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Everything posted by ColonolNutty

  1. I guess you could try Sopore instead. Weird that the Eve file was deleted, I wonder why they did that. Maybe it had something to do with the pink bra some people were seeing while using the Eve mod.
  2. Try updating Custom Slider Framework
  3. 1. Check for lastexception.txt filse 2. Check for Exception files under The Sims 4/mod_logs 3. Provide any that you find to me.
  4. Did you also install animations? Links to various animations are available in the Wiki under each Directory item: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/Devious_Desires_Home I've heard of the pink bra thing, but only when someone uses Eve, I wonder if that is somehow related. Drinking milk and feeding milk are locked behind Fetishes, you can either give them the LIKE/DISLIKE for breast milk drinking and breast milk feeding or you can modify them ingame via SHIFT+CLICK on Sim -> DD -> Modify Fetishes. Devious Desires does not complain when its own ts4script file is missing because that is a paradox, DD needs its ts4script file in order to look for its requirements. Take a screenshot of the error dialog instead. I think that will help much more.
  5. DD has no conflicts, if there is one, it is entirely on the WW side.
  6. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Dirty_Play_for_DeviousDesires#Poo_Eating
  7. Update CSF most likely. I've never seen that before.
  8. Because you're missing S4CL. DD don't lie. DD checks for exact names rather than whether they are loaded or not. Take a screenshot of your Mods folder and lets see, I have a strong inkling you installed S4CL incorrectly.
  9. Currently you do this either through the Start Sexy Time cheat interaction or you can start sex and then invite other Sims to join
  10. I recommend using the Cruxmyth Customizations file, he has customized many existing animations. Animators are not adding the tags DD requires to their animations properly. You can blame them for this.
  11. Could be a WW modification doing it. DD only cares if the Sim has a specific buff when the Sim gives birth (and DD is the one that adds it only at a specific time) Update Sims 4 Enable custom scripts in the game settings.
  12. Alot of animators do not properly tag their animations. I highly recommend downloading a customizations file from others in the community, such as the Cruxmyth customizations here: https://discord.com/channels/627906635863425024/785234120926167040/914652902117748786
  13. In v3.9 there is no "Remove" interaction provided by DD. DD has simple interactions under Instant Outfit (If using S4CM) or under Devious Desires -> Nudity These categories are Nude, Underwear, and Outwear. Choosing a Nude interaction will make that body part Nude, Choosing an Underwear interaction will make that body part Underwear, Choosing Outwear will set that body part to normal. If you choose a Nude interaction, it is expected that their body will become nude at that location.
  14. It is because I do not know how to animate. In the Wiki I provide links to animators that DO make animations. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Kinky_for_DeviousDesires#Animations
  15. I highly doubt it is the same issue. If it is, you need to put mod_data straight into the Mods folder, directly into the mods folder, do not change the folder structure of mod_data, do not put it into a sub folder, root level of the Mods folder. Mods/mod_data. There are only so many ways I can say the exact same thing. You should also define "doesn't work", because even if you are missing mod_data, the mod absolutely still works. You might get the "No animations found" message a bunch more than normal, but it definitely works.
  16. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex Start Sexy Time is now under the SHIFT+CLICK menu instead.
  17. Are you sure it is complaining about mod_data ingame? or is it complaining about a missing Requirement from the Requirements list in the description?
  18. Update S4CL You can disable autonomous Rape in the DD Settings. Most things have a toggle in there. SHIFT+CLICK on Sim -> Configure Mod Settings -> DD Settings -> DD Kinky Settings
  19. Join the discord and you can get live support. The installation of DD is extremely simple, you are probably just making an assumption with one of the files or you are missing one of the requirements. I don't know what you mean by Instant Undress, no other people are having issues with this. The very likely cause is another mod causing some sort of conflict or it is your Sim themselves. I'm also not sure what SN is. I'm not sure where you are seeing "Undress shirt" at, DD does not have that interaction. DD interactions for undressing appear under Instant Outfit -> Nude/Underwear/Outerwear or DD -> Nudity -> Nude/Underwear/Outwear and nowhere else. It really sounds to me like "instant nudity" is the problem mod? here. I hate to break it to you, but it definitely isn't DD doing it. I can't help you if you can't tell us what "certain data" DD is saying is missing. Just taking a guess, because it seems to be common, you are likely install Sims 4 Control Menu, rather than the required Mod Settings Menu that DD needs.
  20. 1. If you know about the json files, then you probably installed DD wrong. You should never unpack `mod_data`, just drop it directly into Mods without changing its structure. "Mods/mod_data" 2. If no animations are found, be sure to install animations, you can find links to animations on the Wiki, DD only comes with very few.
  21. Have you enabled custom content in the game settings?
  22. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Dirty_Play_for_DeviousDesires#Features Plus you need animations tagged for PEE_DRINKING
  23. A link to my discord can be found in the description at the top in white text. Next to the Modder part
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