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File Comments posted by Nessa

    Devious Desires

    412,584    473

    Just wanted to say, I literally just updated Sims and tried a new game without WW but still with DD. (I've been away from Sims for awhile.) The performance is significantly better! (And I doubt we can thank EA! 😆)

    • DD anims now start instantly. (Was a slight lag under my old setup, but that was probably back at version 3.0 or earlier. WW also had a slight lag.)
    • Area load times aren't ridiculous anymore! (This is the first thing I noticed. Was expecting 30 seconds or so and was very surprised when it was only 10!)
    • No more half second lags on certain actions. (Computer, etc.)

    Great work!! 😎 Wish I'd have considered dumping WW earlier.

    Oh, and it was DD that added the great "likes" trait-ish system all along? Should have known. I was thinking I'd miss that, but there it was! 😆

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