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  1. Just curious if there was any plans for vampires would love to make sims my blood/sex slaves
  2. Hey so i played with this mod in the past, but i drop the sims for a while mods can only go so far if the main game mechanics are dull. so I was wondering if the animal/sim hybrids from the future features panel on the wiki where the humans from animals have pet ears and such have been introduced yet; if not is it still planned and will it be customizable. Btw i do want to thank you for bringing chaos to the sims 4.
  3. Hey so I have a gay male sims who is a max lvl Dom, rapist, and prefers giving it but always the one that ends up getting fucked every time; I have to keep swapping positions every animation; I tried using the respect actor roles but says I have no animations available even tho i have almost every animation from the wiki info page It's so weird when I have him go rap his slave he ends up be the one getting raped how do make him respect his actor role preference.
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