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A dump of some AI generated pretty ladies...





In case you're wondering why they are all in underwear, collar etc. that is actually a remnant of my earlier attempts at creating a scene with "a sexy rogue in a tavern" idea. I wanted her to wear a sexy skimpy leather armor but wasn't able to get what I wanted so I decided to switch to lingerie, collars, and leg/arm straps instead, and later on I didn't want to spoil the good results I was getting by removing those descriptions from the prompt so I kept them there. Prompts seem to function like a fingerprint of sorts along with the seed, so if you change it drastically you often lose the training up to that point and start to get irrelevant results. You can add more to it, but I'd advise against altering/removing earlier stuff if you've been getting good results with your prompt.

Created by: https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator

Edit: I'm not sure how long the "gallery" provided by the plugin above retain the images posted there, but since some of my earlier stuff already seems to be deleted, I presume it's not very long, a day or two perhaps, so I downloaded them and decided to post them here as an archive for myself and for anyone else who wants to have a look. See the file below if you're interested, it contains 467 images in total (19.7 MB), some of which are the ones above.



Here's a new batch of W-AI-FUs...



Full set (1.35 MB):  NEW_CGI.7z



Edited by bjornk

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