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  1. Well I hope you are right, my concern is that Bethesda are not really Bethesda any more, they are Microsoft. The decision to change things to make more money is not going to be made by Bethesda game developers / designers it's going to be made by bean counters. Microsoft bean counters. Historically bean counters will make short sighted decisions to make a quick buck now so they can get a good bonus and the long term effects be damned. But I hope you are right, I really do. I think Starfield will be a good indication of the direction things are going to go. On a side note Skyrim SSE was SO much more stable with the switch to x64 and whatever changes they made for F04 - it really stood out when I was modding F04 and the game was still stable (well as stable as a Bethesda game can be).
  2. Well considering what we now know about the actual power of the role of American president (close to zero) it doesn't really matter who sits in the presidential chair. The ball that started rolling during Obama's seat warming has continued to pick up momentum. If you consider how the end of WW2 rewrote entire geopolitical regions and made oodles of money for people in the right place at the right time I can see how certain factions could be interested in rewriting things again after a WW3. Everyone seems to think WW3 will end in a nuclear exchange but that's not a given, if none of the nuclear capable combatants decides to push the button (if sanity prevails somehow) then it's just going to be another hot and nasty war. Actually even if a nuclear exchange did occur it's also not the world ending catastrophe that everyone seems to thing it is. To date there have been ~1030 nuclear weapons detonated, we still dance in the rain (well I do, but only when it's a full moon) and eat the fish. Yes, for the most part, things will change for the worst. although downtown LA would arguably improve, and a lot of people will die, but it won't be the end of the world. Some people might find it better to rule over the ashes of the entire planet than to simply rule the USA etc.
  3. Maybe my googlefu sucks or maybe their are so many "experts" out there that it's getting drowned in the first few pages of results, but I can find no reference to any of this. I doubt they would shoot their big "Starfield" release in the foot by releasing another big title just 4 months after they release Starfield. Also putting that much sexual content into a game is going to get it banned from a lot of countries (Australia, Germany etc.) and get it slapped with the highest possible age restriction that exists (even if it was "locked" somehow), something they would also avoid doing. On a side note you can forget about unpaid mods on the next Elder Scrolls - in fact you will probably see the same pay for mods subscription type thing coming out for Starfield. Every thing is going to be locked down and encrypted and signed with keys etc. and it's going to practically kill the underground modding scene because their content will not be welcome on their curated content store. I really hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.
  4. It has nothing to do with good or bad intentions, and everything to do with making money - if they don't find a better cure before someone else, they will lose money. Money makes the world go round - good or bad very seldom are factors in decisions involving money. At the same time competitors will be looking to discredit other cures to boost sales of THEIR product. Follow the money. No, what is short sighted is thinking only man can create plagues, that only man is cruel enough to do that. Nature is crueler than man will ever be. It's not called survival of the fittest for nothing. Man is a monkey with a screwdriver compared to what nature can and does do. I think you are out of touch with the subject matter - the first solar cells had a 14% efficiency, they are now currently at 47% efficiency. Tesla didn't create the battery, I am a big fan of Tesla but not everything electrical spouted from his godlike forehead. The lead acid battery was created by Gaston Planté in 1860 (yes I looked that up, I had no idea who invented the lead acid battery) and we have come a long way with batteries and battery density since then. I STILL think we have a long way to go though, I agree there, but to say it hasn't changed is wrong. BTW (ironically) Edison DID design a battery called the Nickel–iron battery which was a really awesome battery - but like the long life lightbulb it was quietly discontinued because they lasted forever, can't have things lasting too long (greed again, see first comment) but I fail to see how a rebate would have saved the Edison battery? Our current understanding of chemistry and physics may be what is stopping a huge breakthrough in these areas, no amount of rebates is going to fix that, unless it's a rebate to build the next collider of course.
  5. I'm not in the "West" - I don't have a problem accessing all things Russian or Chinese or pretty much everything. Where I live they heard about censorship but couldn't figure out how to get it working so they just left it alone. It does have it's down side though, we fall outside a lot of TV/Movie licensing areas so if you want to stream half the content out there you need a VPN for that, but then EVERYONE has those issues to some degree, stupid outdated licensing models.
  6. Of course they do, as time passes and more and more people start studying the data it will become blatantly obvious that the current vaccine is not effective enough to justify the side effects. At that point their cash flow is gone. Besides, they are not the only companies looking for it, if they don't find it and patent it then someone else will. Otherwise cash flow gone. Don't forget COVID is the new flu, it's going to mutate every year and just like the flu shot (if you ever took one) you have to get it again every year. As for playing god, we have been doing that for a very, very long time. The dog is our finest experiment. Humans have been genetic engineering the old and slow way since we started planting crops, now we have just found faster ways to speed that process up. I would also like to point out we have had plagues BEFORE we had CRISPR - before we even knew about bacteria and viruses, ones that obviously evolved on their own. We will have them again, it's part of evolution. Bill Gates trying to sound all knowing and wise said "There will be another plague" - yes, of course there will.
  7. The SKSE has nothing to do with sexual content in the game - You can put that content in without the SKSE - it might not have all the bells and whistles though. The script extender does exactly what it's name says - it EXTENDS the number of commands available to SCRIPTS. For example you would not be able to rename things if you didn't have SKSE installed because it adds a function called SetName to all Form objects (ie. everything) and other stuffs like that. A lot of the stuff is just helper functions to make life easier. All mods for the console games can only call scripts that already exist in the game, they cannot introduce their own new scripts. So they can reuse a script that opens a door and makes a noise - but they can't add their own script that opens a door and fire balls you (Although they could achieve the same result via other means in the CK, but I digress) so even if they did add the SKSE functions into the core scripting engine it wouldn't automatically open the door to sexual content on the consoles. If Bethesda are not adding the SKSE functions into the core engine after all this time it's because THEY DON'T WANT THEM THERE. Perhaps they know that the changes would make the game inherently less stable (although I have a hard time writing the words "Bethesda game" and "stable" in a sentence) it might be that the people who built the script engine from the ground up might know more about it than the hackers backdooring functions into the game by injecting code into the running executable. But I might be wrong. That being said I do respect and thank the SKSE guys for their hard work, a lot of really cool stuff would not be possible without their contributions. As for EA and Sims 4 - we are LUCKY to have ANY mods for Sims 4 - you literally have to decompile the fisking game, there is very little documentation and very little in the way of a toolset to help with modding. Sure creating some basic things is made relatively easy, but I think that is about as far as EA actually want people to make mods. They definitely have not made things easy for anything more complicated than a new pair of shoes. Also EA update the game ALL the time, not just for packs or expansions, breaking mods every time they do that. But breaking mods is standard - and can't really be helped, it's a problem with ALL games that allow modding.
  8. Well a certain popular US news site (no names shall be used to protect the guilty) have stopped me commenting by simply logging me out whenever I venture to a news article with a comments section. It was one of the few that actually still allowed commenting (mostly), but it seems censorship is alive and kicking in the land of the free. Trying to make even a slightly "politically incorrect" comment on YouTube is also a waste of time, your comment is silently deleted. I was simply pointing out to someone who said "Russians would never be allowed to read American news websites" that Americans are not allowed to read Russian news websites. Apparently that's "politically incorrect".
  9. The loophole was that they were doing LOSS OF FUNCTION research. The original COVID virus killed 100% of mice, they made one that killed 80% of mice. The made a LESS LETHAL variant of COVID and everyone had a sh*t fit. But why would they do that? WHY? WHY! WHY?! Because if they can make a variant that is completely harmless and completely safe but still teaches our immune system to fight ALL types of COVID then they have made a perfectly safe, and very effective vaccine. Unlike other "vaccines" out there. That's why. This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion by some VERY selective reporting.
  10. Yeah, because that's what everyone needs, a cup of crazy in the morning. You are one retrenchment away from living on the streets, dodging Soylent Green trucks. Is that really a good solution (pardon the pun) to resolving the homeless problem?
  11. I feel sorry for your cops, where I live if anyone approaches a cop with a knife and he tells you to put it down and he refuses to obey that guy is a dead man. No media fuss, no muss, and no court case, it won't even make the news/media/internet. Here you don't f*ck around with the cops. Of course here the crime is way higher, and criminals actively hunt cops for their weapons so the cops tend to be a bit trigger happy to start with so... Of course you also have to wonder about the excessive use of force by some US cops, and maybe these are exceptions - but a fleeing motorist shot 60 times - over 90 shots fired at him, and he wasn't armed, he was just fleeing. Why are they trained to make kill shots? Surely a shot to the leg should be the first shot? I think some reforms in the US police are required, but the solution is not simply getting rid of them.
  12. Ok, everyone needs to take a pill on this one - what they don't mention, clearly for the shock factor, is that the kill rate in the original COVID strain on mice was 100%. So they actually made a LESS lethal version of the original COVID by crossing it with the very mild Omicron variant. The CDC got all in their business and wanted to know why they were doing gain of function research without permission and the university said they weren't - they were doing LOSS OF FUNCTION research. They are trying to isolate what makes the Omicron variant so much less lethal than the original COVID strain, which by making the hybrid 80% variant it seems they are making progress.
  13. Airborne viruses are the most difficult to contain - there is speculation in certain circles that the original gain of function research for the COVID virus was being done at Fort Bragg and escaped, there was a mysterious "vaping sickness" outbreak in the area at the time. It was then offshored to China (because who cares about the Chinese am I right?) although it might have been more because Fauci was ordered to stop work on gain of function research and so just moved it offshore and funded it through other indirect means. The US is currently funding 336 biolabs all over the world, 36 of those are in the Ukraine, some of which have been doing research on diseases in birds with migratory patterns over Russia, make of that what you will. In hindsight it's turning out that the efforts to stop COVID have caused more long term damage than COVID alone would have ever done.
  14. Check you have scripts and custom content enabled in the game settings.
  15. The error is thrown in deviantcore - I suggest you make sure you have the latest one installed. While you are doing that you may as well make sure the sims4communitylib is also up to date.
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