Love your mods! Was sad when you were pushed off WW... but glad to have found you again!
How can you limit certain fetishes but keep others? Hypocritical of them.
Dirty Dolls, Shady Dudes and hilarious dialogue. In other words, a Classic Kendo Comic. Thanks for the early Christmas gift!
"Shut the fuck up, Dennis!"
Thank you!! The classic Batmobile goes straight to the museum. I'm glad to see that you're still here doing things. Classic LS cars! I couldn't ask for more.
Nice mod, Nutty! Very well-documented as well. Wish we had more modders with your organization on this community, finding out what some mods do is such a mess.
Great mod!
Wishlist for me is compatibility with the extreme violence mod, yelling at your slave when not acceptation a command is ok, but after three refusals they need a good slap (or harder)