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About Chrystia

  • Birthday February 14

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    ~*~ Everybody Loves Dovahkiin ~*~ ~*~ Skyrim Legendary Edition ~*~ Requires Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). Here's a Working copy of Everybody Loves Dovahkiin. To use this mod, you access it from the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). You First have to 'Activate' the mod, from within MCM, then back out of all menues (go back to gameplay), Then the full options will be available within MCM. Very Powerfull Mod. You can make ANY NPC, And ANY CREATURE a Follower, And be able to Marry them. Yes, You read that corectly .. You can use this mod to marry a Dragon, or a Frost troll .. Any NPC. To make a Hostile creature a follower .. or marriage candidate, you first have to SNEAK up behind them and 'Talk' to them (While in Sneak Mode), To get them as a follower. Once they are a follower, they are no longer hostile and can then be married. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I am NOT Responsible for corrupted save files. Though I have Personaly used this mod extensively and never had any problems. Maybe if we are lucky, some kind hearted modder will convert this to SE/AE. Much love and many hugs to all of you! oxoxo p.s. I did not create this mod. It is Extremely Rare. That's why I am posting it here, because I have seen Many posts all over the net looking for it. Enjoy! Please refer to the enclosed screenshots for usage images.
  2. View File Everybody Loves Dovahkiin ~*~ Everybody Loves Dovahkiin ~*~ ~*~ Skyrim Legendary Edition ~*~ Requires Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). Here's a Working copy of Everybody Loves Dovahkiin. To use this mod, you access it from the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). You First have to 'Activate' the mod, from within MCM, then back out of all menues (go back to gameplay), Then the full options will be available within MCM. Very Powerfull Mod. You can make ANY NPC, And ANY CREATURE a Follower, And be able to Marry them. Yes, You read that corectly .. You can use this mod to marry a Dragon, or a Frost troll .. Any NPC. To make a Hostile creature a follower .. or marriage candidate, you first have to SNEAK up behind them and 'Talk' to them (While in Sneak Mode), To get them as a follower. Once they are a follower, they are no longer hostile and can then be married. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I am NOT Responsible for corrupted save files. Though I have Personaly used this mod extensively and never had any problems. Maybe if we are lucky, some kind hearted modder will convert this to SE/AE. Much love and many hugs to all of you! oxoxo p.s. I did not create this mod. It is Extremely Rare. That's why I am posting it here, because I have seen Many posts all over the net looking for it. Enjoy! Please refer to the enclosed screenshots for usage images. Submitter Chrystia Submitted 04/08/2023 Category Utilities  
  3. Edited April 6, 2013 to: Add New Recipes *CupCake Style Stuffed Croissants and 1970s Whoopie Pies at the bottom of the ~Special Recipes~* I love you all. So very, very Much! oxoxo
  4. Thank you for the follow!

    Following you back ❤️

    oxoxo ❤️


  5. *~A Lone Silent Hill Air Raid Siren Blares Deafeningly~* OMG .. I Made It Out Alive! *No .. I'm just reaching out to you through a shower steam kissed mirror* I hope it's not to late to see you again. I thought you might like a whisper from the other side. I miss Silent Hill. and I miss you. I hope you don't mind if I leave some toys here on the bed .. You can play with them if you want to *She glances longingly and smiles sweetly, as the shadows twist and dance about her and then vanishes into the swirling mists of fairy-tale* Dedicated to: ~Team Silent~ I've compiled a set of "Must Have" tools and thought that I would make it easier for the new generation of Modders to find them Credits: These are links to the OFFICIAL website(s). *Toys laying on the bed* / Tools ~ 3DS Max Noesis 3D Ripper DX *Quick Tutorial* U-Model - UnrealEngine+ For All the wonderfull, creative souls that want to learn 3D Modeling .. while you're laying in bed And in my great love for all of you, I offer up my very: ~Special Recipes~ ENJOY!!! Much love and many ~Huggz~ to all of you! *Note: Feel free to use anything I post, as you see fit, without asking for my permission. I don't own any of this shiz~ *Edited April 6, 2013 to: Added new recipes :3 #3D #model #tools #toys #recipes #love #shower #steam #kissed #mirror #laying #bed #silent #hill #air #raid #teamsilent *~oxoxo~*
  6. This .. is .. Amazing! I am just learning to make mods and who better to learn from than a master! (Not just pretty words). I have been learning who knows their shiz and who is full of shiz x) Thank you for your hard work! And Thank you for sharing oxoxo
    Absolutely Stunning! I have been dreaming of the day that I would find some Exquisite Fishnets! Thank you for your hard work! And Thank you for sharing oxoxo
    Absolutely Breathtaking! Thank you for your hard work! And Thank you for sharing oxoxo
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