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Elf Prince

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Everything posted by Elf Prince

  1. Thanks Anatraix for additional info. I personally use hirensboot utility.. Agree, it very powerful. So far I didn't need it for my PC but for my friend's.
    This looks awesome my friend. Your girls are always hot and sexy. Thank you very much. Do you know if this mod will conflict with MAria Eden prostitution since it adds tavern cloths to the prostitutes?
  2. Thanks Kendo and ritual. Yea, I love playing Sims 3. Sex animations are awesome and there is a visible movable tongue unlike in Skyrim. I'm trilled with watching sex animation where tongue was used.
  3. A new tip: " Cyclic Redundancy Check error" A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a data verification method your computer uses to check the data on your disks (hard disks like your hard drive and optical disks like CDs and DVDs). A cyclic redundancy check error can be caused by several different issues: registry corruption, a cluttered hard disk, an unsuccessful program installation, or misconfigured files. Regardless of the specific cause, the cyclic redundancy check error is a serious one and must be addressed to avoid potential data loss or even a total system failure system. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to address this problem using (free) disk utility software. Solution: Run some software for checking HDD like - chkdsk /f - or use some powerful HDD utility. It is highly recommended to use the one from your manufacturer if provided.
  4. Anatriax & Ritual - It will be my pleasure. I'm in the middle of deeper research of "NMM vs Win 10" I just need to collect couple more info about it and then I'll be happy to do it.... You guys rock (I mean you two and all moderators team and members).... I'm so happy to be here.
  5. Kendo2 . thank you very much for this thread. I understand much better US laws about this area. It's is quite different from the laws about same subject in my country. However, I agree with them and support them especially about child pornography.
  6. I always read your tutorial and addressing others when asked me about best Skyrim tutorial on LL although I didn't ever made a post to your thread. You have my adoration for the tutorials you made.
  7. Screenshots from my Sims 3 game
  8. To NMM users, All tests of all NMM 0.61.+ versions were done on Windows 7 64 bit. Many NMM users have reported troubles when installing certain mods on Windows 10. Some didn't have problems at all, but some did. I would truly appreciate if you would share your experiences with Win 10 and NMM 0.61.+ Thank you.
  9. TEST REPORT ON NMM 0.61.15 (testing was done with 142 mods and 138 plugins) Since the latest version doesn't have major fixes, I did a basic test: 1. Upgrading from 0.61.14 went flawless 2. Installation of full version went flawless 3. Uninstalling and reinstalling mods in both methods; upgrading/full version installation went well and without any problems. 4. Fixed and tweaked the Supported Tools dropdown menu always worked for me. I can only report that it works 5. Fixed crash issue when setting the Temp path to a root folder. (Have no SSD so I can't say if it works.) 6. Fixed issue allowing users to enforce an invalid and unsafe path for the Temp folder. (Have no SSD so I can't say if it works.) 7. Fixed random "Value of 'xxx' is not valid for 'Value'." exception preventing some functions using the modal progress bar to complete. - Fixed. Warmly recommend for upgrade. Note: Always save your current profile(s) before doing upgrade.
  10. TEST REPORT ON NMM 0.61.14 1. Uninstallation of all mods were flawless, and I mean it.... (after I uninstalled all mods using "Uninstall all mods" command from tool menu, there wasn't single esp, esm or/and any other file left behind.. this version fixed the problems with "leftovers". Beside this, I haven't had a single freezing or CTD during the uninstallation process) 2. Mod's installation was simple as it can be... just click on the big green arrow on the right side of the panel and voila. 3. This version is little bit faster then previous 4. The new feature, "supported tools" works like a charm... You can run them all from he manager 5. Restoring backup/profile worked as a charm. Have had no problem at all. 6. Function "Remove from all profiles" works flawless. 7. Switching between the profiles is more secure and stable. Tested 2 times with two different profiles and have had no problems at all. 8. It is still recommended to close NMM before running "rebuild bash.patch" in Wrye bash. Otherwise, you'll have to re-enable all mods in "plugins" when starting NMM. This version is the "golden one" in comparison with all the versions after 0.61.9 - Upgrade is highly advisable, but full installation of 0.61.14 and starting the new game is even more advisable. Just make sure you set VirtualInstall folder as you did before - same place or you'll be in deep shit if you don't do that..... You've been warned!!!
  11. A new tip: NMM 0.61.+ and "Reset UI" function In theory, if you have a problem that your mods aren't placed in proper mod's section, but in "Unassigned", after re-installation or /and upgrading of the manager , "Reset UI" should solved this problem. After running this operation, all mods should be placed in their original locations. Well, this function works... mostly... and for certain type of mods that were previously "registered" and logged by NMM. When saying that this function works most of the time I wanted to say that it works under two conditions: - properly (re) installed NMM and VirtualInstall folder that hasn't been moved into new location or deleted before re-installation of the manager - errorless writing all Install logs created by NMM. If you are "victim" of any above named problems, the only solution is to move your mods manually to wanted location. Then press "Save current profile" opening "Profile" button.
  12. New tip - "Reinstall mod" troubleshooting Checking the NMM vulnerability I found one very "weak spot" in NMM 0.61.13 when it comes to "Reinstall mod" command. Example: I have "Npc clones - Follower and marry" mod that contains several esps. Before I run "Reinstall mod" command, I disabled one esp in "Plugins" from the named mod. After that I ran "Reinstall mod" and NMM froze every time when trying to do this operation reporting "changed mod's order" and it wasn't able to reinstall the mod. So, if your NMM freezes after running "Reinstall mod", check your "Plugins" to see if the mod is present and enabled. ALWAYS check your "Plugins" list after installing/uninstalling/disabling/reinstalling certain mod and NEVER run "Reinstall mod" without checking if that particular mod is listed and activated.
  13. A new tip - Mod disabling before uninstalling I did a several tests on textures, meshes and heavy scripted mod. Most of us usually just uninstall our mods via NMM. Since NMM has a problem with uncompleted mod uninstallation that causing some textures, hair, meshes and similar glitched, i decided to do some tests. Did tests on 5 different mods from the sentence above. Before running uninstallation, I clicked on "Disable" mod first and when NMM diabled mod, then I ran unnistall. I was pleasantly surprised how things works better now.
  14. Mods are now taking up double the space with this version of NMM. Why is this? The short version: it's not. The long version: we're using a system in Windows known as hardlinks and symlinks (depending on whether you install to different hard-drives or not, NMM picks the best one for the task). Essentially, these are shortcuts that your operating system uses to stop the duplication of data while still presenting data in multiple folders. For example, your "Documents" folder in windows uses a similar sort of shortcut. Using this system, NMM installs your mods to a single folder you specify in the settings and then places shortcuts in your game folders pointing to where the mods actually are for the game you're using. The shortcuts in the mod folder look and act exactly how they would if the files themselves were in the mod folder, but they're not. This is what allows us to accommodate multiple profiles without continually installing and uninstalling mods, and in a quicker fashion than manually uninstalling and reinstalling the mods you want to use. The folder will make it look as though the shortcuts are taking up a lot of space, but they aren't. If you use 1GB of mods then NMM will still only use 1GB of space, not 2GB of space like a quick check might show. The easiest way to test is to check your available hard-drive space. It won't have increased any more than before.
  15. New info: Uninstallation of USKP patches and installation of Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (USLEEP) 3.0+ If your manager freeze during the operation, close the program, reopen it and continued with de-installation. After Installation of Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch 3.0, run LOOT and Wryebash from NMM. When WB opens, before you do any operation, close NMM manager if you want to avoid "Plugins disabling" in NMM. Beware: Some of your mods that depended on USKPs might not work well or not work at all with USLEP. Check for theirs update and USLEEP compatibility and if there is none, uninstall particular mod.
  16. A new tip: How to completely remove HDT Highheels mod after uninstallation: If you uninstalled HDTHighheel plugin, its .ini log file remained in the SKSE directory so you need to delete it manually other wise you might have a problem in future re-installation of the mod and compatibility issues with co-dependent mods. The location of the file is: (*X):\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtPhysicsExtensions.log (*X) - represent your HHD drive directory/partition
  17. New tip: reinstalling mods and importance of doing BACK UP The reinstall of a mod package has the power to undo all customizing changes you applied onto files coming from NMM-managed mod packages at any time, reverting everything back to fresh blank install state. But then again, that's been the case "every" time a reinstall of a mod package has taken place so far, which was happening regularly even outside of an update. A simple backup of customized files was working wonders in getting customizations back in place after the reinstall in that case.
  18. Elf Prince

    Camilla and Ysolda

    They both look awesome and hot.
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