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Everything posted by breezycatz95

  1. Thanks everyone for helping me! I got the game to work now, by uninstalling/reinstalling and modifying mods. Now, the issue I am having is that there are no animations found for the urine/feces consumption in Dirty* Play. Is there an additional download im missing? Please advise. Thanks!
  2. Hi there, This mod is incredibly amazing and I am so looking forward to all of its features!! Unfortunately, I am running into an issue where whenever I click on a Sim and tell them to do an action, the game quits unexpectedly. I do have Wicked Whims installed as well as other mods. However, I tried uninstalling WW and just had DD installed, still the same issue. I also am pretty confident that I have it correctly installed in the right file path (correct Mods folder placement, etc.) It looks so fun, please help Lol! Thanks in advance!
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