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Posts posted by endgameaddiction

  1. On 5/25/2022 at 6:21 AM, Ysike79 said:

    Hi All!

    I am searching a mod where I can have sex with "dead" draugr.

    Do you have any idea, where can I find it?

    Thanks in advance.


    Late, but I know there was a modder on LL that made animations to have sex with corpses for SL. I'm not entirely sure that also applied to draugr corpses.

  2. 3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    I agree, some conversations as well as other videos and such make me believe 100% that this is going to happen.

    Just like the youtuber said at 36:37. Trump got the "people's treatment". That is a wake up call. And it has been for independents and even democrat voters. The democrats, mainstream media, and even the left can no longer use the "he thinks he's above the law" card because this just proves they were wrong. He's also right that there is nothing more that I despise than the ruling class are the one's that escape justice every time. These very same politicians that act like they are protecting/defending our "democracy". I mean, isn't it funny that all of a sudden our justice system got it right for the first time by convicting a "politician". Wow! Like are we supposed to believe that now? By the people who have been evading justice from their own corruption. mmmmmkay..... Go find some low IQ leftist. I'm sure they will gladly believe that.

    The justice system always "works" as intended when its convicting the opposition to the regime. 

    • Like 1
    • Yes! 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    I personally don't think he will spend any time in jail and if he does it won't be rikers or anything like that. It would be a white collar prision.

    It would be interesting if they did have him go to prison, in what happened Jan 6th imagine what would happen then?  I don't care what you may or not think of Trump what happened, isn't a prision thing not for a first time offender regardeless. 

    The dems think that they have prevailed by labeling Trump as a convicted felon. But all they did was show their abuse of power. Especially how they would go out and say how "Trump thinks he's above the law". It's not just for the simple fact that what they did is what happens in a banana republic, but we have known for too long how corrupt these people are and how they ARE the ones above the law. And now all of a sudden justice prevails? So for a supposed corrupt politician, now the justice system has worked as intended? The same politicians that have been laundering money, waging wars, putting our nation and our people last, these people are the ones telling me they are the good guys fighting against corruption? Nah, I don't think so. They aren't fooling anyone but the retard TDS leftists. This is how fucking stupid the left is. The very same system they claim to be fighting against is the system that they believe in because that system has lead them to believe Trump is the tyrannical corrupt politician. That and the fact that they hate successful and wealthy people. No one is buying their BS other than the loser supporters that they have that mindlessly believe everything they say.

    The dems have now earned a new perk. The party of weaponizing our judicial system.

  4. 36 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    They don't give a fuck. They want delay and distractions thinking that this will prevent him from being elected. Stupid fucks... This is giving him 1. free publicity and 2. people feelling for him as he is being attacked left and right.  Those that were on the fence will be more likely IMO to side with him now.

    He is an expert at turning shit tossed at him into GOLD and his oponents (and haters) keep on doing it. They just can't resist! Seriously... Are they that stupid? They must be.

    Dems are that fucking dumb when it comes to trying to take down Trump. The only thing they are smart at is committing corruption and treason. Oh, and getting away with it. Along with their spineless RINOs.

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