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Posts posted by LadySmoks

  1. On 4/18/2023 at 7:52 PM, Kendo 2 said:


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    The West has forgotten how to fight wars. They can't even manage the quick-and-easy victory because they want to stay and occupy; and then fail. The technological edge the West once had is gone and the Russians are proving that now with real time combat experience. All of this mess could have been avoided with one phone call to Yanukovych in 2014 to just abide by the Minsk accords. Now the Russians have China, India and most of OPEC on their side. The West is truly fucked and our leaders did it to us.


    It was Yatsenuk (head of the National Socialists... aka Nazis, who later fled to England with billions of stolen cash) that was installed as leader of Ukraine by Obama, then Poreshenko (the oligarch who expanded his chocolate empire to every street corner during his term). Those are the ones who ignored Minsk, because they had to give up something.

    Yanukovich was friend to Russia, who tried to find common ground when he made Ukrainian official language, and Russian as a secondary language. One of several things he did, trying to appease the nationalists.

    All trouble began under Manchurian Candidate, Obama! Destabilzed Mid East... Libya and Egypt. Gave weapons to ISIS to fight Assad and Russia, and finally sponsoring coup in Ukraine that threatened Russia directly. Biden is just Act II.

  2. 13 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Before robotics and such, the way they added to the policing efficiency was grass roots programs. Community outreach. Walking the beat. etc.  Now apparently rolling trash cans are what is needed.

    Well, walking trashcans do not complain when leftist prosecuters let criminals go after the work of arresting them.

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

    Oh, you're in the US? I thought you're in Ukraine! I was in the US, but I just left and returned to Asia. I wanted a front row seat to the end of the world when China invades Taiwan! 😆

    I don't know, I just couldn't stand it anymore in what is happening in America. It's not just the left is so insane, but I find the right so unwilling to stand up and fight back. But I'm glad that people are beginning to see the truth in this war. I think I'm a pretty good judge of character, from the start Zelensky was just off. He puts on that whole military uniform and stuff and everyone was praising how brave he was. I was like... he's... acting.

    Anyways, I never thought I'd live to see the day the world turned upside down like this. A lot of people say this is the end of the world and I was like "nnahhh... couldn't be... we had worse..." but back when we had worse, we didn't have nuclear weapons and people were not so easily triggered and had at least some common sense. I don't really want to stay in Asia, but I don't want to go back to the US either. Just stuck. 😐

    Yes, I live in US. I met a man at nightclub Gagarin, what now seems like a lifetime ago. He looked like a Cossack, which was odd in Gagarin, and spoke Russian to his friends. I was curious about Cossack in Gagarin and asked him, and he said he was American. We chatted... So, many years later, we are married, live in US and have a son. ))) We had planned to visit Odessa to see his grandparents in 2021, but, we know what happened. 

    We were actually planning to look at apartments there, with thoughts to move to Odessa. (((((((

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  4. 5 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

    Omg... wow... So I don't really use this account and I didn't actually come back after posting my one and only post above and did not realize you wrote this reply.  I didn't read it until now (1 year later) and I can tell you it is so weird b/c everything you just said here? Are the things I also believe too. My post before was more neutral, examining the greed of man. But today after witnessing this thing for a year and doing a lot of personal research, my view has shifted quite dramatically.

    So I'm not sure if you know, but in the USA now, majority of the conservative rights do not support Ukraine anymore. However, there are still a lot of RINO and "swamp" rights such as DC McConnell and other politicians that continues to push this Ukraine narrative. Even FOX news is now considered propaganda trash for the globalist elites. I am actually not a political right, btw. I'm always independent, but I see very clearly what is going on.

    From the start, there was something off about Zelensky... and as time went by, it became more and more clear he is a deceiver. He is a conartist, a man that can never be satisfied no matter how much money and how much weapon we gave them. Not only so, he is a man determined to drag the whole world into a nuclear holocaust. The US media tries to cover up so much, a report came out that only 30% of the money US gave reached the war effort or the people, where did the rest go? Swallowed up by corrupt politicians, generals, officials, etc... this is Chiang Kai-Shek's ROC all over again. The news, I think it was CBS, that wrote the report was immediately silenced by the government and forced to write an detraction.

    Again and again, Russia has offered negotiation, but this madman Zelensky and the other corrupt Ukrainian government officials have rejected the call for peace. Why would they? When the money keeps flowing? And everything you've said here is correct, the media controls the narrative and said nothing about the massacre and the murders in the Donbass region and other regions. Those atrocities never made it into the mainstream media. They keep comparing this to China and Taiwan, forcing a false narrative when all along this is more like China's subjugation of the Uyghurs, HK, and Tibet.

    It is utter disgusting that Zelensky is still going around nation to nation begging for money and egging other nations into a world war. He has no shame, no moral compass, putting so far both lives of Ukrainian and Russian citizens in suffering and trying to drag the rest of the world into it and possibly sending us all into a nuclear holocaust. 

    US is completely falling apart now. The land has become lawless. We have actual elected officials like AOC now calling the executive branch to ignore the judicial branch? Really? Election fraud is now common. Violence, looting, murder, all common. The people have become so hateful and all common sense have been ignored. They're pushing perversity on kindergarten kids and everything is racism this, racism that, tolerance and inclusion my ass. Women's sports is gone. Everyone think they're entitled to free stuff. College grads don't want to pay for their student loans, blacks want $5 mil a piece for reparations, money from taxpayers. Illegals want free citizenships, scholarships, basic survival income, free healthcare.

    I say to many, let's say in 2024, the GOP wins, Trump or DeSantis... so what? Will the division stop? Will the hatred from the left stop? Will they finally have morality? Decency? No, it will continue to get worse. Why would you want to stay married to a woman that tried to murder you? 

    National divorce is inevitable, all the signs are there. At the fall of Romans, Macedonians, Persians, Babylon, Assyrians, even biblical Judaeans, etc... always the same pattern. Towards the end, it is always a moral collapse of the society, entitlement, selective outrage, deception, groupthink, sanctimony, ... weak leader... blehhh.....


    WHAT?!? You mean there is someone else with a Harley Quinn avatar... wearing all custom mesh outfits and hair????? 😆

    As I live in US, I know more than I wish, regarding politics here. ((( My husband and my father are analytical of such things. During time when my husband trained to kill my father (HUGE family laugh now), part of his training was Soviet psychology. Understand what motivates "the enemy", not propaganda being fed to citizens of both sides. Also to understand what motivates the "leaders". Where Putin was once seen as a protector of Russian people in Ukraine, it changed after the assualt on Kharkov. But his motivation is still understood, and very simple... he wants the buffer of Belarus and Ukraine between Russia and expanding Nato. Finland is less problem if Ukraine falls.

    Ukraine is oligarchy. Obama supported the anti-Russian oligarchs in the coup. Whether he knew or cared that they are Nazis, is open for debate, but just as in Syria, he went with whoever was against Russia. In Syria, he gave wweapons to ISIS. In Ukraine, "National Socialists"... children of Bandera. OY! You may, or may not have seen my comment on a mod at MTS when someone made Ukrainian names and had photo of Bandera? I do not know who Zelensky is pet of, but he is just a pet. He is like Biden. Has title, but strings pulled by others.

    As you said, he is Jerry Lewis hold telethon for weapons. Ha is an actor/ comedian!!! You know this? But the dishonor is deep. They fire missle into Belarus, hoping Belarus would return fire, and that Nato would then join. Then claimed that Belarus fired missle at themselves. Similar tactics used during first attacks in Donbass.

    Still, it can be asked if all is driven by hardliners that miss cold war... on both sides? And of course... $$$$$$

    My husband was amazed by Russian incompetence in prosecuting beginning of war. He expected Russian tech, but saw WWII strategies. Ground troops and tanks, and Ukrainian military hiding in cities, which made cities and civilians into targets. 

    HA HA! There will be no CRT in my son's schools! My husband attended one school board meeting a while ago, and made that clear. We now live in town where he grew up and went to school. Then he went to military. He is well known here, and also known that he make Rambo look like a constipated gerbil by comparison. We monitor our son's school work VERY closely! No problems... yet...


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  5. On 4/1/2023 at 5:54 AM, endgameaddiction said:

    Like he said. Where's BLM? Funny how they don't seem to care about black folks losing jobs, a pharmacy to go pick up their meds, etc. Only matters when it's some thug committing a crime and rightfully gets arrested or put down by a cop that happens to be white.

    It goes further. Simple matter of leftists keeping blacks down, then riding in to be the savior. Right now in Philly, a gaggle of dems are campaigning on... more cops, prosecuting criminals, clean streets, etc etc etc. Philly has been run by dems for decades. The current mayor is a dem. Just as NYC, Adams (former cop) ran on fixing everything, and has only continued leftist agenda of destroying the city.

    Before Covid, Walmart was to open a store in a bad area of Baltimore or DC (forget which). Local jobbs, paying taxes to local area, a place for locals to shop, etc... Leftist city council passed laws that stores like Walmart (Walmart was the only one to be affected) would have to pay some ridiculous minimal wage, insurance, have a union, etc. Walmart said they would build a new store somewhere else.

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  6. On 3/29/2023 at 12:45 AM, endgameaddiction said:
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    And yet, the sizing chart refers to WOMEN's BUST SIZE!!!??? Those people are batshit crazy!

    Always "follow the science" with leftists... until they get to biology class!!!!

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  7. 3 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Finally got a night free from customer orders and painted something for myself. Scratch built a custom base for the 28mm miniature of Snake Plissken from Escape From New York:

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    A movie ahead of it's time! Walling off NYC and LA as prisons seems like a no brainer these days!

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  8. @ritualclarity, I think that you may not be fully up on the topics I spoke of? Both are referencing the radical left's "re-education" process. The books being removed from FL schools, are NOT about either education, or reading entertainment. They are books about trying to create gender confusion where none exists. Attempts to blur the line between male and female among children as young as 4 or 5 years. Other books being removed relate to that 1619 garbage and stirring more racial divide in kids, as young as possible. FL is removing such materials from early grade schools, BUT... I believe much of the material will be available to older students, high school, and possibly junior high... when kids are more mature, and better able to deal with the material. Again, you do not have sex ed in kindergarten! Some things a simply not age appropriate. And again, as US kids struggle and fall behind with REAL education... math, reading, writing, science... not to mention Biden/ teacher's union school lock downs and lost socialization skills... There is absolutely no reason to introduce new woke agenda crap in schools at any age group.

    Regarding "Don't say gay", that has nothing to do with gays now telling others they are not allowed to use the word. It is part of the propaganda smear campaign of false narratives... again related to the issues with the types of "books" I wrote about. This goes back to last year, maybe earlier, when the whole woke school agenda story broke, and leftists were trying to salvage NYC, as so many left there for freedom in FL. That was also about gay and trans crap being forced on grade school kids. Again, at that time, a law was passed to stop it in grade school classrooms. With little truth to stand on, the leftists lie was that FL passed a "Don't say gay" law.

  9. 1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

    The problem is that they are removing appropriate books. Hiding them from students. There are students that won't or even can't buy the book otherwise. Making it harder for students to obtain materials to read is censorship every bet as much as having the book re-authored /edited to remove any offending materials.

    When I went to school, the only books that were not available were those with extreme content, adult materials etc. Then as you went through school (to high school etc.) you got access to some more mature books. Many books that are on most "list" are the classics that many adults and mature adults had access to, read and are fine now. No damage.

    Removing the books isn't the solution. Some will find it. Outside of an educational environment.  Some books haven't aged well and do  have racist and classist and other offending materials.  This isn't bad.. preventing them from exposure to materials only insulate them not give them the experience and understanding and knowledge that they are suppose to be learning.

    In school there were some books that were referenced. The instructors were aware of the content and there were some time to discuss the materials. Open discussion of the period and what it was like. It was very useful to many students as they didn't know what it was like in the past.  As a result I believe I grew up more open minded and more willing to look at materials and issues and give proper consideration.

    As they say, you don't study history and its faults, you are bound to repeat them.

    As for zero educational value... I beg to differ. Reading is the educational value. Having a child read books that are their interest is a value in it's self.  It doesn't have to be a history book, or a classic book. which educators state is of "value". 

    Not sure which books you think are being removed from Florida schools, but I have not heard of any that would be considered educational by anything but the furthest left SJWs. And it isn't about books really. It is about school systems changing curriculum to fit the woke agenda, force it on kids and not giving parents any say. The things being blocked in FL were very recently ADDED, and just as with the "Don't say gay" mantra spewed by leftists to mischaracterize the law blocking teching 1st graders about gay, lesbian, etc crap, they now lie about what is being done with this new law.

    If a child or parent WANTS those books, and to learn those lessons, they can push for them to be extra curricular programs. 

    Most of what is being pushed is far from age appropriate study. Again, the other FL law didn't actually ban all of the crap, but moved certain subject matter to older age groups than what the left wants, as indoctrination started early is what they strive for.

    And yes, removing the books IS a very good solution, as those books should never have been ADDED. Kind of like setting up a TV monitor and play pornhub and calling it sex ed... in a 1st or 2nd grade classroom Some material is simply NOT appropriate.

    Crap like this...

    is clearly marketed toward children. Just as the books I mentioned. Defend the educational value of this if you wish, but consider the target audience.

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  10. 47 minutes ago, vancleef said:

    Only if it's Dr Seuss or Huckleberry Finn! Otherwise, it's censorship!

    It's hilarious that  a few years ago Libtards were banning books and it was okay. Now, Florida wants to take a couple off the shelf and they're Nazis?

    Ahhh! But Florida is not "banning" anything, simply removing books from classrooms that have zero educational value. IF a child or parent wishes, those books ARE available at libraries, book stores or probably some leftist online store.

    They haven't been banned, or re-written, as leftists have been doing... or changing the definitions of words to fit a narrative!

    I remember when they changed the definition of "anti-vaxxer" from people who refused to get a vaccination to anyone that doesn't think they government should force people to get one. That was done because of Trump. He got his shots, and even recommended that people get them, but said the government shouldn't force it with mandates. Gotta shoot down Trump, even if it means changing the rules mid game!!!

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  11. 8 hours ago, bjornk said:

    First Google, now Youtube, both completely broke the search functionality. Two massive corporations run by complete retards. Youtube search, which has already been shit, now completely ignores command filters like the dash (e.g. character creation -hogwarts). Why would I even use your shit if I won't be able to find what I'm looking for?

    Not broke... much, much better! They must ensure that when your kid tries to look up Hogwarts, or some other "hate filled crap", that they are guided to relevant pages like "Why Suzy has a penis", or "A penis does not mean you are a boy", and of course... "Don't tell your parents!"

    Not long ago, I looked up something about trans crap, because I try to stay somewhat informed of what to watch for, to protect my son. For the following month or more, regardless of what I typed into search, videos (aimed at kids) popped up.

    And now apparently, they are rewriting more children's books to match woke agenda. Just burn the books and get it over with already!

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  12. 22 hours ago, Nessa said:


    $400,000 missile to shoot down.... a $12 balloon. And the first missile missed. 😆

    Have we reached peak insanity yet? 😄

    It was a $1200 Canadian weather balloon, which was what my husband said when he heard the size of it. The $400k missile was because some numbnuts thought F22's didn't need machine guns. 

    Keeping pace, Biden announced the first US anti-balloon balloon was deployed...


    At a cost of $25 billion, an unnamed Naval official was quoted as saying, "I miss Adm. Lyons."

    • Haha 2
  13. 3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Very nice adaptation. 

    Is it being released?

    Thanks! Not sure when I will completely finish her. Finished the belt bracelet. Widened the hat brim a couple of days ago... I like it better. Saw some minor clipping of the medallions on her belt, but might not bother. Depends on how much it bothers me as I play her. Straightened the tail of the scorpian tattoo to better match the original pic. Need to add more on fingers, but not totally necessary, I guess? With the way I work on stuff... maybe sometime in 2036??? 🤔


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  14. On 2/9/2023 at 2:18 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    It's official; the U.S. Navy blew up Nord Stream 2 and Biden was personally involved.  From bubbling dumbass to ecoterrorist is one helluva jump.

    Basically admitting to an act of war (after denying it)... and either compliance from Norway, or an invasion of sorts. Then, add in the old lie that Russia did it themselves, as some lame excuse for " further aggression".

  15. LS_LeatherMiniSkirts Collection

    LadySmoks presents... Leather Minis!!!

    This is a collection of open bottom leather skirts for Sim females, teen thru Adult... including MedBod!

    These are TS4 to TS3 conversions of skirts by Saliwa at TSR. All are NON-recolorable, made using an overlay. A single tile gray will show in CAS to prevent possible CAS errors. Adjusting the gray tone may or may not lighten or darken the skirts.

    YA/A comes in VERY Mini and standard hemline, each in 2 different versions. Teen and MedBod are the standard hemline, and each in 2 versions. Currently, no plan to make VERY Mini for teen, but may do for MedBod.

    Bones and morphs were adjusted, and looked good during testing. All skirts include pregnant morphs! But, any issues, please let me know!!!

    I hope you like them!!!

    Special note: I have finally solved my MedBod waist seam problem, and am working on several separate tops and bottoms for JoshQ's MedBod that can be mixed and matched to existing MedBod garments.

    The cropped tank tops shown, are works in progress, but should be available soon. Soon being by my time scale, which most know by now, is quite vague at best.


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