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Everything posted by Maverickjw

  1. I changed from ww to dd and dont regret the change. Took a bit to get used to but its worth it. I think WW and DD are for different targets, as ww is more social friendly, more woke; and DD is more mature, for people who understands the difference between a simulation game and reality. If i were to make a mod, would be compatible with both lol, sadly i dont know how to programm in python, only C#.
  2. I believe what mccc does in this case is just debugging errors, but doesnt mean its a conflict between mccc and devious. You could check in your mccc folder for the mc_lastexception file and check with more detail why the error is ocurring (documents/sims4/mods/mccc) I would recommend do a double check if all your mods are updated. If its a cancelling action, do you have any infants in your household? They are an EA bug that makes your sims to cancel their actions to attend the toddlers (very annoying bug that EA doesnt mind solving) Im using mccc and devious, and also have a household brother-halfsister/hub-wife, but that bug doesnt happen to me.
  3. DD options to interact usually appear in the Romance wheel option when clicking on a sim. Also there is a DD option in the wheel menu. If you click on an object you may find Romance option as well which will take you to DD interaction options like having sex, etc. If you right Shift-click on any sim, you would see the config settings menu also, where you can adjust all modules. If still you cant see the options, then could be a mod conflict. When i changed from ww to DD, i had to create a new game (which i dont regret :D) . But i kept using mccc for some configuration settings and dont have any conflicts with dd.
  4. Tested the Romance Reload, saddly the game is not saving the turn ons and offs so i had to take it out Everytime i log in the game the sims have their turn ons/off randomized. If people dont have this issue i would like to know to dig a little more in case is a mod conflict. But the idea, i loved it, perhaps a recommendation would be to separate the Turn ons/offs according to Gender pick (straight, gay, asexual), if the sim has selected Straight, then if you randomize his turn ons, the buldge size, beard type, and male related characteristics wont be picked.
  5. I think "The Other Custom Preferences Mod" need to be added in requirements? Was testing the mod and couldnt save sims Romance reloaded traits from Cas. Had to read the update release notes to see this mod was needed lol. Gonna try it now, hope it works. By the way, which type of Penis works with this? I have Noir´s ones but they dont get recognized when this mod tries to set the Physical traits. So im thinking it would be very hard to set all Male size traits manually. A few moments later...Just tried with the mod and nope, traits doing whatever they want lol. After saving traits from Cas, i Shift-click and selected RR options. Took a look at modify traits options, and they were different. Back again, love the idea of this mod but saddly i had to erase it since the Turn ons and offs dont save, so everytime i log into the game all the sims have the turn on/off randomized again, and the fact of setting them manually makes it impossible If people dont have any problem i would like to know, perhaps is a mod conflict so i can dig a little more into it.
  6. After using the mod for some time i would like to make a few suggestions: - Would be nice if sims get fun need increased when performing their fetishes and also when having sex. - Having some mechanic like a mod i remember: Big dick problems, i think was the name. Besides the rare name, it had an interesting feature of sims getting aroused if they saw a sim with big penis or big breasts or something specific about their bodies, depending on their likes and dislikes, and increased their attraction to that sim. Also the mod used some moodlets like ej. a woman who likes big penis had sex with a sim with that characteristic, had some moodlet with a dirty description about how she liked it lol. I believe it had 2 moodlets, one during the action, like an "Oh my god how big...blah blah", and there was one for after the sex act about how much she liked it, or that it was her firt BD. In Resuming, theres a lot to play around the idea, dont have to be the same, but would be a good addition. - When a sim NPC enters a lot or visits your household, they always have arousal reset at min. You could increase in the mod settings the arousal gain % but wont be fun and also if its your sims Lot then you would struggle with your sims have high arousal all the time as it increases over time and they never leave. My suggestion would be if a NPC spawns, they have a random arousal level already. And following the same idea, perhaps have some actions in the Romance menu to "Throw a flirty look", "Stare at his package(boobs, bottom, etc)", "Rub his arm seductively", "Adjust Cleavage to call his attention". I know there are some actions already the increase Arousal like Compliment looks, altho its very little and repeating the same 4 over and over kinda loses the charm. Great mod!
    Great mod! Just wondering if its going to keep updating features? i read what your plans are colonol and they seem pretty nice features. Again, great job.
  7. I removed WW when i got that problem and never regret it. Im using MCCC with DD and not having issues at all. One thing that would be nice to have @ColonolNutty is for Sims to react to other sims. If a sim likes big breasts or butt, he could get an increased arousal if near that sim and compliment her. Or if a female likes big D...s if she sees a sims with a big D, get higher arousal and also be able to compliment him. Other thing would be if a sim sees other sim with a hard on she could react to that according to her likes. Just some ideas. Anyways, thanks for the mod and your time for making it.
  8. Hi, great job on the mod, replaced ww with this one and no regrets at all. Have a little problem tho that perhaps im missing something. I had to reinstall my windows a few days ago and lost all my sims 4 mods, DD was there. When i played before the reinstall, the female had their sims 4 nude body ok, but now if i take the Top clothes in CAS doesnt show the top, its all transparent, and if im in the game and undress the sim, the bottom is ok but the top shows with the vanilla body (that pink bra) when the female is supposed to be nude. I can replace the body Top through the devious menu and select sopor or helios top body, and it works. But doing it to all sims is a pain, and besides i liked the nude vanilla body. Any ideas on what can i do?
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