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  1. Not sure if you've fixed your issue or not but I've fixed my issue. What I did was the following: 1.) Removed all files linked to Wicked Whims, and MCCC from my Mod Folder. 2.) Moved my Mod Folder onto my desktop out of the Sims 4 folder and then repaired my game through Origin 3.) Started up the Sims 4 so it would create a fresh new Mod Folder and then moved my old folder back. It seems to have so far fixed the game so I can play it again, I haven't tried adding Nisa's Pervasions back into the game again or Basemental Drugs, back yet either.. but I will give it a go and see what happens. Update as needed but so far at least I went from not being able to load up a single household and having nothing to being able to play the Sims 4 again lol.
  2. Yeah, I've been having a similar problem. Have you been getting the load error? are you using WW as well as DD? I noticed after I updated my DD from the previous version that it seemed to coincide with a load error popping up and suddenly everything wasn't registering, no animations, no body parts, no Nisa's Perversions, no Basemental Drugs, etc. I am glad the mod was updated to state that its not compatible with WW or MCCC..now. Does anyone know where I can download the previous version of this mod since that one still worked perfectly fine? or anyone have any idea if Nutty's going to make a patch or something that might let the mod work with other things like Basemental Drugs, and Nisa's Perversions etc? It kinda sucks that all my household playthroughs are now kinda...well unable to work anymore with this change of "Either mod A or mod B.." instead of "Two separate mods working reasonably well together."
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