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  1. Yeh I've posted for help everywhere and personal messages, and NOBODY is repsonding. I too am not about to give Discord my phone number either. The only thing I could learn is that they have a patch 4.3.3 that fixes this problem, since it's a known bug by the DEV. I guess we just have to wait for a public release, however if you (or anyone) find the patch, please post a link via personal message here. Thanks
  2. Does anyone know, or can check Discord, I'm looking for a fix for the error that happens when you go to select any action, and you get the message "the pill container did not specify......" ? Anyone encounter this, and know of a fix? I don't have Discord btw. Thanks.
  3. Hello, What's the fix for the error "the pill container did not specify......" whenever you try any interaction? The only other options I have is 'Dance Here" and "Mast***e Here" Which do work I don't have access to Discord. Many Thanks.
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