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Anatriax last won the day on March 1 2018

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About Anatriax

  • Birthday 01/17/1984

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  1. Updating and condensing. First posting will be on LL, unfortunately. Only because formatting it on NSFW is a pain for me But it will get done and posted here soon!
  2. Yes, and 1920x1080 You'd need a 1080 to force 4k with the textures we're running
  3. 4th test install being done tonight, then revising the guide tomorrow (hopefully)
  4. NOT meaning to sound like a bitch... But this is info that is basically known already, bc the guide is fairly well known. While I appreciate your input, the obvious doesn't need to be stated.
  5. Yes, including conversion steps for some of people's favorite mods. Like SkyUI
  6. A little delayed (As I always seem to be), but progress is being made in testing, and hunting up new mods. Again, as always the goal is total immersion, stability, and ... utter sexiness. Follow me on Twitch to watch install and testing! <3 twitch.tv/anatriax
  7. Reading through all of this today to see if there's anything I missed / feel should be added. So far... some screenies NOTE: This seems to be running as fast and smooth as Skyrim SE, atm... so until mods catch up in SE, I will not be doing a guide for it.
  8. UPDATE: Beginning guide update. Users with Experience using 0SEX please inbox me with feedback/suggested mods. Thanks, guys
  9. Skyrim, preferably... as it will be the most relevant to Fallout 4. (Yes, Kendo. I know. "Blah blah Fallout 4 blah blah"). Lets face it. While it's a shitty came at it's core (story-wise), there's a lot of potential for mods to make a great game. I wanna add to that with a small story of my own
  10. Can someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for creating world spaces, and possibly one for creating quests? My time online recently is limited, and the help would be appreciated. Thank you!
  11. I just realized this guide is incomplete. -.- I'll fix that once I'm back online full time.
  12. Feeble attempts my ass. You're doing just as I would do <3
  13. Made a few minor edits. Posted a link to a post where and update and explanation (support) was given. When you return you will find all my edits and such in the appropriate Color for easy removal as you update the tutorials

    1. Anatriax


      Thank you, RC. I should be back within the month. 

  14. Why should I delete the post when all of these mods should be included in the guide?
  15. I know I've been away for awhile. My apologies. Life has happened, and I will be without internet for a bit longer. 

    I did get a chance to see that a remastered Edition of Skyrim will be released this fall. I'll be back for that for sure. Hopefully sooner so I can come back to you with some newly created material. Time without internet will give me time to focus on relearning some lost skills. ;);)@ritualclarity We've had this discussion.

    Love you all. See you soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anatriax


      Far from it, kind sir. Far from it. I'm spending tonight downloading massive amounts of mods, and tutorials, and tools... 

      Then I'm gone for Idk how long. But when I return... I'll be bringing back way more than just an update to our lovely guide.

    3. Sledge


      I for one will miss you and really look forward to your return!

      HOpe it's not tooo long.  I was wanting to tell you about the HD release in October, but I should have known you'd have been aware of that , probably long before I was.  It's great that it'll be free for PC users.  And I hear Skyrim 6 is also in the make, but may yet be  some time, due to some issues they're having.

      Hope everything pans out for you and don't be a stranger!



    4. Sledge


      PS: RL is for people who can't handle Skyrim...

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