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Everything posted by toxin_rayn

  1. A bit more would be helpful. Their update (Why are you updating this game when Sims 5 is in the pipe????) Just stop updating and breaking mods already. DD - Fixed These still require updates. Sim Library - Needs Update Dcore - Needs Update ModsMenu - Needs Update CSF Framework - Fine as long as Sim4Library isn't installed, just doesn't work because there is no ModMenu anymore.
  2. Both DD and WW work fine for me even though WW tries to say "Oh no I'm broken! Blaaaaa" Now the only problem is waiting for animations while all the horses run around with their cocks out unable to use them. Haha.
  3. Work back through how you installed DD because it uses every single animation mod I have. And I over 12,000 according to the game when it loads up to which DD uses all of them. I can only refer you to the installation guide and the most important part from it my post above points out.
  4. For all those that get the loading screen of death. Simlib and DevCore have both been updated to 2.8 and 1.8 which nutty does not mention in his installation guide. Download those and no more issues loading into the sim world. For those with animation issues. I dunno, all mine load fine and all animations are in the mod folder. I would suggest you make sure that from your DD download the folder mod_data is also in the mod folder to which nutty highlights drastically to combat this very issue. The real burning question is, how long before I can make my slaves take it from the horses that are now in the game? That's what we all really want to do. Dirty little slaves need punishment and horses should gain temperament skill from pounding them.
  5. I noticed that Nutty just updated the mod. However trying to load into a save or even create a new game. The diamond just spins and spins and won't load the sim world with this mod active. (Yes I have the latest Simlib and Dcore) I noticed your change log said nothing about the horse ranch DLC. I don't give a crap about the weddings one since I don't have that nor care to get it. But I do have the horse ranch and assumed from previous statements that it would have been included in 5.11...? Though the game refuses to load the DD mod.
  6. That's because Nutty is working on Multiple Pack updates that broke after the July 23rd Sims update. Hopefully will be done soon.
  7. Any chance on an update of when DD will be ready? The game really isn't worth playing without it.
  8. You know I looked at this being a possible fix as it usually always is with new update when DD was first updated. Yet I already had version 1.78 of simslib so I didn't download it. Kept getting the same errors as everyone else. After looking at your post I reinstalled the same 1.78 Simlib Mod I downloaded Jun 20th, and no more problems. Just trying to understand how those files got screwed with from a game update when they are in the Documents/sims/mods folder.
  9. Yes we are all getting that, and silence from Nutty as to why.
  10. You Didn't, DD 4.2.5 is broken. And Nutty won't respond to any of us telling him that.
  11. Your update is broken, MCC freaks out as soon as I start the game over DD 4.2.5 with non stop exception errors. The version before this just had screwed up rigging because of WW Fing up that Mod. And for the above message, I get "FOX_WEREWOLF has no attribute" on Repeat from MCC Exception. And no I didn't buy that dumb pack.
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