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The Eye

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Everything posted by The Eye

  1. ok, So the mod allows you to breed your sim with animals. It also gives you the option to set the % chance your sim till birth a human or an animal. Well this may just be an issue with the horse DLC, but now even with the setting at 100% animal birth, my sim is still birthing humans. humans and animal (twins?) as well as other horse animals too. i don't mind the additional animals as a surprize but is i set it at 100% animal, why am i getting human babies too? i could just leave it at 50% if i wanted human
  2. I have the same issue and posted about it, no response to it yet with a "solution". as for the icons in the cooking menu... no cue, i think it may be missing icons or coding error. As for your second issue, this isn't a solution, but so far the longest time it took to save a game when your sim pictures disappear is close to 5 min. before the latest patch, having your sim pee outside on the ground would reset everything. Now i just ignore it and carry on. eventually the pictures will come back and you can save like normal. Traveling also causes long delays while the pictures are gone too.
  3. I am having an issue that is likely a mod conflict issue. if so i am hopping someone else knows the conflict or issue causing it. So here it is. randomly my characters pictures will stary to disappear. when this happens when I travel or save the game is can end up taking several minutes. seeming like it the game locks up. but given enough time it will to what it has to and the game continues the same. when the character pics are visible... no delay issue
  4. ok 99% sure I have done something wrong. I have followed the instructions and am almost positive I have not messed up with the instillation. I have the ability to start sex, but no aminations can be found, so no sex happens. any thoughts why? I prefer this sex mod over WW, but i can get that one to work.
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