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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Well, I suppose you don't mind some mod suggestions here for your guide? If so, I have come across this ENB http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73848/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D73848%26preview%3D&pUp=1 and I quite like it so far. Nights and interiors are a bit dark without a light source, but it's not too bad. Although I did raise my fgamma in skyrimprefs.ini to 1.0000, as this ENB suggests.
  2. I doubt it's really an issue native to this guide, so sorry for bringing it up here. ((And I got it to work with another save, but the same game/mod configuration, so.... yeah.)) One issue you might want to mention in the guide is that it's possible to get repeated DNYDOLOD errors. It happened to me. I followed this suggested solution: (Basically, *do* change the output folder and then copy it back into the overwrite folder) https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3nqppp/small_psa_if_youre_getting_repeated/? But as I said, I like your guide a lot. It wasn't always 100% clear to me, but I muddled through it anyway and I am a complete noob at modding Skyrim, so I think you did a great job, Anatriax ^^
  3. I did follow your guide, and it is great, Anatriax. Thank you very much for it, I learned quite a bit about the fundamentals of skyrim modding from it I believe. I am currently experimenting with adding some more tweaks to my setup and have run into problems when I do the vanilla start at Helgen. I understand thats a pretty common problem, I was just wondering if it can even work with your guide. I get stuck just after the dragon lands, my movement controls don't respond and neither teleporting to an NPC or enable player controls or tlc help. As I said, I don't really expect a solution cause it's an infamously scripted part of the game I am just wondering about the experience of other people there.
  4. After installing Phase 7, I get a message upon gamestart. It's from Dual Sheat Redux and says I should run SkyprocPatcher. I did set Dual Sheat Redux jar as an executeable. Guess that will be run during a later Phase of the guide?
  5. Great job, Anatriax. Looking really good so far. Although in Phase 6 you are using: UNP Armor Replacer Package Wouldn't it make more sense to use: Kendo 2's UNP Armor and Clothing Mesh Replacer Fixes 1.0.0 for the mesh files instead?
  6. Hello everyone^^ I am kinda new 'in the scene', be that modding or Skyrim itself. Nor do I even have a copy of Fallout or Morrowind or The Sims. But I do have Skyrim and am pretty interested in it. Well, and mods that make it more beautiful and... interesting. So, to find a start I looked for some guids and found Anatriax wonderful guide about modding Skyrim on Loverslab. And followed her links here. Now I am anxiously awaiting any updates to the *new* guide, while trying to wrap my head around what's going on... or what buttons I have to click to make 'magic' happen. I... probably can't really help anyone, but would totally be willing to should the opportunity arise Hum, aside from that. What to say about me? I am from some small country in europe (germany, it's pretty much right in the middle of it). Hmm, if ever needed I could try and help out with translations, but who knows. I am not that up to date on RPGs, or that well versed in many computer games. I like reading, anime and fantasy quite a lot. Science Fiction/Post-Apo not that much, so no Fallout for me^^+
  7. Hum; I can only agree with Elf Prince here. It is a very interesting read for me, too and am glad that free speech is valued so much here. Just as long as no one gets in legal trouble for it, but it seems you have that well in hand, Kendo2 ^^+ Let's all agree to not push boundaries when it's not needed and stay sensible about it.
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