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Game Goblin

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Everything posted by Game Goblin

  1. Hey-lo everybody. It's that time I toss my hat into a name and offer my summer services of DAH DAH DAH... Creative Writing / Transliteration. But Game Goblin, I speak English just fine / I can do my own stuffs just fine k thx. Groovy mate, then this post isn't really for you. Lemme get down to brass tacks. Modding is a global affair, with many talented modders adding their own flavor to the mix. Woefully many do not speak English as their first language and it shows, what I do is help bring their works to a larger audience. Also some modders hit writers block when working on a mod... Behind the scenes there is just so much going on with assets, and scripting, and NPC building, and dungeon building, and story building... well it becomes a jumble. My services in a nutshell. Dialogue fixing and editing, including proper grammar and punctuation. NPC personification. (Editing NPC dialogue to be more personality based by each scripted NPC.) Transliteration - Translation to English: Lite. (Whether in your mods splash page describing your mod in your downloads folder or inside the mod itself.) (Note: I only speak English and Al Bhed - and nobody wants Al Bhed mods.) Creative Consultation - Have a quest to write out but you have writers block? I'm full of ideas, a veritable cornucopia of ideas. Past accreditations: Ravenous by Delzaron, (Dialogue overhaul & numerous fixes): http://www.loverslab...ous-very-alpha/ Haunted Mansion by Delzaron, (Grammar & Dialogue fixes): http://www.loverslab...-haunted-house/ Slave Town Remixed (Originally by Iamtheonewhoknocks)(Massive dialogue fixing and loreification): http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2209-slave-town-remix-paused/ There are unaccredited works of course, such as the troll quest in Animal Mansion Redeux by MyBrainHurts, and others. However due to privacy of their workings I will not list whom or what I have worked on prior w/o permission from my previous collaborations. One final note: My works are like a salad bar, metaphorically speaking, when/if you work with me, take the ideas you like, leave what you don't want. I'm pretty easy that way, after all it's your mod, not mine.
  2. My top 3... because one favorite isn't enough! My personal anthem! The world as I walk in it! And when the bastards try to crush me, I go back to my old self... That's it, I'm poofing now...
  3. >Serious side of brains enabled< It is good to see this spelled out and readily made 'stickied' for all to see. The aformentioned topics of loli/shota and beastiality are often fuzzy depending on your source material for asking about legality. Strangely where I currently sit on my little corner of the United States. All forms of 'loli' are legal to own and/or view but not to distribute to other nearby states... unless it is legal in that state as well. Such as I could copy/paste/print loli 'art' and pass it along to an associate who resides in Oregon, but not to a resident of Idaho. As each state, like said before, has different legal rulings on loli 'art'. I surmise this is in part due to loli 'art' as being a work of fiction with (hopefully) fully fictional characters. Oddly, animals and sexual encounters with animals is even weirder and more fuzzy. Some states juristiction is free-for-all, some are "only if you get caught", others outright ban it. Again my home state (due to a very lonely mans accident involving his stallion) has extremely odd predilictions concerning legality. Moreso here, it is up to distinct counties withing my state to determine legality. Really really. Some counties it is forbidden, others have a weight limit of a 50lb animal... and some places just think it won't happen and have no set laws on the topic. The OP topic is concise and straight forward. I however being a somewhat free person who values personal anarchy albiet 'harm none' in the mix. I think perhaps maybe an addendum or suffix may be needed as a pre-emptive strike for some 'obscene' content. I do not wish to limit free speech, rather to be an enabler of letting people speak their mind or be creative. However certain "extreme" materials in my perview go beyond a pleasantly perverted environment. I speak of 'murder-porn' I.E. Snuff / Guro / Dolcett. While personally I take no offense to such fantasies, there are those who want to umm lower the bar, to make things more debased on gore filled. Eventually someone will stumble into NSFW and bring this topic into the light with either requests for said topic, or with distributable content. I for one am curious as to what the allmighty lords and ladies of NSFW will rule on this case. Sorry to bring you all down with this, but this is a serious topic posted, and I figure it's best to nip this in the butt before it comes up in the future as an issue. G.G. >Re-initializing Fun side of brains!< FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER & THE SUB-GENIUS = TWO GREAT FLAVORS TOGETHER AT LAST!
  4. First: YEAH YEAH YEAH! I agree with Kendo2... Not sucking up, but in total agreement. Mods and their makers... methinks should be like an all you can eat buffet... Too many flavors to choose from, and as far as adult mods go, yeah we got plenty of sausage at the buffet, but we need more fish too... hell more of EVERYTHING! Gay modders, Trans modders, Lesbian modders, Straight modders, Asexual modders! Flavors for everyone! (Okay: note - I do have personal lines... I mean guro, gore, e.t.c. not my cuppa tea. Even though I have helped ugh, 'flesh out' a dolcett mod.) AND TO INTRODUCTIONS! Umm I'm that sad little green runtling known on LL for getting nothing done then adopting mods, only to get more nothing done. Real life sux a big one, and sadly I'm always front row to the party it seems. Just joined thanks to an invite from my homie K2. And with any hope I'll throw my spine out at work and get a few months of sweet sweet L&I money so I can actually finish something. (But if you want creative mod help like making your mod lore or writing up stuff like dialogue kind of things, that I can do at full steam and have some mods under my belt (accredited) for lending a hand (writing) to other modders.) It's mega bad-ass awesome to see so many familiar faces here! Some of my favorite authors! WOOOO it's like Candyland for adults! p.s. Is it cool if I invite Dekobi-Hime from LL? I think her work would fit in awesome here.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    After a long day laying trolls and wait... waaaaait... SLAYING TROLLS. Yeah... Well we all know the dragonborn needs to unwind right! Well here's another option for the mighty dovakiin. Stop in to town and pick up a wench for the night. For now, this mod adds: Two hooker spawn points to Windhelm... Sweet little Tekla in Falkreath now hooks if you have a few spare septims... A New NPC, Aurelia the ‘flower girl’ in Solitude, with a special flower - wink wink! Abelone who could use someone to help her warm up, in Dawnstar. And a new sultry NPC - Yasmine who is looking for a one night friend in Whiterun. REQUIREMENTS: SexLab - Update.ESM - Skyrim.ESM - Fuz Ro Do'h DIS-CLAIMER: This is a project mod. I have a treasure trove of crud to work on. Both IRL and in modding when I can pay attention to things. As is, you'll have to take this mod "as-is" for now, as updates will be sadly far and few. V0.5 is the latest version with most of the kinks worked out but there may be a snafu here or there. Problems with the mod, complaints, or ideas can be PM'd to me or posted on the support thread for this mod. Double-double Disclaimer: Mostly, the hookers are NOT hawt. These are somewhat desperate - gutter sluts, dope whores or regular girls. Super cute bunnies and sex kittens that will bang you for gold might come later in other cities, I don't think so at this point. (For a more RP friendly mod and to cater to immersion. Plus there is more than enough perfect girl/perfect guy mods out there.) There is no intention of adding player prostitution to the mod, again there is a metric fuck-ton (Approx: 10,000kg (2/2/2) cubed. +/- .030cm tolerance on the outer flange. Unless working with ISO9000 standards, then convert to the Imperial Standard measurement system. 5-S and Sigma-6, never required.) of those available, sooooooo no. Credits and Permissions: Ashal's code for SexLab and the technical aspects of the aforementioned are his intellectual property and subject to his terms of use for Sexlab. The core programming and putting all the pieces together is Kendo2s' handiwork, without him this mod wouldn't exist - so mad representation! All the intellectual works for versions 0.1 - 0.5 belong to me... Game Goblin, so keep your mitts off. MINE MINE MINE! And absolutely NO reuploading this mod to the Nexus, or anywhere else. If you want to help with mod, please PM me. Now on to the nuts and bolts... Fasten your seat-belts for the WALL OF TEXT D A N G E R : S P O I L E R S A H E A D WINDHELM: There are two spawn points for a total of 8 random hookers; one spawn is in the Grey Quarter close the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Another is North East of Candlehearth Hall, on the back side of it. If you have trouble spotting them, look for the women rubbing their arms to warm up. Talk to the whore young lady, she will lead you to a somewhat secluded area and (1) give male characters blow jobs, or (2) do a kinda random act with female characters. The dialogue and price (20 Septims) reflects only oral. Depending on how you have your animations flagged in MCM, you might get anything. Some of the hookers will trade you a blowjob for skooma. Known Issues: This is Skyrim, Sexlab and anything else you have crammed into your game. Your results will vary. This worked in game as intended when tested originally by Kendo2, and during trial tests by Game Goblin. As new mods and animations are released quite often since the last update of this mod, good luck to you. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When the hooker unassumingly normal woman leads you to the spot, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit together or you can click on her; same result. I didn't want put a wait timer or a stall for after the action happens. She will be ready for another go as soon as you are done. Ignore that, role-play it, most professionals acclimate to their jobs anyway... Having trouble after the first round? For the girl behind Candlehearth Hall console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest 5 For the girl wandering the Grey Quarter console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest_Skooma 5 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. FALKREATH: Poor Tekla. She's hit a rough spot. Talk to the townspeople, or Narri or Valga at Dead Man's Drink. They will point you to Telka. She has a brief narrative explaining her situation. After that she will sell her services to you and lead you to the double bed. Telka is set up to do whatever Sexlab wants to do as far as animations go. There are no tags attached to the scripts so whatever you have enabled as consensual sex will play when you bang her. Known Issues: Hopefully none. This has been tested with both a female and a male character and all of the dialogue matched and the right animations played when they were supposed to. You MIGHT encounter ugly Tekla before the quest starts. She won't hang around for long. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When Tekla leads you to the bed, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit togther or you can click on her; same result. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernFalkreathTekla 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. SOLITUDE: Aurelia wanders from the Solitude market place to the Bard’s College. Look for the young woman carrying a basket of flowers. Everything else will be explained in the game. If you talk to her and she sends you to take care of something she will still be walking around with her basket of flowers when you get back. Go find her. She only sells flowers from 7am to 7pm. If she isn’t carrying her basket she will not deal with you. Known Issues: After you buy a flower there might be a slight stall between her changing packages. This only happened to me once and it lasted less than 5 seconds. Either Corpulus Vinius or his son, Sorex Vinius must be alive and operating the Winking Skeever. If they are both dead this quest will not be available. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2SolitudeFlowerGirlQuest 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. DAWNSTAR: Talk to the miners or sailors in Dawnstar to start the quest. There is more to Abelone than meets the eye. Talk to her and listen to her sad story; it is up to you whether or not you feel sorry for her. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Abelone. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernDawnstarAbelone 30 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. WHITERUN Go to the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and talk to the Redguard girl wearing the fine clothing. The mod will walk you through the rest. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Yasmine. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. There MIGHT be a message box at one point in her quest. Deal with it until the next update. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2WhiterunYasmine_01 120 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart.
  6. View File K2G1 Working Girls For Sexlab (V0.5) After a long day laying trolls and wait... waaaaait... SLAYING TROLLS. Yeah... Well we all know the dragonborn needs to unwind right! Well here's another option for the mighty dovakiin. Stop in to town and pick up a wench for the night. For now, this mod adds: Two hooker spawn points to Windhelm... Sweet little Tekla in Falkreath now hooks if you have a few spare septims... A New NPC, Aurelia the ‘flower girl’ in Solitude, with a special flower - wink wink! Abelone who could use someone to help her warm up, in Dawnstar. And a new sultry NPC - Yasmine who is looking for a one night friend in Whiterun. REQUIREMENTS: SexLab - Update.ESM - Skyrim.ESM - Fuz Ro Do'h DIS-CLAIMER: This is a project mod. I have a treasure trove of crud to work on. Both IRL and in modding when I can pay attention to things. As is, you'll have to take this mod "as-is" for now, as updates will be sadly far and few. V0.5 is the latest version with most of the kinks worked out but there may be a snafu here or there. Problems with the mod, complaints, or ideas can be PM'd to me or posted on the support thread for this mod. Double-double Disclaimer: Mostly, the hookers are NOT hawt. These are somewhat desperate - gutter sluts, dope whores or regular girls. Super cute bunnies and sex kittens that will bang you for gold might come later in other cities, I don't think so at this point. (For a more RP friendly mod and to cater to immersion. Plus there is more than enough perfect girl/perfect guy mods out there.) There is no intention of adding player prostitution to the mod, again there is a metric fuck-ton (Approx: 10,000kg (2/2/2) cubed. +/- .030cm tolerance on the outer flange. Unless working with ISO9000 standards, then convert to the Imperial Standard measurement system. 5-S and Sigma-6, never required.) of those available, sooooooo no. Credits and Permissions: Ashal's code for SexLab and the technical aspects of the aforementioned are his intellectual property and subject to his terms of use for Sexlab. The core programming and putting all the pieces together is Kendo2s' handiwork, without him this mod wouldn't exist - so mad representation! All the intellectual works for versions 0.1 - 0.5 belong to me... Game Goblin, so keep your mitts off. MINE MINE MINE! And absolutely NO reuploading this mod to the Nexus, or anywhere else. If you want to help with mod, please PM me. Now on to the nuts and bolts... Fasten your seat-belts for the WALL OF TEXT D A N G E R : S P O I L E R S A H E A D WINDHELM: There are two spawn points for a total of 8 random hookers; one spawn is in the Grey Quarter close the New Gnisis Cornerclub. Another is North East of Candlehearth Hall, on the back side of it. If you have trouble spotting them, look for the women rubbing their arms to warm up. Talk to the whore young lady, she will lead you to a somewhat secluded area and (1) give male characters blow jobs, or (2) do a kinda random act with female characters. The dialogue and price (20 Septims) reflects only oral. Depending on how you have your animations flagged in MCM, you might get anything. Some of the hookers will trade you a blowjob for skooma. Known Issues: This is Skyrim, Sexlab and anything else you have crammed into your game. Your results will vary. This worked in game as intended when tested originally by Kendo2, and during trial tests by Game Goblin. As new mods and animations are released quite often since the last update of this mod, good luck to you. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When the hooker unassumingly normal woman leads you to the spot, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit together or you can click on her; same result. I didn't want put a wait timer or a stall for after the action happens. She will be ready for another go as soon as you are done. Ignore that, role-play it, most professionals acclimate to their jobs anyway... Having trouble after the first round? For the girl behind Candlehearth Hall console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest 5 For the girl wandering the Grey Quarter console: setstage K2StreetWalkersWindhelmQuest_Skooma 5 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. FALKREATH: Poor Tekla. She's hit a rough spot. Talk to the townspeople, or Narri or Valga at Dead Man's Drink. They will point you to Telka. She has a brief narrative explaining her situation. After that she will sell her services to you and lead you to the double bed. Telka is set up to do whatever Sexlab wants to do as far as animations go. There are no tags attached to the scripts so whatever you have enabled as consensual sex will play when you bang her. Known Issues: Hopefully none. This has been tested with both a female and a male character and all of the dialogue matched and the right animations played when they were supposed to. You MIGHT encounter ugly Tekla before the quest starts. She won't hang around for long. Like all silent mods that use Fuz Ro Do'h, there will be a lag during dialogue. Do not speed click through. Give the game a chance. When Tekla leads you to the bed, she may or may not immediately forcegreet you. You can wait for 5 seconds for her to get her CGI shit togther or you can click on her; same result. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernFalkreathTekla 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. SOLITUDE: Aurelia wanders from the Solitude market place to the Bard’s College. Look for the young woman carrying a basket of flowers. Everything else will be explained in the game. If you talk to her and she sends you to take care of something she will still be walking around with her basket of flowers when you get back. Go find her. She only sells flowers from 7am to 7pm. If she isn’t carrying her basket she will not deal with you. Known Issues: After you buy a flower there might be a slight stall between her changing packages. This only happened to me once and it lasted less than 5 seconds. Either Corpulus Vinius or his son, Sorex Vinius must be alive and operating the Winking Skeever. If they are both dead this quest will not be available. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2SolitudeFlowerGirlQuest 10 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. DAWNSTAR: Talk to the miners or sailors in Dawnstar to start the quest. There is more to Abelone than meets the eye. Talk to her and listen to her sad story; it is up to you whether or not you feel sorry for her. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Abelone. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2TavernDawnstarAbelone 30 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. WHITERUN Go to the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and talk to the Redguard girl wearing the fine clothing. The mod will walk you through the rest. Known Issues: I didn't run into any issues with Yasmine. That doesn't mean there aren't any, it means I didn't encounter any. Other possible game play issues have already been mentioned in the other updates. There MIGHT be a message box at one point in her quest. Deal with it until the next update. Having trouble after the first round? Console: setstage K2WhiterunYasmine_01 120 This will reset the quest so the ‘pay-me-fuck-me’ dialogue will restart. Submitter Game Goblin Submitted 04/07/2016 Category Immersion
  7. Version 1.0.0


    MAID TEXTURE FOR CHEF OR BARKEEP MESH A resource for modders... And a stand alone texture replacer for players! Everyone wins! To use this as a texture replacer, (you don't need to be a modder to do this) there are three possibilities; the chef, the barkeeper, and the barkeeper variant. All you need to do is follow file paths: For the chef, go to Data\textures\clothes\chef\f and the vanilla texture is named chef. If it is present, right click it and make a backup copy. You can then copy/paste the Maid texture to that folder and rename it chef. It is now a replacer. For the barkeep, go to Data\textures\clothes\barkeeper\f and repeat the process above. The vanilla files names are barkeepfemaleoutfit and barkeepfemaleoutfitvariant. BE SURE to make back ups of the original files so you will have them later if you want to revert back. @Modders, The texture is raw and uncompressed and can easily be edited without resulting in tiling or artifacts after you compress it. If you wish to use it in your mods, be sure to credit me if you use it. That's it - yup freebie! Free to use in your mods, just give credit, easy huh! One caveat though... I prefer to see it exclusive to Lovers Labs or to its' new home: NSFWmods... And not on the Nexus. Other than that, do with it as you like.
  8. View File Maid Texture Mod Resource MAID TEXTURE FOR CHEF OR BARKEEP MESH A resource for modders... And a stand alone texture replacer for players! Everyone wins! To use this as a texture replacer, (you don't need to be a modder to do this) there are three possibilities; the chef, the barkeeper, and the barkeeper variant. All you need to do is follow file paths: For the chef, go to Data\textures\clothes\chef\f and the vanilla texture is named chef. If it is present, right click it and make a backup copy. You can then copy/paste the Maid texture to that folder and rename it chef. It is now a replacer. For the barkeep, go to Data\textures\clothes\barkeeper\f and repeat the process above. The vanilla files names are barkeepfemaleoutfit and barkeepfemaleoutfitvariant. BE SURE to make back ups of the original files so you will have them later if you want to revert back. @Modders, The texture is raw and uncompressed and can easily be edited without resulting in tiling or artifacts after you compress it. If you wish to use it in your mods, be sure to credit me if you use it. That's it - yup freebie! Free to use in your mods, just give credit, easy huh! One caveat though... I prefer to see it exclusive to Lovers Labs or to its' new home: NSFWmods... And not on the Nexus. Other than that, do with it as you like. Submitter Game Goblin Submitted 04/07/2016 Category Models and Textures
  9. Should work fine with arousal. (However a caveat. I have not tested this myself with male characters so I dunno if you can melt faces with a raging hard on.) This is simply a clothing mod, so dripping when aroused or stopping to masturbate, I cannot foresee any issues.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    HEY! YOU THERE! CHECK OUT THE NAKED MAGE! Have you ever wanted to run around Skyrim in the buff melting peoples faces into mush, and still have the benefits of the enchanted college robes active? Well now you can. YOU CAN!!! Whaaaaaaaaaat? Our homeboy Kendo2 made this mod specifically to work with Devious Devices mods and Dangerously Nude. And it works like a charm. Wait... Kendo2 you say? Yeah... And credit where it is due. I own it now, don't ask, but think of it as payback for that gender changing slave-slut mod I helped him avoid. So don't ask him any question if the mod does weird things. Which from my tests there was nothing wrong, worked smooth as a Sims3 cheerleaders bum bum... mmm silky! OK! The ultra-cool important stuff, for playing in the buff! HOW IT WORKS: For every enchanted college robe in the game there is a craftable nude version. All schools of magic are supported as well as all of the perk levels for each school. From Naked Novice of Alteration to Naked Master of Restoration, they are all available. Each naked mage ‘outfit’, (You’re actually naked) is tracked by the game for NPC comments and any reactions added by SexLab mods. This mod’s spell effects and enchantments have key words attached to them, so you can be the naked mage but the moment you equip clothes or armor on your body the enchantments stop working. Get naked again and you’re back in business, sinful naked rarrgh face melty business. The naked mage outfit does not use any body slots. That means the enchantments will still work if you’re wearing it under Devious Devices items; and those items will not disappear...because you’re naked. This mod uses whatever body mod (male or female) and skeleton you have installed...again because you’re naked. (Game Goblin recommends the latest HDT skeleton, best to stay current. Tested with different body mods (CBBE/UNP), no issues!) GAME PLAY: Zed S. Curio was working on another project before he came to Skyrim to torment unsuspecting girls from the Mage’s College. Somehow his notes made it to Skyrim and they detail a lengthy process of alchemy and forging. The end results are various enchanted ointments that when applied to the bare skin give the benefit of the standard college robes. The base note book and Novice level Naked Mage recipes can be bought from Lucan Valerius in Riverwood, but like Lucan says, “If you want anything more you’ll have to go to the College at Winterhold.” Our old friend Urag gro-Shub at the College also sells the base note book along with all of the recipes for each school of magic and each perk level. He and Zed are buddies, after all. All of the base components for the naked mages are crafted at the cook pot and the smelter. Why the cook pot and smelter? Because using those two crafting stations does not provide skill increases and things like the smithing forge and the alchemy lab are over used and choked by other mods. This might sound like a dumb idea but once you read the base note book it will all make sense. For you Role-players it, uses a combination of Earth magical folklore and Skyrim game lore to enhance the role play experience. Once you start reading and looking at the recipes you’ll understand. You cannot craft the naked mages unless you have both the base note book and the desired recipe in your inventory. Trust me, this way is better and allows you to focus on what you're trying to craft. The other option, would be very messy. Though Urag gro-Shub sells the book and recipes, he will not sell them to unqualified spell casters. A Novice cannot buy Adept or above recipes, and even if he did sell them, the way the mod is set up would prevent you from making them. To make a naked mage Novice outfit you must have that perk in the school of magic. This is true for every perk level and corresponding outfit. A Novice cannot make a Master level naked mage outfit. You lack the skill and understanding. This also prevents the mod from being used as a cheat. The naked mage outfits cannot be sold. No one is interested in a magical ointment that doesn’t work. (Except for the most awesome Dovakiin! right!) Role play it in your head if you need to. For those of you who use mods that apply penalties for being under dressed in cold weather, a a weak Resist Frost effect has been added to the enchantments. For those of you familiar with Skyrim alchemy you might recognize ingredients that don't seem to fit the profile of naked mage enchantments. Zed Curio keeping you naked and warm is the reason. REQUIREMENTS: Skyrim.esm Update.esm And a special Thank You to Min for allowing me to invoke Zed S. Curio’s name for my little mod. Q&A: Q: Does this work with Devious Devices items? A: Yes. DD was one of the reasons I made this. The naked mage uses no body slots whatsoever. You can wear it under DD items without issue. Q: Why didn’t you just make spells or regular potions? Why are they outfits? A: The concept started as a base magical effect and I applied it to both a potion and a spell with a 999 day duration (the longest available in the game). They both worked as intended and that posed a problem. There was no way to prevent the player from stacking one spell or potion on top of another one without having to script for HasMagicEffect for 30 different spell effects. That would be 30 scripts with over 1200 different checks in Papyrus just to stop the player from having two of the added spells running at once. I don’t want Papyrus spinning its wheels when it sifts through 30 scripts with 1200 variables. Do you? Yeah, outfits were the way to go. Q: The way you have the crafting is a pain in the ass. Can you make it simpler or just add the outfits to a vendor? A: No. The mod was set up this way intentionally. It is meant for role play. And the naked mage outfits are useless to NPCs. They only work when naked and cannot work if worn under clothing. They have no value so why would anyone sell them or buy them? PERMISSIONS: Kendo2 put a lot of thought and work into this foolishly fun little mod. While he normally would only use Destruction and Conjuration spells, he added support for all of the schools of magic. That being said, if someone want’s to take this to the next level and add SexLab functions to it, the little green runtling... Game Goblin... me need to know first o-tay! Just drop me a PM and let me know what awesomeness you have up your sleeve. The update adds three new types of Naked Mage: Naked Arch Mage Urag gro-Shub will sell you the recipe once you have the Master Perk in any school of magic. You will not be able to make the Naked Arch Mage until you actually are Arch Mage. Naked Battlemage Fortifies Destruction Magic and adds Mage Armor. The governing school is Destruction. Naked Mage Armor Adds Mage Armor like Naked Battlemage but at a higher value, as it does not fortify any schools of magic. The governing school is Alteration. Naked Battlemage and Naked Mage Armor have perk levels (Novice to Master) and the Naked Arch Mage does not. Lucan Valerius sells the new Novice versions and Urag gro-Shub sells all of them. NOW STRIP DOWN AND MAKE ALL KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SPLENDOR!!
  11. View File The Naked Mage! HEY! YOU THERE! CHECK OUT THE NAKED MAGE! Have you ever wanted to run around Skyrim in the buff melting peoples faces into mush, and still have the benefits of the enchanted college robes active? Well now you can. YOU CAN!!! Whaaaaaaaaaat? Our homeboy Kendo2 made this mod specifically to work with Devious Devices mods and Dangerously Nude. And it works like a charm. Wait... Kendo2 you say? Yeah... And credit where it is due. I own it now, don't ask, but think of it as payback for that gender changing slave-slut mod I helped him avoid. So don't ask him any question if the mod does weird things. Which from my tests there was nothing wrong, worked smooth as a Sims3 cheerleaders bum bum... mmm silky! OK! The ultra-cool important stuff, for playing in the buff! HOW IT WORKS: For every enchanted college robe in the game there is a craftable nude version. All schools of magic are supported as well as all of the perk levels for each school. From Naked Novice of Alteration to Naked Master of Restoration, they are all available. Each naked mage ‘outfit’, (You’re actually naked) is tracked by the game for NPC comments and any reactions added by SexLab mods. This mod’s spell effects and enchantments have key words attached to them, so you can be the naked mage but the moment you equip clothes or armor on your body the enchantments stop working. Get naked again and you’re back in business, sinful naked rarrgh face melty business. The naked mage outfit does not use any body slots. That means the enchantments will still work if you’re wearing it under Devious Devices items; and those items will not disappear...because you’re naked. This mod uses whatever body mod (male or female) and skeleton you have installed...again because you’re naked. (Game Goblin recommends the latest HDT skeleton, best to stay current. Tested with different body mods (CBBE/UNP), no issues!) GAME PLAY: Zed S. Curio was working on another project before he came to Skyrim to torment unsuspecting girls from the Mage’s College. Somehow his notes made it to Skyrim and they detail a lengthy process of alchemy and forging. The end results are various enchanted ointments that when applied to the bare skin give the benefit of the standard college robes. The base note book and Novice level Naked Mage recipes can be bought from Lucan Valerius in Riverwood, but like Lucan says, “If you want anything more you’ll have to go to the College at Winterhold.” Our old friend Urag gro-Shub at the College also sells the base note book along with all of the recipes for each school of magic and each perk level. He and Zed are buddies, after all. All of the base components for the naked mages are crafted at the cook pot and the smelter. Why the cook pot and smelter? Because using those two crafting stations does not provide skill increases and things like the smithing forge and the alchemy lab are over used and choked by other mods. This might sound like a dumb idea but once you read the base note book it will all make sense. For you Role-players it, uses a combination of Earth magical folklore and Skyrim game lore to enhance the role play experience. Once you start reading and looking at the recipes you’ll understand. You cannot craft the naked mages unless you have both the base note book and the desired recipe in your inventory. Trust me, this way is better and allows you to focus on what you're trying to craft. The other option, would be very messy. Though Urag gro-Shub sells the book and recipes, he will not sell them to unqualified spell casters. A Novice cannot buy Adept or above recipes, and even if he did sell them, the way the mod is set up would prevent you from making them. To make a naked mage Novice outfit you must have that perk in the school of magic. This is true for every perk level and corresponding outfit. A Novice cannot make a Master level naked mage outfit. You lack the skill and understanding. This also prevents the mod from being used as a cheat. The naked mage outfits cannot be sold. No one is interested in a magical ointment that doesn’t work. (Except for the most awesome Dovakiin! right!) Role play it in your head if you need to. For those of you who use mods that apply penalties for being under dressed in cold weather, a a weak Resist Frost effect has been added to the enchantments. For those of you familiar with Skyrim alchemy you might recognize ingredients that don't seem to fit the profile of naked mage enchantments. Zed Curio keeping you naked and warm is the reason. REQUIREMENTS: Skyrim.esm Update.esm And a special Thank You to Min for allowing me to invoke Zed S. Curio’s name for my little mod. Q&A: Q: Does this work with Devious Devices items? A: Yes. DD was one of the reasons I made this. The naked mage uses no body slots whatsoever. You can wear it under DD items without issue. Q: Why didn’t you just make spells or regular potions? Why are they outfits? A: The concept started as a base magical effect and I applied it to both a potion and a spell with a 999 day duration (the longest available in the game). They both worked as intended and that posed a problem. There was no way to prevent the player from stacking one spell or potion on top of another one without having to script for HasMagicEffect for 30 different spell effects. That would be 30 scripts with over 1200 different checks in Papyrus just to stop the player from having two of the added spells running at once. I don’t want Papyrus spinning its wheels when it sifts through 30 scripts with 1200 variables. Do you? Yeah, outfits were the way to go. Q: The way you have the crafting is a pain in the ass. Can you make it simpler or just add the outfits to a vendor? A: No. The mod was set up this way intentionally. It is meant for role play. And the naked mage outfits are useless to NPCs. They only work when naked and cannot work if worn under clothing. They have no value so why would anyone sell them or buy them? PERMISSIONS: Kendo2 put a lot of thought and work into this foolishly fun little mod. While he normally would only use Destruction and Conjuration spells, he added support for all of the schools of magic. That being said, if someone want’s to take this to the next level and add SexLab functions to it, the little green runtling... Game Goblin... me need to know first o-tay! Just drop me a PM and let me know what awesomeness you have up your sleeve. The update adds three new types of Naked Mage: Naked Arch Mage Urag gro-Shub will sell you the recipe once you have the Master Perk in any school of magic. You will not be able to make the Naked Arch Mage until you actually are Arch Mage. Naked Battlemage Fortifies Destruction Magic and adds Mage Armor. The governing school is Destruction. Naked Mage Armor Adds Mage Armor like Naked Battlemage but at a higher value, as it does not fortify any schools of magic. The governing school is Alteration. Naked Battlemage and Naked Mage Armor have perk levels (Novice to Master) and the Naked Arch Mage does not. Lucan Valerius sells the new Novice versions and Urag gro-Shub sells all of them. NOW STRIP DOWN AND MAKE ALL KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SPLENDOR!! Submitter Game Goblin Submitted 04/06/2016 Category Armor
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