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Kendo 2

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Everything posted by Kendo 2

  1. 'Leaker' broke the needle on my bullshit meter when he said they're abandoning The Creation Club for Starfield and ES6. 'It doesn't make enough money and only hurts us in the long run.' Yeah, whudever dude.
  2. Kendo 2


    Working on Savage Sam #3 now.
  3. Lots of good and NEW information about the game.
  4. 'Since I've been loving you' LedZep cover. This narrow-assed little blonde can really belt it out.
  5. "Bethetic"
  6. Word on the street is Nexus deleted a bunch of 'gonna mod FO76' threads. I don't know for sure since I avoid Nexus like the cancer it is.
  8. More background noise for the new comic.
  9. FO70shits LULZ https://twitter.com/twitch_ajpls/status/1063293481106460672/video/1
  10. Bullshit.
  11. Any idea what style of game it's going to be?
  12. Ouch. This guy just comes out and actually says it.
  13. Better?
  14. Submitted my resume this morning. Doubt I'll get it but it's a nice fantasy. Dream job and all that.
  15. I have do have some modded graffiti textures.
  16. I watched a movie made out of Witcher3 cutscenes on youtube and it was better than anything on TV at the time, aside from Taboo.
  17. A Norman Rockwell moment, Fallout style. This is one street of three that has NPCs wandering around with generic patrol packages. I'll be reusing this cell alot so I fleshed it out like a 'real' game town. It's basically a mod without quests or dialogue. I have two issues of the comic already completed and I'll start #3 soon. Once it's done I'll upload all 3 at once.
  18. My sister owns a mail order business and I told her about what Bethesda is doing...and she says...Depending on what State the purchaser is in, Bethesda is liable for the condition and contents of what they sell. If the product is defective or doesn't perform as promised then Bethesda has to remit back to the purchaser the full cash amount, either in real funds or store credit. As for the canvas to nylon bag bait 'n switch Bethesda is screwed because they don't have the disclaimer 'final product may vary' attached to the merchandise. Order a canvas bag, get a canvas bag; if not then Bethesda has to refund or give credit. IF I was stupid enough to order a Bethesda game and they did this shit to me I'd call my credit card company and dispute the sale. Adendum.: The game's software is licensed to the purchaser so if it is faulty Bethesda is in breach.
  19. Here's a video that shows what you get with the PS4 version of the made-in-China superDLUX power armor edition. It clearly shows the craptastic bag; that's made out the same kind of nylon used to make throw-away rain coats that you can buy at Dollar General...for A DOLLAR.
  20. That's kinky as fuck.
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