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Vault Girl Creation Journey

PHASE I: Me: (((((((((((((( YELLOW VERTICAL STRIPE))))))))))))))))) AI: HUH? ME: I SAID YELLOW VERTICAL STRIPE! NOT A YELLOW JUMPSUIT! AI: .... ME: Hmm, never mind the stripe, these ones look pretty damn nice... Anyways, let us continue... PHASE II: ME: Okay, I think we're getting better... ME: WHAT! NO! AI: ... ME: I think it's time to alter a few things in the prompt... PHASE III: ME: I think we're get


bjornk in AI


A dump of some AI generated pretty ladies...     In case you're wondering why they are all in underwear, collar etc. that is actually a remnant of my earlier attempts at creating a scene with "a sexy rogue in a tavern" idea. I wanted her to wear a sexy skimpy leather armor but wasn't able to get what I wanted so I decided to switch to lingerie, collars, and leg/arm straps instead, and later on I didn't want to spoil the good results I was getting by removing those descriptions from


bjornk in AI

Tutorial: How to Generate a Face Code for a Mass Effect 1 Character

If you want to recreate your ME1 character from scratch in ME2 by converting slider values into a ME2 face code, here's how to do it. It's very simple, but you need to know what the slider values were for your ME1 character. Note 1: ME2 skips the letter 'O' when generating the face code, in other words when you bring the slider (e.g. neck thickness) to position 24, the game encodes it with the letter 'P' in the face code, instead of 'O' (e.g. M(22)->N(23)->P(24) ). The letter 'O' isn'


bjornk in Mass Effect

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