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  1. not using it, but looks promising. And it works. Shoud be pinned.
  2. after last game update and DD update i have the same problem. It's like "time" stops for scripts, animations play as long as this happends, other interactions don't start or ar halted too, unless you pause game or hit ESC and wait second or two. Then all plays until it doesn't
  3. Horse Ranch Expansion out now:) Can't wait for DD support
  4. yes, i found that DD 5.10 normal sex have animations to use, but Modules (rape/kink/pet/milking stuff/) can't see the animations. When i check at DD mod menu for available animations, they are there, just not for Modules. any fix?
  5. after update to 5.10 animations are not working. They are loaded but don't get used by DD: Zero animations to pick from, for any DD interaction. before 5.10 all was ok. Only "masturbate" starts but can't pick animations, they start at random.
  6. same here, no animations found when trigering interactions, but when game loads it says 5000 and more animations loaded.
  7. hello, since 5.4, there is : "- Added the DD Prostitution Module - Added lessons for DD Prostitution to the ingame lessons. " and it's not working for me. Computer have option "register" but nothing happends. Does this module have some requirements i fail to notice? thanks in adv.
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