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Content Consumer

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Everything posted by Content Consumer

  1. They're all good except CCAS, which is absolutely horrible.
  2. It's a good notion though. I once thought of adding this sort of thing to Do You Know Who I Am, but decided against it just because of the work involved. Still, I would like to do something like this eventually. Probably there are other people out there with the same idea too. You might consider learning to mod and doing it yourself. A mod like this won't be particularly difficult to do (mostly just dialogue, very little if any scripting involved), just time consuming.
  3. I'm halfway decent at making quests that work for the player. Just don't look at them in the CK, because they're really quite poorly done. But other than that... dialogue, I guess. Kinda.
  4. Well, you could try putting on makeup. Something non-green, I think. And maybe sunglasses to make your eyes look more human.
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