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Posts posted by LadySmoks

  1. On 10/29/2022 at 1:16 PM, ritualclarity said:

    Sanity ^  why have problems with Halloween costumes? Regardless of the costume? Sure there might be some that would be offended. But it is OK to be offended. Without the ability to speak, act, comment, discuss comments, how can we grow as a society?

    I say anyone that believes in free speech and commentary should dress exactly to offend this year. Hold the line.

    As you say, some will take offence (real or imagined) at almost anything... or everything. Not necessary to change ones plans simply to poke them. You'll probably do something on 1 Nov to piss them off and have them scream at the sky! 🤣

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, MemnochWabbit said:

    It has nothing to do with good or bad intentions, and everything to do with making money - if they don't find a better cure before someone else, they will lose money.  Money makes the world go round - good or bad very seldom are factors in decisions involving money.  At the same time competitors will be looking to discredit other cures to boost sales of THEIR product.  Follow the money.


    No, what is short sighted is thinking only man can create plagues, that only man is cruel enough to do that.  Nature is crueler than man will ever be.  It's not called survival of the fittest for nothing.  Man is a monkey with a screwdriver compared to what nature can and does do.


    I think you are out of touch with the subject matter - the first solar cells had a 14% efficiency, they are now currently at 47% efficiency.  Tesla didn't create the battery, I am a big fan of Tesla but not everything electrical spouted from his godlike forehead.  The lead acid battery was created by Gaston Planté in 1860 (yes I looked that up, I had no idea who invented the lead acid battery) and we have come a long way with batteries and battery density since then.  I STILL think we have a long way to go though, I agree there, but to say it hasn't changed is wrong.  BTW (ironically) Edison DID design a battery called the Nickel–iron battery which was a really awesome battery - but like the long life lightbulb it was quietly discontinued because they lasted forever, can't have things lasting too long  (greed again, see first comment) but I fail to see how a rebate would have saved the Edison battery?  Our current understanding of chemistry and physics may be what is stopping a huge breakthrough in these areas, no amount of rebates is going to fix that, unless it's a rebate to build the next collider of course.

    As I said, and perhaps YOU missed... yes, money. as with any form of welfare, and a steady government paycheck, there is little need or desire to actually create a vaccine that will end the flow of those checks. One vaccine that works... X number of doses sold... population fully protected... big payday! DONE! No more checks in the mail!!! Vaccine that may or may not actually do anything for a single variant... paycheck for X number of doses. Cha--ching! Next variant... Cha-ching!! Next? Cha-ching, Cha-ching, Cha-ching!!!!!!!!

    And for some, power and control, to tell you, and attempt to tell me, where, what, when, how, and which, I can do whatever they wish to try to get away with. We... or perhaps only I (for purpose of this conversation), listened to one political party tell us they didn't trust vaccines developed under another party, and would have "their" scientists check them. That same party later pissed and moaned about politicization of vaccines when some refused to get the shots... as leaders of that party were among the first inline.

    I watched them tell us to "follow the science". Science that said children are of the lowest risk to catch and spread the virus, yet schools were closed, and when opened, masks were forced on 5 yo's... at a time when facial recognition skills, as well as something as basic as seeing mouths forming words is necessary for child development. Today, as a nation, the US has fallen across the board in learning. A stupid population in the future will certainly be easier to... control.

    Again, you read what you wish. I did say that there have been natural plagues. It's in the same paragraph you cherry picked from, to try to make your point seem valid. My point was, that nature will give us suffiently, and man/gods, need not get involved in a great many things. The road to ruin is paved in "good" intentions. And yes, man IS a monkey with a screwdriver... In the case of Covid, man was a monkey with a Mr Wizard do it yourself lab set. The results of using it speaks for itself... More than 6.5 million dead. 

    I may have stated incorrectly regarding a few things on solar. My husband knows far more, having taken several tech courses on the subject. However, I do know that acid batteries are not used in solar storage. That PV cells are officially dated to the 1950's, and believed to have possibly been invented 40 years earlier, yet are still only about 20% efficient, tells much. The 47% you mention, is a one-off, of a very over priced, over engineered, multi-$million "test rat". Basically like comparing an F15 to a Cessna Citation. Better, a SU57 to a Cessna, since no one will ever actually see a SU57, just as the 47% efficient solar cell.

    I never mentioned Edison battery regarding any rebate. I mentioned Ford. Please, do not change things that I write, to fit the narrative you wish to present. But, to play YOUR game... Somethings costs $10 (keeping things simple). Something similar costs $9. Government says they will give you $5 if you buy the one THEY want you to buy. Which will many now buy? Even a few, who may not have even wanted something will buy, just because it is now such a good deal.

    Now to solar and EV's. Both are expensive, by standards of working middle class, though some within that group may want them. Quite often with solar, the rebates almost cover all costs of parts and labor. Although it sounds good, doing this is political favoratism to a particular industry. Such, will usually, and the word Solyndra comes to mind, create levels of corruption, both within the structures of the companies receiving favor, and those giving, so expecting certain favor in return... often around this time of year in US. EV's are generally priced a bit beyond the means of most. again, rebates to bolster one type over another. The rebates are perpetual. Basically, government (taxpayer) funded checks used to increase sales of a product that most do not want. Primarily to push the climet agenda, but always follow the money. Al Gore became quite wealthy from it, as he flies around the world to give speeches, generating a carbon footprint larger than some small European micro-nations.

  3. On 10/25/2022 at 4:54 PM, MemnochWabbit said:

    Of course they do, as time passes and more and more people start studying the data it will become blatantly obvious that the current vaccine is not effective enough to justify the side effects.  At that point their cash flow is gone.  Besides, they are not the only companies looking for it, if they don't find it and patent it then someone else will.  Otherwise cash flow gone.  Don't forget COVID is the new flu, it's going to mutate every year and just like the flu shot (if you ever took one) you have to get it again every year.  

    As for playing god, we have been doing that for a very, very long time.  The dog is our finest experiment.  Humans have been genetic engineering the old and slow way since we started planting crops, now we have just found faster ways to speed that process up.  I would also like to point out we have had plagues BEFORE we had CRISPR - before we even knew about bacteria and viruses, ones that obviously evolved on their own.  We will have them again, it's part of evolution.  Bill Gates trying to sound all knowing and wise said "There will be another plague" - yes, of course there will.

    You place far more belief in both the "good" intentions and abilities of man, as well as government institutions with politcal agendas, which often seem more about securing power and control, rather than actually doing what would benefit the masses they claim to "represent".

    The flu, as we know it, is a natural occurance within nature, and spreads naturally. Same cannot be said of Covid... at least in the form we saw from a lab. Having been around as long as it was in it's natural state and habitat, to infer that what did happened was not the result of man playing God, and compare it to other plagues which came and went, is in my personal view, quite short sighted. To shrink from understanding of modern greed and the power of the dollar is more so... in my humble opinion.

    The PV cell in solar panels are the same as 10 or 20 years ago. Batteries for power storage are basically what Tesla created. Any innovation to electric motors comes from need in other areas. Little need or reason to improve something that the government will gladly give thousands of dollars in rebates for. Had the government given rebates to Ford, exactly how do you think that would have gone?


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  4. 22 hours ago, MemnochWabbit said:

    Well a certain popular US news site (no names shall be used to protect the guilty) have stopped me commenting by simply logging me out whenever I venture to a news article with a comments section.  It was one of the few that actually still allowed commenting (mostly), but it seems censorship is alive and kicking in the land of the free.  Trying to make even a slightly "politically incorrect" comment on YouTube is also a waste of time, your comment is silently deleted.  I was simply pointing out to someone who said "Russians would never be allowed to read American news websites" that Americans are not allowed to read Russian news websites.  Apparently that's "politically incorrect".

    VPN. Only way to access VK, and many things Russian origin.

  5. On 10/22/2022 at 10:19 AM, MemnochWabbit said:

    The loophole was that they were doing LOSS OF FUNCTION research.  The original COVID virus killed 100% of mice, they made one that killed 80% of mice.  The made a LESS LETHAL variant of COVID and everyone had a sh*t fit.  But why would they do that?  WHY? WHY! WHY?!  Because if they can make a variant that is completely harmless and completely safe but still teaches our immune system to fight ALL types of COVID then they have made a perfectly safe, and very effective vaccine.  Unlike other "vaccines" out there.  That's why.  This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion by some VERY selective reporting.

    No. What I see, is that they took an already non-lethal (much lower) variant that is highly contagious, and made it 80% lethal. Do you remember where "killer bees" came from? Hmmm... the honey bees aren't reproducing fast enough, and making enough honey. Great idea!!! Let's take the docile honey bees and cross them with some African bees that breed fast, swarm and kill. What could possibly go wrong when man tries to be God?

    First Covid was just a bat problem, somewhere in remote moubtains in China, that was around 1000s of years... until someone got a "great idea" and played God with it.

    Drug companies do not want a vaccine that actually works. They get a monthly government check. Both Moderna and Pfizer now have TV ads to push this or that new booster for this or that new variant... and their government checks. Why would they want to fix anything? 🤔 

    • Agree 2
  6. On 10/19/2022 at 6:20 AM, Alkpaz said:


    "Boston University scientists were today condemned for 'playing with fire' after it emerged they had created a lethal new Covid strain in a laboratory.

    DailyMail.com revealed the team had made a hybrid virus — combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain — that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study."

    Every single person who was involved in this should be sealed in a room and injected with what they created. Enough is enough.

    I guess there is some loophole? My understanding was that under Obama, "gain of function" was banned in US, and why NIH was funding China labs???

  7. It will be a long, cold winter. Do not know why this was not done before, but Russia now begins destroying Ukraine power grid. Report is from Kiev, but strikes across country on power facilities.

    Honestly glad that St Sophia appears undamaged. We dtayed in an apartment only 2 blocks from there. St Mikhail is behind the camera, in opposite direction. Both very beautiful.

  8. 11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    The Department of Defense (ironic name) admitted/postulated that Polish troops might 'accidently' cross the border into Belarus or Ukraine.

    Would actually be silly for Poland to claim that region of Ukraine. There is no industry there, and most already travel to Poland for work. For Poland to annex, they then become responsible for all social programs. Entering Belarus could lead directly to tactical nuke being used.

    Other problem is Nato. If Poland attacks, Nato has an excuse to stay out.

  9. 1 hour ago, Alkpaz said:

    Well, he was from Poland so a VPN is like standard in the EU. You could probably tell who he is simply by being the #1 owner of the most Steam-based games in Poland. (he constantly bragged about that) I think he used different accounts to just troll the admin of https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ANTI-EA (rfzm ↑) But what made me remember that was I was always nice to rfzm ↑ but since I was friends with Greg, he assumed I was the same way and since then he has pretty much ignored me (it has already been almost 10yrs now). Meh, drama among the community groups thing. At least Kendo doesn't hold a grudge. :D

    I think that I am currently from Canada? 😜 I do not hold grudges either. I am pissed, and will remain for a while, then be done with it. You may or may not recall the situation with NS over at LL? He did wrong by me. I got over it and tried to help him when he posted a question, and no one else bothered. He bitched that I was "stalking him". So, I simply do not bother, just as everyone else. But, if he actually asked me a question, I might even consider it... NAH!

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Nessa said:

    I think 2/3 the users of LL probably need a bitch slapping. And then all the contributors. (Probably myself included! 🤣)

    I perhaps deserve a good spanking from time to time! ))) 

    So... HAHA! I think I was "banned" by Ashal! Which, I find to be hilarious!!! Will do another account when I get a chance. I think it was for "ban evasion"???? 

    Already checked, and know I can get back in. Not important right now, as I have stuff to do. The DrHarleenQuinzel page is still there, as is my pic post, and TheLadysGhost page... which I can see all when I go to LL... sooooo..... 😜

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Nessa said:

    If it helps any, P was butt hurt like crazy about the whole thing. 😅 It devolved into a generational name-calling episode. The LL mods -must- be Boomers they say. I don't even know what the hell a boomer is anymore. The US keeps shifting the definition!) Then they went after Gen X whatever the hell that is. Wake me up when get to Generation 0. Or are we there now? 🤣

    I'm still laughing over the "vigilante BAD" thing. What in the literal hell? 😆 Yeah instead lets all be victims and let the baddies get away. Great idea chaps. 😆I'd ask what insane planet of suck the guy is from but it's Germany. No comment. 😅 (One of my best friends is German and he assures me... well I'll just go: 🤐)

    One interesting thing ....  P's group was actually -complaining- about the lack of free speech! So they may be from planet suck but apparently prefer free speech so they can spew their dopey views. 😆 Is this a plus? 🤷‍♀️

    Some need a good butt hurting!!! Insert sideways! 🤔 Already went thru that generation thing on rant thread a while ago. Similar MO. I made a simple "rant" post about how I spent so much time and effort to learn English, and watch this new generation abbreviate EVERYTHING, as their lives are too precious to waste on whole words. I get it for texting, but it's as much their spoken language now. And the next 5 or 10 posts, from 4 or 5 "people" were not others rants, but telling me how wrong I am.

    Do not think I am a "boomer"? My husband is, but I think I am what they call GenX??? Does not matter. To me, it's all part of retardation of Americans. Cannot have a name, just a single letter, because a whole word is too much! Besides, I think they are now on Z??? So, what comes next??? OY!

    I know "stories" of my husband being a dispenser of justice when he was younger. Always interesting times when he and his war buddies get drunk! ))) So, yes, such happens, and often in defense of a weaker person or a woman against a man. Laws are great. There are laws against murder. How is that working out?

    We all know the type that "wants free speech", as long as it's THEIR speech. Speech counter to their narrow beliefs, and time to attack... then PM the rest of the group. As was said by one here, those types will never post here, because moderators generally allow deserved bitch slapping!!! 🤪🤭

    Do not know if my IP is "dynamic"? I think the program switches location, but not sure. Still, when they suspend an account, you cannot post from it, regardless of where you login from. So... DrHarleenQuinzel!!! ))) And as I said, just because I could!!!!!!!!


    I should repost that pic!

    • Like 2
  12. On 10/15/2022 at 8:52 AM, Alkpaz said:

    I did something similar to that years ago on Steam in a private message; and they gave me a warning, as well. So this doesn't surprise me that they can monitor blogs. So yes, they can ban/warn you for PM's. I remember an acquaintance from The Game Collectors was trolling the Anti-EA group because of a personal quibble in the chat of The Game Collectors group and so he went on a little rampage at that guys Anti-EA group and got himself community banned. He couldn't post anywhere in any group within Steam. It lasted a few years from what I remember (the community ban). 

    With VPN and access to email from several countries, is anyone truly "banned" from any website? __ DrHarleenQuinzel @ LL  😇

    1 hour ago, Nessa said:

    I've got a bit of intel on this. Apparently....   somebody on LL made a post about a couple guys beating up some domestic abuser. (Seriously doubt a single thing written was true. Especially since I've read the same variation of the same story untold times. 🤣 🤣)  Said "boy" sails in, says something about vigilantism being bad (huh!? I guess no justice is superior? 😅) and got himself a warning for the trouble. 😆

    So I think is a case where both sides hate LL moderation. 🤣🤣

    The validity of the story is not what matters. LL has a troll problem that moderators refuse to address until someone explodes (as I did, admittedly). Regardless of screenname, I do not hide who I am... LadySmoks, TheLadysGhost, currently DrHarleenQuinzel (Harley Quinn, before she was Harley, in case anyone does not know).

    Far too often, a troll will single out one person... in this case, me. I basically agreed that in some cases, such "justice" may be the only resort. The post directly above mine, also agreed, yet the troll chose to single out my post and attack. Why? So, I did something that I never do, and completely flipped. Felt good. And DoctaSux did triple "warning", and blocked that account for 2 weeks.

    So.... VPN, different email, and another account, where I posted the same pics as I did here. ))) Just because I can! I can login from whatever country and create email account on whatever service, and do it just to be a bitch about it. 🤫

  13. 8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Prediction: I think Poland is going to carve off a chunk of west Ukrainian territory after the Russians get done in the east.  I also think Belarus and Russia suspect this.  The Rus doesn't need 30,000 ground troops on the Belarus/Ukraine border (with more reinforcements coming) just to strategically threaten Kiev.  Poles are also rumbling about 'hegemony' and 'Polish identity'...whatever-the-fuck that is, and they're grumbling about how an influx of Ukrainian refugees will change Polish politics and society.  Aaand western Ukraine was a subjugated  territory of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until the 1700's.  Maybe they want it back?  The region east of the Dnipro wasn't part of that kingdom; it was Imperial Russia populated (to this day) by Russians.  Odd that Putin isn't interested in territory west of the Dnipro.  Lots of funny coincidences, huh?

    EDIT: Now Poland wants reimbursement to the tune of €1 Billion for the materiel and other aid sent to Ukraine,  The EU told them 'NO'.

    Ancient history. Many in north west Ukraine are ethnic Polish. They are leftovers from Polish Empire in 1700's and 1800's before Russian Empire beat them back to claim Ukraine and Belarus, as you mention. After economy crashed in 2014, north westerners went to Poland for work.

    Putin only wants to secure to Dnipre as a Nato border. No missiles near Moscow. A river makes a natural barrier. The inability to secure Kharkov hurts, and is surprising. Again, they fired a few missiles into the military north of the city, but failed to follow thru. Then the military hid inside the city, and Russia continued to bomb Kharkov. My husband and I have friends there, who left Lugansk.


  14. 6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    My husband has been confused by Russian strategy. He was in Desert Storm, and believed that Russia would have done similar. Missiles to destroy power grid, command centers, military bases and weapons caches, followed by fighters and heavy bombers leveling anything remaining.

    Now, Russian natural gas is the greatest weapon they have, as winter comes. In 2008, Nazis had control of Ukraine. Internal corruption, not paying bills, led to them syphoning gas from transit lines meant for Europe. They got caught, and Russia cut flow to a trickle. It was VERY cold that winter, even in Donbass. Since then, Russia built a pipeline with diverter direct to Donbass, so they can shut off Ukraine and Europe, without hurting Donbass region.

    What happened in 2008, is also reason for Nordstream pipelines, to bypass Kiev transits.

    • Agree 1
  15. Any resemblance to anyone or any avatar used by anyone, is purely a coincidence...

    In US, it can be dangerous waiting for a bus or subway in a city these days............................




    Later... back at Joker and Harley's hideout....



    Even in daylight, it can be dicey along the docks...


    • Haha 1
  16. 8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    When a foreign student who can't vote here knows more about our politics then the clueless derpy students who can have no clue.

    Dims rely on an ignorant population. Ignorant and needy. Easier to influence and control. Foreigners coming to US legally, are usually better informed than liberal kids!

    • Agree 2
  17. On 10/13/2022 at 8:51 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    This has to sting.

    As Opec + is cutting production, oil prices going up, and US production down, it will be a VERY cold winter west of Donbass.

    11 hours ago, Jim_UK said:

    It's hard to feel any sympathy when then EU helped orchestrate the 2014 Nazi coup that led to this mess. 

    More Obama. Victoria Nuland waas point in Kiev Maidan, who planned the coup with Svoboda Party (Ukraine National Socialist = Nazis). EU just went along as with everything US does.

  18. 58 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    in the case of the 12 year old.. I believe, not 100% with all the crazyness that is going on, that an ADULT has to sign off on this. Also, I believe in the US there has to be some "specialist" involvement to get the medication and such to start the process. Also I don't' believe they do the sex reassignment surgery until they are at least 18

    I mention this as there are other countries in Asia and South America (perhaps even Mexico not sure) that you can get the needed pills over the counter with at most a few questions. Children get access to this without the need of any Adult provided they can obtain the funding. There is also a lot of info out there for them to know what to do.

    The "desire" is to start the process before they hit puberty, which will help curb or even prevent some of the traits that would normally occur.

    I mentioned "specialist" earlier as those are "professionals" that are suppose to help determine if it is needed.  however, most times they don't do that and pretty much everyone that is referred to one of them are assisted in their transformation. I don't know if they still do this but in the past the professionals would try to get to the root of the problem and make sure it wasn't due to some childhood trauma. (being abused etc)  Work through that before staring the process. Now they just have to say they want to it seems.

    Another crazy thing about the US. You can't drink until you are 21 but can buy a gun at 18. You can join the military and kill people at 18. Some states you can marry young https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States but, their mind isn't matured....

    Just crazy.

    Current push from Biden admin, and leftist school system, is to remove parental rights regarding this issue, or charge parents under federal statutes for "hate crimes" against transgenders. We know the DOJ has gone after parents on domestic terrorism charges for speaking against CRT already. They have tried to redefine the word "sex", to include gender preference, based on a 1964 SCOTUS decision about descrimination, which court writing states does NOT include Title 9, which is exactly what Biden (handlers) are claiming.

    My husband is older, and from US. He was in military at 18 years. He... and I, believe that no one needs a weapon until they are 21. There are scientific studies that say the human brain is not fully developed until 21 to 25 years! So, no guns, no sex changing until that age!!! Exceptions being a "learner's permit", similar to driving for guns, with parents held fully responsible for locking the guns up, and the minor only allowed to practice while accompamied by a licensed adult... until old enough to take an aptitude test. The kind of common sense that politicians will never consider.

    And changing genders, is equally important to wait, if not more so.  These people are just messed up!

    • Agree 2
  19. 19 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    I guess their progressive parents will live and learn, right? Wouldn't hold my breath. I wouldn't doubt these two will eventually opt out of life.

    Right now, in US, dims say that 18 is too young to buy a gun, because the brain is not fully matured... Yet these same people say that a 12 yo is mature enough to change his or her sex!?!

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  20. Well, until SOMEONE else posts some game pics, trying to keep this alive...

    So, looks as Lady is expecting a new bundle of joy!


    FemmeBot Alice will soon have a new little one to keep an eye on... litterally... she only has one eye! Okay, having 3 demensional, 360 degree, 1 km scan radius IS a big help for old one eyed Alice, but kids can be tricky buggers!!!

  21. 5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    There is a fine line where Russia can attack. If they do an all out assault. Heavy equipment etc. NATO countries might get involved. If they go to lightly, they will be feeding soldiers and equipment into a meat grinder.  Anyone with any brain cells can quickly figure out that Russia can easily roll over the entire country.

    Another thing that might be holding them back is the sanctions. However, honestly, I don't know how that would effect them in a real sense. A complete shut down of all funding from outside of Russia (and potential supplies raw or otherwise) could really hurt them in the long run. The harder they hit, likely the harder they will be  hit with sanctions. (however, effective that would be considering China is a "friend" and doesn't likely give a shit about sanctions provided they can do their support/sales on the down low so they don't get hit.)

    My husband has said that US is no longer prepared for a ground war in Europe. Both Russia and Ukraine live by WWII tactics, and even Ukraine Nazis care little about civilian deaths... they are merely something for Kiev to cry over to try to get more weapons. US/ Nato, and "rules of engagement" are far too restrictive, and although possible US Pravda might cover up US/ Nato caused civilian deaths, it can't be guaranteed.

    Retreating inside of a city full of civilians for building cover is classic WWII war in Europe tactics. In modern times, when doing so in your own country, it is called using civilians as "human shields", and as Russia then continued bombarment, an opportunity to cry "war crimes" and whine for Nato. 

    Kiev has already tried to draw in Nato when they fired missiles into Belarus, hoping they would enter the war, forcing Nato to respond... and failed. Of course, when Belarus showed photos of the damage, Kiev claimed they didn't do it! Obviously, Belarus fired missiles into their own facilities just to make Kiev look bad. 😒

    Both China and Iran are supplying Russia with weapons and other things. Also, no one really knows much about current arms production in Russia... at least not reported. Not sure how badly Russia is really hurting economically. War always puts a strain on cash reserves. Also not sure of progress on pipelines to China. I think it was 2014 or 15 that Putin tried to negotiate a southern bypass of Ukraine thru Black Sea. At one point, Turkey was involved, but the deal fell apart, so he negotiated more pipelines to China instead. I remember one or more run thru Mongolia. Nato tried to get them to block transit, but Mongolia said poo-poo to you, we need the transit fees!

    Ultimately, the continued possibility of China as a second front in Asia will most likely keep Nato posturing like an impotent peacock.

    • Agree 2
  22. 2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    All the Soviet era tanks and lavs Zelenskyy could muster have already been destroyed so now he's asking for American Abrams and German Leopard 2s.  US Arm tank school takes 22 weeks and you have to be reasonably intelligent.  You can't put normal soldiers in a tank crew and the fascists don't have 22 weeks left, imo.

    Nato countries already gave them old MIG's, probably some SU's also, because of training time on non-Soviet equipment Zelensky wanted. I think he asked for F16's? My husband says he still does not understand why Russia has not used more cruise missiles. Ones fired from Caspian into Syria were effective.

    Personally, I wonder where they have been getting reactor fuel. They nearly had meltdown at Zaporizhya, perhaps 6 or 7 years ago, I think it was, when US gave them fuel rods that didn't fit, and was almost bigger disaster than Chernobyl.

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