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Blog Comments posted by LadySmoks

  1. 11 hours ago, cooperativecurrant said:

    Will you ever share the Harley cc you have? If not it's totally fine but I was just wondering as you have the best sims 3 cc I have ever seen. The only one to ever come close to comparing was that one sims blog that made the corrupted horse body cc years ago. Their work was also very good but your is even better.

    Thank you for your compliments. If you refer to her outfits in my avatar and my members page, I'm not sure.  There are still a few things with the red and black outfit that I should fix, but just haven't gone back to those files.

  2. On 11/18/2022 at 11:54 AM, Chiiko said:

    Fembots can be edited in CAS using developer code, just like regular sims... Clothes for ordinary sims on fembots look strange, but the accessories look good. It would be possible to save clothes for fembots as accessories, so that after creating a bot, just choose what you want in CAS. Fembots still have to be edited in CAS after being created in a cybermachine to change the size of their breasts and facial features. Thus, at the same time, it will not be difficult to choose "clothes" for them in the accessories section) 

    Sorry I had not seen this until now. The FemmeBot "manual" says that accys can be used. The issue with accy garments for bots is almost the same as for regular Sims. There are limits to vertices counts, and issues aligning bones to avoid clipping. Also, KW doesn't see bots as Sims, and garments don't come off during woohoo. The project got shelved a while ago, but with Denton 47 picking up KW, we'll see what comes of it.

    On 11/18/2022 at 12:03 PM, Chiiko said:

    I also have a question for you not quite on the topic, I've been thinking about asking it for a long time... How to translate a hairstyle for a sim into a hairstyle format for a plumb line? Maybe there are some instructions?

    Send me a PM for this. You need to know Blender, MTK, TSRW, s3pe and GIMP. Those are the tools I use, so I can't help with Milkshape or other imaging programs.

  3. 12 hours ago, JoshQ said:

    You make it sound more elegant than it really was :P I loaded a full body, then I converted the skin to PNG and attached it to the mesh and used the 'soften' brush over the seams on the 'texture paint' workspace, Blender did the rest. The same should be possible to make on Phothoshop (hopefully they tweaked their 3d interface to make it easier to use). This should be possible with any other skin


    Well, I do not know about elegant, but it works, and looks good! One day, I may go back and finish blending the neck seams of the skins I did, using your guidance. They developed a very slight texture seam when I added a slight texture to simulate smal skin variations.

    I imagine it can be done to any skin, even EA Barbie, but the question on LL was, "Is it possible", which it is... with some effort. Um... I'm sort of banned from LL (not that a little thing like that could stop me), so I really don't bother helping anyone there. 🤐

  4. Been quite busy, for quite some time... life... As such, I have been quite neglectful of getting things uploaded, but then again, I kind of always have been. Along with default replacement female NPC's that will work with Denton47's versions of Kinky World, which has a gender switch for some NPC's, I have been working on a few default replacements projects. One being, "The beatification of the future". The project includes garments, and some hairs. It is noted that the replacements do NOT work on the ITF mannequins in the ITF store. Still trying to sort that out, but will make this note in the uploads, which should begin soon. I will also be uploading default garments from basegame, and other EP's. Two things... You will have to have the EP's for the defaults to work, and I did not make basegame conversions for EP garments. I may, and may not find time to do that, but if anyone else wishes to convert them, feel free. I ask that you post your work here, on NSFW, and NEVER on LL. There are reasons I left there, and removed my content from that site. If you need help converting, just ask. 🙂 I am really not that much of a bitch. 😇


    Another thing I saw while surreptitiously perusing THAT SITE, was a question about nude body and texture seams. As I am "banned" by the hesheit, I tend to fly below the radar when there, and generally will not post. But, if Glottis is on NSFW, or for anyone else, the full answer is... It is completely possible, with skins customized to the mesh, like the ones by @JoshQ. His remake skins are texture seam blended in Blender, to match the EA mesh seams. Other skins, including EA, will most likely show texture seams, and there is nothing to do about it. I may release my skins, if I am ever happy with my nude meshes. Sorry that I never got them uploaded. I hope to be testing the pregnant morphs in my game again, soon.

  5. 16 hours ago, Lbzr said:

    I apologize in advance for my English, I am writing to you with the help of a translator)
    I really like your work, your plumbots are always in my game, and your anime otaku costumes are very high quality ❤️ I would like to know if it is possible to download your version of the maid outfit, it looks very good on the screenshots. And I can’t find working links to it anywhere, poor Google has already been burned to holes by me. If you have any personal issues with this suit that you don't want to delve into, you can ignore my question.

    First, NEVER apologize to me that English is not your first language! ☺️ 

    And thank you. There are many of my older pieces that I have not uploaded here as yet. I began updating the Lolita Maid (original by Lemonleaf), but had some issues with the bonnet. I am converting it to hatgrip accy, which allows resizing and moving it, so it will fit more hair styles. I have also improved other things, which I intend to do to the maid outfit. I also have a new maid outfit that I have been working on, and trying to make into a default replacement. I cannot really say when I will finish anything at this point, as life is filling much of my time these days.

    • Like 1
  6. Figured I should give an update to anyone that may care... So, the af and tf nude top and bottom that I wanted to upload for Christmas ran into a snag. Still not sure what the heck happened, but am currently testing versions that are working in my game. To clarify, for some reason, the tf non-default top simply did not apply. Thumnail was present, but clicking it made no change to the tf top. Walked away due to frustration. Went back, not too long ago, and several repackings later, all is working as it should. Hopefully, I will be satisfied with everything soon.

    Extended testing of new open bottom dresses and skirts revealed some nasty clipping issues. I have spent a bit of time reboning and testing. Again, hopefully, I will be satisfied enough with at least a few, to upload soon.

    During the dress/ skirt projects, I slid sideways into a couple of other things. I have been testing some open bottom, default replacement garments, tops, bottoms and outfits. One hold up is that EA uses the same texture images for tf thru ef. Open bottom skirts and dresses reqquire moving the UV mapping, and replacing texture images to match the new UV. This means that anything that IS tf thru ef, the UV mapping of all 3 MUST match... in ALL 3 Lods. Sorry, but not doing open for ef... I am however, matching the UV. Another time consumer is that I have been adding pregnant morphs to tf and af garments as I do them, and making adjustments to all Lods.

    Default tops... Or... "Gee, it's a bit nipp(le)y in here" tops... I am not making any major changes to default tops, other than to add soft nipple to several as default replacements, as I am avoiding the whole UV mapping thing, and the textures from the basegame or EP will be used directly from your game files. Any EP defaults will be keyed to that EP, so they will only show up, if you have the EP.

    Into The Future... That EP has some of the most hideous fashion I have evr seen! Although I have only completely replaced a couple of garments, others have been shortened, and it's also apparently a bit chilly in the future. ))) 

    Always the optimist, I hope to have SOMETHING done soon... Thanks for hanging in there with me!

    • Like 2
  7. Still working on that tf nude top prebnant morph. Just not sure why it does what it does. Opened the morphs in Blender 10 times, and adjusted mesh bones several. Another test now... gotta knock up some random teen girl. OY!!!

    Better news... I am in what I hope is final testing of several open bottom skirts... a few are of the "VERY" mini type. )))

    I also think that I have had another major break thru of an old project... I already uploaded the MedBod-a-Go-Go as outfit, because I simple couldn't get the waist seams fixed on seaparate top and bottom. Well, always learning and trying new things, and I may have solved THAT particular issue! Currently have a few MedBod pieces in test. Wish me luck!!!

  8. Well, the delay in my nude set is that the pregnant morph for teen female looked like crap on a stick! To get things to work with Cmar's sliders, I reused her morphs (among other things). Made my own morphs and adjusted them, then Cmar's nipple sliders stopped working. Took a LONG break from that headache. Did manage to final a couple of packages and upload those. A few more that are in that test in game, adjust bone weights because of clipping, look at, adjust mesh, look at, adjust morphs... rinse and repeat... vodka Martini... rinse and repeat... 

    I have gone back to trying to get my morphs to work, but during small breaks have also been giving Bridgeport an updated makeover. 

    The Cook family...


    Looks like a bit of tension there!!! And after Lady Cook got another face lift, tummy tuck, botox lips and a boob job!!! I guess butt implants are on the horizon???

  9. 15 hours ago, Chiiko said:

    This is a very cool idea and very hot work. I love your robots! 
    But when will you post B2 and Motoko in this thread? And I'm also interested in the girl in the purple cyber-suit from the "cap" of your blog. I want to try them in game :3

    Thank you. 🙂 Motoko Kusanagi is posted in the main downloads section. I asked about moving that file here, but no response. I don't want to double post, so not sure what will come next. Still more to do with 2B. Trying something different. FemmeBots are made with Kinky World sexbot chip in mind... BUT... bots do not seem to be recognised by the mod for left garter garments to come off for woohoo. There is also A2, which both will be a set. Currently concentrating on finishing female nude defaults.

  10. Okay! A positive update! As many know, I am never really in a rush to upload anything. When I share things, I want them to be the best that I can do, at the time I upload. Heck, I have been "tweaking" my Priyatna nude meshes for... a while. 

    So, a bit of bone weight "teaking", and a bit more mesh adjusting of the af and tf bottoms today. I honestly think tf is done. ))) I will be placing the latest version of af in my game in a bit, and see how it performs.

    I will NOT hold up the af and tf tops and bottoms once ready. I feel confident that unless THIS laptop dies, before Christmas! Hey! Not making some rush deadline now!!! Since it's a 5 or 6 yo Lenovo that cost less than $300 US... so will probably run fine until the Apocolypse and beyond.

    Anyway, for those who have woohooing elder Sims, I have started on an ef bottom nude Priyatna. Have not looked at nude top as yet. As I wrap up the af and tf, I will work more on that. Took a break from it after the first run, as I will need to spend some time on morphs, and do not wish to get sidetracked.

  11. A few projects have been put on hold for a while to let my head clear after some setbacks, and will return to those eventually.

    Part of the break has been spent enjoying a VN/ game. An interesting take on the Arthurian "Once and Future King" theme, which I look forward to udates... and eventual completion.

    I have been recreating (more or less) several of the characters... Hair mash ups and a few garments. I wish I was able to "rip" from the game, but... oh well!

    Also recently, I think I finally have succeeded in fixing that darned tf waist seam on the nude tops and bottoms! They are in what I hope is my final testing stage. Once completely satisfied, I will then take a look at doind something MaryJane (LL) had mentioned to me. She knows a bit more than just making great animations! https://maryjanesims3.tumblr.com/post/695271949827489792/pigtails-be-gone-for-real-this-time I recommend checking out her tumblr!



  12. As I need to jump around, as not to get bored, I have been back working on the priyatna top and bottom for teen female. The top presents a unique problem for both af and tf. I imagine that 99% of people use Cmar's nude top and nipple sliders. Making a top is easy... getting it to work with Cmar's sliders is another story! The af bottom has had another reboning. I may need to do the same for the tf, but do not know yet.

    Good news, is that I may have finally managed to properly blend that pesky waist seam on the tf version. ))) As I have been using Cmar's top as my base, in order that the sliders work, I had inherited a bit of a seam issue. It looks as using MTK to transfer normals from my soft nipple bikini mesh worked, and now for a little more testing!!!


    Honestly, I still see a very light seam transition, but I may be at my limits on getting it any better. Sooooooooooooo....................

  13. 2B update: Some success! As you can see, making her outfit as bot CAS legs, worked... of course, when trying something completely different, there are always details to be worked out. One that worked itself out is the texture detail. )))


    I thought to offer a better look at what is going on with her body meshes. The boot mesh is basically the same as the one for female Sim, but slightly bigger at the tops to accomodate the increase in her thigh proportions and moving the UV for FemmeBot. Also, a few changes to the body itself... I have been toying with the "tight strap" look. Similar was done on the recently uploaded Gym Karen bottom. I added a few rows of vertices to give the thighs more of the appearance that they are squeezed by the straps. ) I also went more 3d with new buckles, and strap ends. The new mesh also has an "enhanced butt, with more cheek and a deeper crack, and a slight back arch.


    I have added these "features" to new BeRT T2 and T3 models, being developed as models to wear legs slot garments.

    Stay tuned!

    • Like 1
  14. AND... scrapped half of 2B!!! Necessity is mother of invention... At least, that was what Frank Zappa said... then he named his kids Moon Unit and Dweezil, so go figure. 🤨

    32 bit TS3, and limits on size of Sim CAS parts, made it impossible to make 2B's garments as accessory, as I had intended. Also, unfortunately, apparently Oniki never envisioned FemmeBots, or the need for items labeled left garter accessory to remove for woohoo anyway. EA has a total limit on a lot in CAS. One thing that happens is that a Sim's everything is squeezed onto one image for game referencing. More accessories, and it makes images for each item smaller and smaller to fit. This cause texture detail loss, and the 2B accessory garments looked like crap!!! You see this on her chest.

    A while ago, I determined the need to make bots using the one piece body, and use a "no bottom" blank to fill that slot, so EA doesn't attach random legs. I honestly debated using the slot and converting JoshQ's and my shoes and boots for bots. Glad I did not. 

    So I am working to make her outfit as bot CAS bottom. If this works, it will allow me to actually make garments for the 2 BERT models. Fingers and eyes crossed!

  15. Things go well with most current projects... of course, there remains my terrible habit of getting an.... Ooooo SHINY!!! 🤩

    Where was I? Oh yeah, I will be playing, and testing things, then get a new idea, about a new piece, or how to improve one that I thought was almost ready to share. Currently, it is the latter.

    I made a conversion of the 2B outfit to FemmeBot a while ago, but was never quite happy with how I made her, so never uploaded. Recently, I returned to the A2 FemmeBot project, and after about 7 different meshes and sets of textures, think I have something. Thought is to upload 2B and A2 together, so THAT 2B has been part of the A2 testing, and seemed lacking. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..............

    A top to bottom makeover, and experimenting with accessory garments again. The WIP results are extremely promising! A FemmeBot 2B body (boots are attached), and accessory top, skirt and under garment. The body mesh is a bit of experimenting as well. Small details, but the leg straps are made to appear as to squeeze the leg, and the buckle is now a 3d part. Also "enhanced" her legs and butt a little (Not too much, I also use sliders). ))) Hmmm... think I'll have to update the Sim 2B garment bottom!


    Next shot shows that I need to work on fixing the pattern textures on her chest and back, as well as bone painting between her boobs.


  16. Anyone who has been downloading anything I have made for a while, probably knows of my incredibly bad habits of being horrifyingly S L O W !!!

    One of, if not the longest running on again, off again, on again (ummm... maybe 3 or 4 years?) projects is Priyatna... pleasant in Russian language. Priyatna is my af... and tf top and bottom nude replacement project, for both default and non-default.

    Bottoms are easi(er), as they can just be dropped in and they work. Bone paint has been one of the bigger issues. I have been getting better at it, and have learned a few new things, thanks to JoshQ, and will soon be testing a freshly weight painted bottom.

    Tops are another animal! Probably 99% of TS3 players use CmarNYC's female tops with morphing nipples. On the slightly technical side, those are what are called "geom based sliders". Most sliders are "bone based", which means they use bone weights to alter the mesh. Fairly generic. Geom sliders move the individual vertices, so when you alter the vertices in certain ways, those sliders no longer work... So, the trick is to change the basic top mesh, and still have the sliders recognize the vertices, so the sliders will work. Or, make new sliders to match the new mesh, which I am not able to do... yet.

    Despite everything, I have a new top mesh in game testing that is very promising. Both of Cmar's nipple sliders work. This mesh has a somewhat more natural breast shape, and better bone painting. The nipples themselves have a softer transition, and do not look like pencil erasers... although some may prefer that. 😝 Keep your fingers crossed. I have several other projects on the front burners, but this one is simmering nicely.



    Vagina area has a slightly higher polycount, and a bit more mesh detail...


    Breasts and nipples have more natural shape...


    And a butt shot...


    Ultimately, I hope to be able to make a high poly top, with much smoother breasts, but as increasing polycount of the mesh would then require new nipple sliders, which I have had no luck making, that is on indefinite hold, until I have time to mess with geom sliders again. (((

    • Thanks 1
  17. Continue to learn new things! Well, new to ME anyway!!! Sorry about so many delays in reloading older content. I continue to see something... OOOO SHINY!!!!!!! 😒

    So, as I am in the middle of so many projects, with nothing getting finalized, I learn new things, and dust off a project that I shelved in August 2021. Well, the Altera Fate (or is it Fate Altera?) project was... is, one of those foreign models that I converted to TS3... crudely. She was pretty good, but not worthy of sharing.

    I recently dusted her off and began applying many of the new things I have learned. First thought, was to make her a "skin job". OY! Altera is a FemmeBot, as I forgot to mention that. So, I moved and resized parts of her UV map (how the images that show her garments are arranged in the picture)... resized and rearranged so the parts that are skin, will align with normal Sim CAS skin textures. Easy part! Since then, a lot of bone weight painting... that is what matches to animations skeleton (rig) and how Sims move... also how many sliders work.

    There have been MANY changes. This includes her hair. It is a cartoonish appearing hair, but that is what came with the model, sooooo...... I have also learned new bone painting techniques that have greatly improved the Altera hair... which I resized to fit the AX skinjob head. )))

    Of the bots, I have also begun final testing... or what I hope will be final testing of 3 other models... 2B, Motoko Kusanagi, and one I named Raven, which is my original mesh, Gantz suit. There is also one new hair, and hopefully, I will get back to a couple of other bot hairs that were shown in BERT pics.

    After these, I will try to get a few more Sim garments done and finalized. 

    It's HOT! Try to stay cool!!!

  18. More updated older content is on the way.

    I have been looking at most of what I made 2 or 3 years ago, and find too many things that I now can do better. Some outfits, I have been able to dig up my original work folders... some no. Things got moved several times, from one laptop to another because of laptop issues, and some things were misplaced. So, what that means is that many of the updates will be direct drop in replacements of the old CC, with all of the same part ID numbers. Any Sims wearing those garments should retain all aspects of those outfits, including your CAS recolors. If they are in a merged package, simply open with s3pe, import the new package, and all of the old files will be overwritten... save... done.

    I have a few options as to how packages made without original files will be finalizzed, and will have installation instructions accordingly. Meantime, I continue to look thru a multiple laptops mess to try to find original workshop folders. I truly need better organizational skills!!! In my defense, some MIA items came during panick data transfer to thumbdrives as my laptop was dying, soooo......

    The updates include things that most will never notice, such as improved UV mapping... other changes may include better normals maps for better in game appearance, and adding my "soft nipples" to some tops and dresses, and/ or my Priyatns nude bottom mesh to some bottoms and dresses. "Soft nipples" is my attempt at a more realistic, and sexy garment. It is NOT the CmarNYC af nude top with texture on it! Cmar's nude top is great as a nude top, but semi erect nipples pushing against fabric do not show that way. There is a "soft" transition, which I try to duplicate, and have uploaded versions of in the past. Many of my older skirts and dresses probably used an EA standard nude bottom, which is basic Barbie. Updates will feature my Priyatna bottom, which has a bit more detail.

    A huge reason for updates is my much increased understanding of bone painting, and ability to do so. My original work concentrated on body to garment clipping, and use of basic bone transfer tools for an entire mesh. So, as legs and butt may not have clipped thru a skirt or dress, there may have been a few instances (sitting, and Kinky World "spread legs" or passed out on couch as examples) when the crotch area became distorted in upskirt views. I pretty much fixed that issue a while ago, and will now incorporate the better bone weighting into the updates, as I have in the few updated garments already uploaded here.

    Another reason is to add pregnant morphs to a few garments that may have not had them. As always, I will take time to look at my morphs... especially after forgetting them in the Betty bottom, and make whatever adjustments are necessary. I have a couple of remakes in game now!!!

  19. A bit of a mess up on The Flintstones upload! During testing, Betty never got pregnant. Usually not an issue, as I USUALLY look at the morph meshes in Blender to fix small morph issues. Umm... apparently, I didn't look at the Betty bottom meshes, and completely forgot to add the pregnant morph. Sorry!!!

    The way I make morphs is by using Meshing Tool Kit. I and others, work on a base mesh, then use other tools to automatically generate fat, fit, thin and special (pregnant) meshes. I use MTK and generate morphs in .wso form. This requires a "donor" .wso, generally an EA mesh that is similar so MTK can calculate the new meshes. 99% of EA .wsos do not have a pregnant morph, so I then use a different .wso of whole female nude to generate a second set of morphs. Usually, with garments, such as skirts or even loin cloth, the garment morphs are a bit messed up. It's a process, but I simply throw away the base, fat, fit and thin morphs, and only keep the pregnant morph. Then throw out the pregnant morph from the original morph set and add the good pregnant morph. FYI... the original has a place holder for the pregnant morph, which is merely a copy of the base mesh. Once everything is put together in one set of morphs, I return them to Blender, and make adjustments to fix clipping and straighten things. 

    All of that, as well as adding LODs 2 and 3, are often done after intial testing in game. Umm... apparently, I forgot to add the pregnant morph. Anyway, it's fixed now, and I apologize for any inconvenience.

  20. As always, I get distracted from things by SQUIRREL!!! Huh? What was I saying??? Finally finaled the Flintstones set. Only started that in May... 2021. 🙄 Horrifying glimpse into how I get things done, I know.

    I hope to get more of my older content uploaded here this week (hope in one hand and crap in the other, and see which fills first), as I also have some new stuff that is very close to ready to share. Been downloading a lot of models from DeviantArt. There have been a few that I can work with, and am working on. Many models are either very low poly, or very high. Few if any are in the "Goldielocks" zone. The low poly is generally lower than even TS3, and looks very cartoonish, which is what they are intended anyway.

    The higher poly models have been mixed. JoshQ taught me a new way to reduce the polycount, but it's very tedious and slow. After the mesh was useable (still high poly for TS3, but it works), it became the usual playing with bone paint to keep things from looking distorted during animation. I currently have a final test model of an MMD bot, by Kuroyu that will be ready to share very soon. 🙂

  21. Me again! So, I have seen fewer of the new FemmeBot heads have been downloaded, than bodies. I just wish to clarify here that the new bodies basically require the new head. Blending the neck seam has been an issue since the beginning. Older bots, and bot heads have a texture multiplier, like garments or objects, in order for color to show, including areas that would be considered exposed skin. It was necessary to "match the paint" in Plumbot CAS to minimizze the seam of the two separate parts, head and body. 

    The new models use the same skin textures found in Sim CAS, where you choose the skin you want for a particular Sim, and the bot skin textures can be changed in Sim CAS, with no issues as far as "breaking" the bot as described in the text of the original FemmeBot. 

    So, if you have one of the BeRT bodies (and will extend to most future bot bodies), and an older head, they won't match properly, and the neck seam will be very visible! Aside from the metallic bots, the new head is basically the replacement for all previous heads that had a painted skin coloring done in the bot station. And again, links to S-Club eyelashes and various sliders can be found on the Bot Shop blog. Have fun!

  22. So, I still have not gotten back to remaking a few of the Lolita Maid accys, but at least got the dresses done and I think all of the FemmeBots are uploaded. New "skin job" FemmeBot base models are on the main downloads page, and will eventually be added to the Bot Shop page. In the new pic, you will see a couple of unreleased bots. 2B and Motoko Kusanagi aka The Major from Ghost in the Shell. Both are "skin jobs", and I hope to have them 100% very soon... at least faster than a glacier moves. ))) Other projects include a set of The Flintstones, Honoka from DOA and a few other bots and garments. Other bots include remakes of the M-CEKC with better foot/ ankle bones and CAS skin compatible and Sexy Robot with better foot/ ankle bones, as well as the V5000.

    Currently trying to learn how to adapt and fix the hair mesh for Honoka. JoshQ has been trying his best to help me understand how to do it, so I think I will get it! Once I figure that out, a whole new world will be opened!!!

  23. Well, I managed to get more FemmeBots uploaded. Almost did not happen, as weird things were going on. At one point, the entire page disappeared!!! This as I was finishing. I exited and lost what I had added, but the page was still there, so I redid everything. 

    Anyway, I have been expanding a bit, and have added tools to open MMD and XPS model files. Been playing with a few. In conversation with JoshQ, I had a thought as to why some sliders do not work on FemmeBot heads, and made a new head, a bit differently. I still don't know why those sliders do not work, but in a freak lab accident, managed to make a new head that uses Sims' skins instead of being "painted"! FYI, I made a body that uses Sims' a while ago, but it was useless without matching head. I am in testing and further development now. 🤗

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