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Everything posted by lolik

  1. Heya @ColonolNutty , I'm having trouble with the mod when it's installed, Usually your past remedies helped me fix issues but I'm running into this issue where my sims can't pick up any plates or eat, the animation like glitches out. I've tried downloading everything and such. Does it conflict with other mods causing this? When I remove DD it's fixed and they can pick up and eat. Weird cuz it's running fine and there's no errors and such, just can't pick up a plate lmaooo or eat
  2. You could fix that by setting specific sim's like/dislikes to not being bothered by cheating basically lol
  3. I'm getting an error when i try and initiate a scene, it tells me It can't load the animations with Message Code 17: start_sex_animations_picker_dialog, and says not fitting sex animations can be found for whatever reason. Then i get a fatal error with Exceptions and it tells me to look in the folder but i don't understand the results or what I'm doing wrong :(
  4. I'm having the problem of saying there's ""Exceptions"" Spamming me with an error that have to do with the new Werewolf pack. There's also some things i'm confused about and i tried to read all of the instructions but, some of the fetish interactions won't activate because they aren't into it despite setting it in CAS. I understand to keep mod_data structure the same in mods, but as for the other files they just sit outside in Mods with the others? I just feel like i messed up somewhere.
  5. It's showing me this pls help yall.
  6. Can you please show me what files should only appear in mods so i don't get a Duplicate install? I seem to have it almost working other than that part, great mod!
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