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  1. https://github.com/ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mods%2C-Both-Using-Or-Not-Using-S4CL
  2. Make sure you've installed the requirements of DD. (Listed in the description)
  3. https://github.com/ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mods%2C-Both-Using-Or-Not-Using-S4CL#problem-reporting What is "pie chart"? Is that some sorta tool?
  4. I fucking wish I could make a tutorial video without it being reported to hell by Deaderpool and Turbodriver supporters.
  5. New Version of S4CL Available (v1.77): - Fixed an error that could occur when using commands that have an optional integer argument. - Added a couple fun commands to use. - On each interaction class, when the test function is run, the verbose log will now display the test result of each individual test part of the tuning. i.e. test_globals, _additional_tests, test_autonomous, and affordance tests. - Updated the command `s4clib.play_visual_effect`, some of the arguments were shifted. sim_info was moved to be the second argument. joint_bone_name was moved to be the last argument. - Added a new command to play visual effects on objects. `s4clib.play_visual_effect_object`. - Added an interaction to be able to log all of the game tags of an object. `Log All Game Tags`. - Added many new strings. - Added new CommonLocalizedStringSeparator values `OR`, `COMMA_SPACE_OR`, `AND`, `COMMA_SPACE_AND`, `NEWLINE_NEWLINE`, `STRING_PLUS_STRING`, `ARE`, `IS` - Fixed an error when choosing options in a Multipane dialog where it would not correctly determine values to be selected. - Fixed some type hint issues within CommonGameObjectDataStorage and CommonSimDataStorage. - Added the ability to choose to hide the tooltip for CommonTestResult and CommonExecutionResult via a new init argument `hide_tooltip`. - Added CommonTunedInstanceRegistry, used to modify tunings as they load into the game. - Added a tuned instance modification handler for adding interactions to affordance lists. - Added functions to CommonCombinedSpecies to convert it to a short name, enum xml, and to check if a value is an animal value. - The maximum size files can be when created by S4CL is now configurable via the sims4communitylib.config file. It has also been increased to about 500 MB instead of the previous 10 MB. - Added new utilities for Civic Policies, Bitwise operations, Businesses, Attach/Detach CAS Parts, Locations, Text, Sim Location, Sim Name, Sim Posture, and Sim Situations. - Added new enums for Civic Policy Status, Civic Policy Types, Street Civic Policies, Venue Civic Policies, and Postures. - When setting the first or last names of Sims via the S4CL commands, the first character of the entered names will now properly be capitalized. - Added a command to change the weather - Added fun commands to play with lightning strikes
  6. It is in the SHIFT+CLICK -> Instant Outfits menu Is your Sim trying to have sex with an NPC that does not live at the lot your Sim does? That might explain why it works on a toilet, since NPCs are only allowed to have "sex" at toilets and showers while off of their home lot. (This can be disabled in the DD Settings) Poo Feeder is a Poo Source. Poo Source = Source Of Poo. Yes, animations and CAS Parts will still be loaded, this is what DDWWLoader does for you (deviousdesires_wickedwhims_loader.ts4script) S4CL = Sims 4 Community Library 1. Update S4CL 2. Remove Old versions of S4CL 3. Remove duplicate versions of S4CL 4. Remove S4CL, then put a fresh copy back in. 5. Remove sims4communitylib.config There are very few guaranteed possibilities, because many people constantly get that error and it is ALWAYS 100% of the time due to one of the above reasons. The default orgasm fill rate is actually set to 1.0, it is possible with the many performance enhancements that it suddenly became too high, since things are running at a much faster rate. I plan to review much of the "During Sex" stuff during v4.2 or v4.3, so it may end up being fixed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! Second answer in the Nudity FAQ: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Nudity_FAQ Try travelling away from the lot and then back again (Maybe a couple times) and then try again.
  7. New Version of Devious Desires Has Been Released (v4.1): - Alot of these changes have led to an increase in performance when clicking on things, while the game is running, and when loading into a zone. - Start Sex (and other Fetish types) Overhaul. - All fetish interactions such as Milking, Breastfeeding, etc. are now locked behind the fetish traits. Thus, if your Sim does not have the fetish trait associated with the fetish, they will not be able to do it. - The only non locked ones are Normal Sex and Rape. (All Sims can do both of these) - Created an interaction that leads into Multi and Solo Sim sex - Changes: - Breastfeeding no longer requires a large amount of stored milk to autonomously start it. - Cum Consumption no longer requires a large amount of stored Cum to autonomously start it. - Fixes: - Fixed an issue where Lure and Rape was notifying about raping friends/romances, even if it wasn't - Fixed an issue with Fight and Rape showing up when it shouldn't - Fixed an issue when NPC Sims try to autonomously interact with the Active Sim - During Sex: - Sims will no longer gain romance if sex involves more than two Sims. - Join Sex Overhaul. - Sims will now ask to join sex autonomously more often - Watch Sex (Be Aroused) Overhaul - If a Sim sees sex, they will watch the Sims going at it. They may even join in on the fun! (They do not need to be aroused to do this anymore) - Animation Customizations - Added the ability to filter animations by Tags, Author, Category, and Species. - When modifying tags, they can now be selected by category. (Or you can select from the entire list of them as before) - Added the ability to combine customization files - Added the ability to choose a specific customization file to save any new customizations into. - Customizations now work off of an operations system, where each change made to an animation is apply sequentially, instead of having one customization file completely overriding changes of another customization file. - Fixes: - Fixed an issue with some animations not being able to show due to the large number of custom locations they specify. - When opening a dialog with a ton of animations in it, it will no longer take forever to build the dialog. The animations will show a shorter version of their normal description. - Fetishes: - Added Fetish Templates - With fetish templates, you now have the ability to save a set of fetishes that can readily be applied to Sims. Those Sims will have their fetishes match the template entirely. - These fetish templates will also be randomly chosen from and applied to Sims without fetishes as well. (The old system where it applies random fetishes to Sims will still apply, if a fetish template is not applied to them.) - The chance of applying a fetish template can be modified in the DD settings. - These fetish templates can also be shared with other people as well. - Removed the Seeing Giving and Seeing Receiving portions of fetishes. (They made sense in real life, but in the video game world, it just makes things complicated) - Many fetishes that don't have both a Giving and Receiving side to them now only have a single "side", such as Incest and Exhibitionism. - Fixes: - Fixed an issue with fetish preference traits not being properly added to Sims. - Created a new module specifically for Pet Play. - Leashing is now locked behind the pet play fetish. - The leashing interactions have been moved to the Pet Care category. - When a Sim is leashed, they will now wear a collar that the leash attaches to. - Leashed Sims can now be taken for a Jog or a Walk. - Leashed Sims can now "Do their business", if DD Dirty Play is installed. (Animations for these interactions still need to be updated though, so you may see the Leashed Sim morph all weird!) - Fixes: - Fixed an issue with the leash not properly attaching to the neck of the leashed Sim. - Start Sexy Time Changes: - Normal Sex start no longer has select targets, it is now a single dialog for selecting Sims, then you select animations right after. - Misc Changes: - Renamed Cum Eating to Cum Consumption - Renamed Poo Eating to Feces Consumption - Renamed Pee Drinking to Urine Consumption - Renamed Drinker to Consumer in the code - Renamed Eater to Consumer in the code - Removed pointless properties from DDAnimation and DDAnimationActor - Split all of the allowance flags, one for each of the special fetish types - Split all of the Allowed to Have Sex code into their respective modules - Cleaned up the animation query utils, it is much cleaner and much more performant now. (These changes have sped up a ton of other things in the process!) - Cleaned up the item querying system, tag filters, and tag handlers. - Changed many functions in DDSexContext and the properties in other contexts related to Sex to properties, since it makes more sense for them to be properties. - Object filter is no longer shoved into a DDCustomTagsAnimationTagFilter, it can be used directly now. - Added an animation test that checks for an animation to be allowed for random. Animations not allowed for random will no longer be selected at random. - Added missing is available tests for CAS Parts and Encounters - Added DD Trait class for better checking of which Sims can have a trait added to them. - Updated all traits to have a better check for which Sims are allowed to have those traits. - Misc Fixes: - Fixed slowness when clicking on Sims or on locations due to the sex interactions being slow - Fixed an issue with the From Sim animation interactions using the wrong pirate day text - Updated the Lone Wolf And Loving It and Hungry For Animal Romance lifestyles only Zoophiliac Sims are able to receive them now. - Created missing CAS Preference Tunings for each of the fetish traits, not having these caused "preference_item" to not be found, which caused the interior decorator gigs to not work quite right.
  8. You probably forgot to install one or all of the Requirements. Take a look at the description again. SHIFT+CLICK on Sim -> Instant Outfit -> Select Body Parts https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/Devious_Desires_Home In each directory page is a list of animations related to each module. I recommend seeking out the Cruxmyth Customizations on Loverslab, he has customized a ton. I don't play the game so I rarely have time to do this myself. Lure and Rape does not require pissing them off. Autonomy is a little wonky right now as was stated above your comment, which will be taken care of in the next build. It is if you didn't install animations. Autonomy with the Cum drinks is weird, it works when the thing is outside of their inventory, but Sims don't use it when it is inside their inventory. Yup, you can disable rape in the DD Kinky Settings. Yup, that is what happens when most animators are too dumb or too slanderous to tag their shit. Take a look in the ingame Lessons for everything to know about Brothels. ESC -> Lessons -> Devious Desires - Brothel Cruxmyth Customizations on Lovers Lab Thanks. Good ideas. Try these troubleshooting steps: https://github.com/ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mods%2C-Both-Using-Or-Not-Using-S4CL 1. Make sure you've installed the DD Dirty Play module (Modules are a separate download) 2. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Dirty_Play_for_DeviousDesires#Poo_Eating https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Dirty_Play_for_DeviousDesires#Pee_Drinking
  9. It does, you just need to find a translation. The most likely cause of this is outdated transtlation files. https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex Because you are missing Requirements. Requirements are listed in the description. 1. Don't fucking quote the overpost/description 2. Take a look at the very nice Lessons I created ingame for Brothels. ESC -> Lessons -> Devious Desires - Brothels Autonomy is being worked on for the next release. Both starting and joining. When Kinky Relationships are worked on, it will be fleshed out more. 1. Make sure you've installed DD Pets (It comes with the Modules download, which is separate from the main files) 2. Make sure you've installed Animal Sim animations, take a look at the Wiki for a list of places you may download the ones I have been made aware of. 3. Make sure your Sim meets the criteria for having sex with the Animal Sim (It is the same criteria as it would be for a Human Sim) https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex The lot trait is used to indicate a lot is an NPC Brothel, not one that you purchase. Lots you can purchase yourself have nothing to do with the Brothel lot trait, in order to purchase a Brothel, you need to have available Residential lots in your neighborhood, which you may then purchase. You can also purchase/take ownership of the lot that has the Brothel Lot trait, but you must own the lot itself first. SHIFT+CLICK -> DD -> Modify Fetishes The better question, is WW safe to use with other mods? I would say No, but I'll let you be the judge of that. DD should be compatible with EVERY mod out there, UNLESS another mod author decides to be an ass and force a hard incompatibility. Type Host station into the search box in build mode, if you do not have a Host Station, it means you do not have the Dine Out DLC, which is one of the requirements for the DD Brothel module. All you need to place for Strippers is a Pole dancing Pole, I think Kritical has some available... somewhere. Make sure the actors in those animations are also tagged for Poo Eater/Poo Source. I highly recommend the Cruxmyth customizations, he has tagged many animations for various aspects of Devious Desires. Yrsa has a few I think. No, you cannot get banned from using this mod. Nothing in this is illegal. In my opinion Wicked Whims is a very poorly written mod by a very poorly behaved mod author, so I believe Wicked Whims will conflict with anything, but you can come to your own conclusions. Devious Desires is made to never conflict with anything, no matter how much I hate other Mod Authors, I'm not stupid enough to cause issues with other mods like Turbodriver is. Testing of the Brothel has been going on for over half a year in my discord, I know 100% that everything works (and works good). If you find issues, try removing all your other mods, you may have a mod causing problems for you. Also make sure you've got all the DLC that the DD Brothel module requires. Define "line up". Have you modified your Sim with height sliders? In this case, they will never line up, at least until I add support for the CSF Height Sliders (Which are the only height sliders I'm planning to add support for) 1. Update S4CL 2. Remove Old versions of S4CL 3. Remove duplicate versions of S4CL 4. Remove S4CL, then put a fresh copy back in. 5. Remove sims4communitylib.config The only possibilities. A CAS Part they have equipped does not appear to be functioning properly. I don't think it is the strapon because I would be seeing it too if that were the case. `s4clib.print_outfit` will give you the Ids of the CAS Parts they have on them. You need animations to be tagged for PENIS_MILKING as well as an actor tagged as BEING_PENIS_MILKED. Without those, you will never find animations. I highly recommend the Cruxmyth customizations, he has tagged many animations for various aspects of Devious Desires.
  10. Sounds like you already know the cause, your Anti Virus false flags it. Next time you get an error, please don't just post the message itself, that won't help anyone by itself. Just give the actual file.
  11. You've downloaded Sims 4 Community Library and Mod Settings Menu? That dialog hasn't changed in years and it hasn't been wrong yet. Make sure you've installed S4CL and MSM in the proper places within your Mods folder, either root level or only a single folder deep. Any deeper and Sims 4 won't even load them.
  12. In the description where you downloaded their file, they tell you where to put it. In 4.1, I'm reworking how sex starts with all the things I've learned when working on the Brothel, so it'll be less complicated and more likely that Sims will properly do the interactions. I think many of Alonely animations are Tentacle specific. DD doesn't actually have a way to filter out tentacles right now (WW doesn't filter them out either), but that will likely be a thing implemented at some point.
  13. I deleted it, it was no longer needed. Can you tell me where you see this file being referenced at? I probably forgot a place that I need to remove a reference to it.
  14. New Version Of DD Released (v4.0): - Many new fixes and additions were made to various aspects of the existing DD stuff, such as Sex, Fetishes, Encounters, and Nudity. - Introduced Brothels! Buy and Manage Brothels or create NPC Brothels you can work at yourself! Want a live in Brothel? Well now you can have one! - New Skills - New Buffs - Be sure to update Sims 4 Community Library to at least version 1.76 with this update
  15. I'm fine with the support thread. It is simply that the Reviews are no place for asking for support, yet people constantly do so while giving a one star! Comments are fine. Reviews are simply being misused or the reviews are the first "comment" type thing that people see after downloading it, thus making them believe it IS the support thread. Usually when the game boots you out of a household a lastexception.txt file gets created. I will need that.
  16. Due to the massive misuse and abuse of the Reviews where people use them to report bugs or ask questions. I'm simply gonna ignore all Reviews.
  17. You should try 4.0 from my discord or wait for it to be released. If DD trashed the game, made the load times super long, or even crashed the game, many MANY community members would be saying the same thing. Please stop making assumptions that are possibly based on the lies from Turbodriver or Deaderpool.
  18. It sounds like you are having issues with some kind of CC. The black penis is absolutely normal. If you're using a Noir penis, they ARE black by default, you need to select a Skin Overlay for them to use. Try uninstalling all other mods and see if it still occurs (It probably won't). Alternatively, make sure you've got all the Requirements AND that they are update to date.
  19. Try using my Custom Gender Settings mod to change them to Uses Toilet Standing and remove Uses Toilet Sitting. Give em a try. Try removing all other mods except for DD itself, the requirements of DD, animations, and CAS parts and see if that makes a difference.
  20. You say they are Male, but your dog has a vagina, which indicates they are actually Female and not Male. (Since Pets don't have gender options in vanilla) It just tells THEM where to find the exception to give to us. It is useless to anyone but them. v3.9 DD has a bug that has been fixed in v4.0 (Which is available in my discord currently). You can also assign fetishes by doing SHIFT+CLICK -> DD -> Modify Fetishes.
  21. Lure and Rape is an "Ambush" type of rape. Fight and Rape is a "Strength" type of rape.
  22. The files you are searching for are `sims4modsettingsmenu.ts4script` and `sims4modsettingsmenu.package`. You have duplicates of those.
  23. Take a look at the wiki, it can answer many questions: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex
  24. Spread the word about my SFW mods mainly. Especially tell people about Sims 4 Community Library. More people should start using it so that less mods break on every patch!
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