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Everything posted by Veladarius

  1. @Anatriax I will help wherever I can with the guides but a good amount of things I do are the things that people say not to do. I think there were a lot of things that you could not do in FO3, FONV and Oblivion that work in Skyrim and vice versa. I have worked with modders that did things in Oblivion and were trying to do things in Skyrim and from what I get there is a lot of stuff in Skyrim's CK that was broken or disabled compared to previous games.
  2. @ritualclarityIt predates the virtualization like MO has, everything exists in the data folder. I have a scary amount of stored in NMM and installed currently. Right now my data folder is 175 GB and according to NMM I have 1736 total mods in it, 409 active mods (some are multi-part mods) and 247 active plugins. I still have some older versions stored in NMM of various mods in case I have to roll back for some reason. I am a bit of a mod packrat. I have had little issue with NMM from the start and have only had to reinstall my mods from nothing twice, once was an issue with an older version of NMM that screwed up the entire mod installation and once due to an unexpected HDD failure. My current install was done mid November of 2014 (14th through 17th) and have been going fine ever since. As it is I rarely update some of my older mods unless something else requires it, unless the new version fixes problems or has features I really want I don't see the need so long as it works. I do use Wrye Bash but mainly for the tools in it and info it provides at a glance.
  3. I am using NMM 0.56.1 for Skyrim and have not had any issues with it even with a heavy mod set. I have not played FO3 or FONV for a while so I don't remember exactly what mod manager I used but I have the entire mod sets for both backed up.
  4. I was just wondering what sort of skills people have when it comes to making mods. I can handle most anything as far as building quests (scripts, dialogue and scenes), building interior spaces (including navmesh) and setting up items such as armor. I can do a bit with magic such as spells and enchantments and am working on learning to create exterior worldspaces. When it comes to making meshes, textures or animations I have ZERO skills in making or altering anything.
  5. I am Veladarius, good to meet you all. Primarily I have been on LoversLab so it is nice to find another like-minded place I can go to. As for Kendo I am not scared of him, I am not an apple and have been chewed on by worse things. Some of my other hobbies are anime and manga and listening to music.
  6. Probably the biggest issue with using any of the buildings used in the cities is the missing sections and trying to fill them when using them elsewhere. Nice job on it.
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