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JoshQ last won the day on August 23

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    So I was watching a video about ‘non-destructive modeling’ which is a technique that makes heavy use of Blender’s modifiers (for example ‘subdivision’), the advantage is you can make complex shapes from simple ones which saves times and makes editing very easy.

     I “learned” to model the old and hard way so I’m almost used to the pain :P but I gave it a try anyway:

     One downside is that the result is high-poly BUT because it consist of neat face loops reducing the polycount shouldn’t be a problem (‘decimate’ works pretty fine). And of course it still needs the insoles, feet, uv map, morphs, bones, textures, etc. so I think I will have to use “destructive modeling” to complete this one.


    1. ritualclarity


      Choices are a good thing, correct? At least there are options now.

    2. JoshQ



      Absolutely, I like that I keep finding new ways for doing stuff.

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