Hey everyone. I'm a newb ftw.  I know most of you from either LL or Nexus. It is nice to see familiar faces.  And it's nice to see another adult community. Seems cozy and nice layout. Lovin' the gallery.


    As others around here who are helpful, I'm more than happy to provide help for those that need, if I know how to help them. Still learning with Skyrim, but I have most of Fallout 3 and NV down. I might have some guides/tutorial around that I can throw in if I can find them.


    Nice to meet you new peeps I don't know. Here's hope to this community and prosperity. <o/

    Welcome. I love your screenshots. Wish to see more of them... :)

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