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113 files

  1. LadySmoks presents... MedBod-a-Go-Go!!!
    A HUGE THANK YOU to JoshQ for his MedBod female meshes! This outfit was inspired by Austin Powers Fembots, and the curvy Go-Go Girl look of the 1960's. I could not get some things to work as one of my FemmeBots, so made it as a Sim outfit.
    The outfit is for YA/A Female Sims, comes in one preset with 4 re-colorable channels, found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity.
    The boots are for YA/A Female Sims, one preset with 4 recolorable channels, and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity. These boots are similar to my other stiletto boots, BUT these boots are a bit "thicker" at the calves to accomodate MedBod's figure. They will fit regular female Sims.
    I hope you like it!!!
    1,884 0
  2. LadySmoks presents... an open bottom EP5 Sundress converted to basegame!!!
    Well, just as the title says. I opened the bottom of a cute sundress from EP5 and converted it to a basegame dress.
    This dress is for YA/ Adult female Sims and found in CAS Outfits, available for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Athletic, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. There are 3 basic presets, with 4 re-colorable channels. 
    I hope you like it!!!
    656 0
  3. LadySmoks presents... the EA Rocka B Dress open bottom! 
    Longer dresses can be a garment/ body clipping challenge, and I enjoy a good challenge... sometimes...
    This dress turned out well, so I want to share it! It's basically my open bottom version of an EA dress.
    It is for YA/ A female Sims, found in CAS outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom. There are 3 presets with 4 re-colorable channels.
    I hope you like it!!!
    485 0
  4. LadySmoks presents... The Flintstones!!! Yabba-Dabba-Doo!!!
    These are garments, NOT pre-made Sims! And they are NOT your parents' Flintstones!!!
    Items include, 2 Wilma tops and bottoms, (with and without giant pearls), Betty top and bottom, Fred top with tie, Fred and Barney bottom (different color masks in one package, one with pattern, one without), Pebbles outfit, Pebbles hair with bone hair tie (CoolSims original), Bam-Bam bottom, and Bam-Bam hair with ball cap (Kijiko original). Also, there is a set of nude feet, enabled for all categories except ValidForRandom. Feet are converted from Bloombase's feet mod. Barney top is EA.
    All garments are enabled for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, Career and Outerwear. Teen and adult female are also enabled ValidForMaternity. None are enabled for random.
    Female bottoms feature my Priyatna nude meshes. Male bottoms feature CmarNYC's male parts. Note: As they are not nude meshes, sliders and script do not work. The parts are for aesthetics.
    I hope you like them!!!
    6,166 0
  5. LadySmoks and The Super Secret Mad Science Division of Landgaab Industries presents... FemmeBot Yukari!!!
    Yukari is a conversion of one of the MMD bots, created by Kuroyu, and available thru DeviantArt website. I am working on others, but as these are a rather high polycount, it's been difficult reducing them to levels that will work in TS3 and maintaining appearance.
    Yukari has a head and body that are a bit different from other FemmeBot models, so they are really not interchangeable. Yukari's hair can work with other FemmeBot heads, and her headgear is an accessory, found in Sim CAS Accessories Armbands. The headgear is converted to basegame, and can be used for other bots, AND regular Sims if you wish. It uses the aWT hat sliders for a bit of adjustment if desired... here.
    NOTE: Yukari's head and face are static. Nothing moves. Eyes do not blink, mouth does not open and close when she speaks. As you see, this head is completely different from a Sim head, so I was not able to properly transfer bone structure to get things to work with the EA rig. It's possible that I will work on this in the future, but for now, the head is static.
    There is a head, one piece body, hair and headgear accy, 4 packages, in one zip file. All parts come in one preset with CAS thumbnail, and are recolorable.
    As with all FemmeBots, Yukari is assembled in the EP11 bot station, so that EP is required. She is a one piece design, and No Bottom option is required. For the sexbot chip, you need Oniki's Kinky World mod. I use sliders to get the appearance of my Yukari. Links to sliders I use can be found on the original FemmeBot page, here. 
    The model as shown is my demo model, and I will not be uploading her as a premade.

    I hope you like her!!!
    1,051 2
  6. LadySmoks presents... Honoka from DOA5... or 6 maybe?! Honestly do not play, so exactly which version is a guess! 
    All garments as shown are for teen female. There is a t-shirt, mini skirt with cow pattern, school girl jacket, accy glove for right hand only and HAIR! I saw pics during my research, and made the "Mini Milk" version of the t-shirt for Marie Rose to wear. One oufit, boots, gloves and hair for her can be found here.
    Custom meshes are based on EA meshes. Hair is converted from XPS model and formatted to TS3. As with many characters, distinctive hair style is a big part of it. I am still learning hair, and do my best.
    Morphs work well, as do sliders (within reason). Honoka is a busty girl!
    I hope you like her!!!
    2,444 0
  7. LadySmoks presents... No Age Lines for Adult Female Sims, including M5-AX Heads for FemmeBots!
    NOTE: This is a CAS override, and will affect ALL adult female Sims!!!
    EA decided a few things would happen to Sims, in this case adult females... sagging boobs and light facial lines. I am still working on the first one, but have an answer to the second.
    This package is nothing more than the young adult female facial normals map texture, with the adult female part number. 
    It was done with FemmeBots in mind, as EA makes all Plumbots as adult, and so the adult facial normals were applied to the new M5-AX FemmeBot Head. I personally didn't want that, and made this to override it. I am not able to separate regular Sims from "skin job" bots.
    Just place the package in your Packages folder as usual.
    I am currently working on a set of skins for FemmeBot "skin jobs", which use the young adult facial normals map, and I hope will take care of this issue, and allow for normal Sim aging, if that is what you prefer.
    Again, it is an override. It is NOT found in any CAS section, but is automatically applied to adult females, both Sim and FemmeBot.
    This is a non-intrusive override, so if you do not like the results, you can remove the package with no issues. The game will simply return to the base images.
    I hope you like it!!!
    253 0
  8. The LadySmoks Boutique in collaboration with the Super Secret Mad Science Division of Landgraab Industries presents... The M5-AX Head!
    The M5-AX Head is designed for newer "skin job" FemmeBots, however, as many FemmeBot bodies are textured from the neck seam down, this head will also work on most older models. As the M-CEKC model has a neckline, a new AX version is being built.
    This head is found in Plumbot CAS Heads, as are other bot heads. Note: This head is NOT painted!!! This head, and the new FemmeBot "skin job" bodies use Sim CAS skin textures, like a regular Sim. This head has no eyebrows. You can choose the eyebrows in Sim CAS. DO NOT change the hair in Sim CAS!!! The bot head will be gone and you have hair with no face! You can apply make up to this new head, including costume make up, replacement eyes and other facial overlays like freckles and beauty marks. S-Club eyelashes strongly recommended, as FemmeBot heads no longer have built in eyelashes.
    There are links to S-Club eyelashes and OneEuroMutt Sliders on the Bot Blog Page. This model will eventually be added to the blog page.
    One defect that I found, is matching the seam at the face/ scalp line. I will continue to search for an answer, but saw no reason to hold this up any longer. So, bald M5-AX Head does not look so good.
    Included in the zip, is a scalp overlay. This overlay is for FemmeBot M5-AX Heads ONLY! I try to match FemmeBot hair seams to cover the scalp, but stuff happens. Several painted heads have a scalp hair option for this reason. M5-AX is not painted, and as overlays work, that is what I did.
    The overlay is found in Sim CAS Costume Make Up, and is recolorable to match your chosen bot hair color.
    I hope you enjoy!!!
    325 1
  9. The LadySmoks Boutique presents... MedBot! Let's face it, there are many who prefer the curves of JoshQ's MedBod over the Standard EA body type... sooooooo...
    The MedBot chassis is based on MedBod 1.9, with a couple of added features. Her boobs have a higher polycount for a smoother appearance, features a more detailed vagina, borrowed from my Priyatna mesh and is wearing JoshQ shoes.
    MedBot is one of a new generation of FemmeBot "skin jobs"! I have long had a bot body that could use Sim CAS skins, but the head was a problem... Problem sovled! See AX Head page for details. As for this body, it IS a Plumbot part, and assembled in the EP11 Into The Future bot station, as any FemmeBot or regular Plumbot.
    She is one piece design, found in "Tops" and requires No Bottom to fill the legs slot. She requires the AX Head, or neck seams and color will not match. This body can use any accessory with a separate mesh, such as fingernails, earrings, bracelets, eyeglasses and many necklaces. It will also support use of overlay type accessories, such as stockings. 
    NOTE: Because of how the UV map must be arranged, in order to fit everything, things like accessory panties or tattoos run into the area needed for hair, so using them causes those textures to show on most FemmeBot hairs. I have no plans to change the layout, however may make bot friendly panties in the future.
    There are links to S-Club eyelashes and OneEuroMutt Sliders on the Bot Blog Page. This model will eventually be added to the blog page.
    Hair shown is a work in progress, and will be uploaded soon. FemmeBot as shown is my model and uses sliders. Links are provided on the blog page. I will not be uploading a premade bot.
    I hope you like her!!!
    1,141 0
  10. The LadySmoks Boutique presents... BeRT (BedRoomToy)! Well, she's naked, except for her JoshQ shoes, so might be best she stay in the bedroom???
    BeRT's chassis is based on my Priyatna bottom mesh and my nude top with a higher polycount around her boobs for a smoother appearance... and is wearing JoshQ shoes.
    BeRT is one of a new generation of FemmeBot "skin jobs"! I have long had a bot body that could use Sim CAS skins, but the head was a problem... Problem sovled! See AX Head page for details. As for this body, it IS a Plumbot part, and assembled in the EP11 Into The Future bot station, as any FemmeBot or regular Plumbot.
    She is one piece design, found in "Tops" and requires No Bottom to fill the legs slot. She requires the AX Head, or neck seams and color will not match. This body can use any accessory with a separate mesh, such as fingernails, earrings, bracelets, eyeglasses and many necklaces. It will also support use of overlay type accessories, such as stockings. 
    NOTE: Because of how the UV map must be arranged, in order to fit everything, things like accessory panties or tattoos run into the area needed for hair, so using them causes those textures to show on most FemmeBot hairs. I have no plans to change the layout, however may make bot friendly panties in the future.
    There are links to S-Club eyelashes and OneEuroMutt Sliders on the Bot Blog Page. This model will eventually be added to the blog page.
    Hair shown is a work in progress, and will be uploaded soon. FemmeBot as shown is my model and uses sliders. Links are provided on the blog page. I will not be uploading a premade bot.
    I hope you like her!!!
    904 0
  11. This is a simple category swap of Steve Panker's excellent High-Cut Thong CC, now recategorised as an accessory. This allows the thong to be worn underneath skirts or dresses and it works flawlessly with any custom bottom mesh. All credit goes to Steve (who explicitly gave permission for anyone to modify his work in any way on the original file), all I did was turn it into an accessory. Does not require the original mod.
    Pictured content:
    Lady Smoks' EP11 SuitRuffles
    Venus Princess' Venus Curves Bottom
    789 0
  12. This mod adds a new skin detail using the base game Aayla Secura Twi'lek headpiece but with the body texture removed, allowing you to see skin details underneath. It does not come with a blue skin texture of its own -- I recommend using one of the blues from Noodles' Sorbet Remix skintones and tweaking it to your liking using the in-game brightness slider. Who doesn't love an anatomically correct Twi'lek?
    122 0
  13. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3340; LOD2=1489 3 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Textures look “grainy” from up close Too dark / bright colors look awful There’s a texture issue when mixed with 'Tight Leather Shiny Pants' and clipping behind the back with 'Lingerie Romantic' Notes:
    This garment requires you to download an updated naked bottom for MedBod 1.9, otherwise you’ll notice clipping when using custom animations/poses (probably even under normal “simming”) Compatible with ‘Barely-there Skirts’ N02 and N03 Anything made to conform to EA’s body shape will clip behind the hips
    913 0
  14. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3976; LOD2=1992 2 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Top looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close The original bone painting works perfectly fine for normal simming but the neck clips on several custom animations, I made an “hybrid” paint that doesn’t clip (plus other modifications) but the fabric might bend “weirdly” depending on how far the neck moves Extremely large boobs (those that use custom sliders) might get some clipping between breast and neck Necklaces and alike will clip with the jacket mostly on the back (wear hair above the shoulders to hide it) Notes:
    Compatible with most bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 except for the 'Tight Shiny Leather Pants Edit', on the EA side you should be able to use skirts, shorts, pants and alike without problems Credits: Original mesh and textures by Electronic Arts
    857 0
  15. This CC is completely free You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission I don’t take requests nor commissions Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=1196; LOD2=762 2 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Stretching and deformation depending on animation and sim’s weight (normal simming is mostly ok) Some shading issues below the butt cheeks but thankfully the texture hides some of them Notes:
    I separated the pants from the rest of the original outfit, attached MedBod’s hips and added geometry to change the derriere’s shape Several stars aligned to make these pants possible: the texture was easy to edit, I didn’t had to touch the UVs nor adapt the ankle area to my heels, mesh on the buttocks was clean enough to manipulate and making the morphs was a breeze I would say 40-50% of the corsets/tops made by me are compatible while 20-30% of those made by EA will be long and wide enough to hide the gap on the hip and avoid clipping with the tush Every single pair of ‘Impossible Heels’ are compatible the same with EA’s and probably everybody else, with the exception of “3D boots” Credits:
    Original texture and meshes by Electronic Arts
    1,556 0
  16. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3490; LOD2=1500 4 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Right arm looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Too dark / bright colors look awful Texture stretching/deformation depending on weight and animation/pose Notes:
    This garment requires you to download an updated naked bottom for MedBod 1.9, otherwise you’ll notice clipping when using custom animations/poses (probably even under normal “simming”) Compatible with skirts and pants made for MedBod 1.9 Anything made to conform to EA’s body shape will clip behind the hips
    478 0
  17. LadySmoks presents... the EA EP11 Suit Ruffles dress, converted for base game... and it's an open bottom mini, of course!
    The dress is for YA/A female Sims, found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Career, ValidForMaternity and ValidForRandom.
    There are 3 presets with 4 recolorable channels. Basically the EA dress, only shorter and open bottom.
    I hope you like it!!!
    297 0
  18. The LadySmoks Boutique presents... Avirein's Adult Female Cyberpunk suit (Remastered)!!! 
    Note: This is an outfit and booties for YA/A Sim female... NOT a FemmeBot! (Maybe some day?)
    I was never able to find the original mesh that Avirein worked from, so spent time remeshing the remesh. I basically split the mesh at vertical center, mirrored the better half and stitched it back together, making for better mesh symmetry, so easier to work with. So, I added a few vertices to the butt, to smooth it a bit and adjusted the boobs. I slightly lengthened and repositioned the arms and elbows to better align with the EA rig. I did some work on the lower legs, to create better alignment of the ankles, and give the ankles a more finshed appearance. And finally, corrected some bone weighting issues that were especially noticible around the inner thighs. In part, because this mesh has longer legs than an EA adult female, so pelvis and adjoining bones had to be played with a bit to make them behave.
    My contribution is the addition of booties, to more complete the outfit! They are made in the JoshQ style, and lift a Sim 7 units. Stirrups mesh and textures made from parts of the outfit mesh. The main texture is from an outfit by Mia8. Some other footwear will work with the outfit mesh, including standard EA and other height altering.
    The outfit texture is direct from the original package by Avirein. It is set as the multiplier, with 1 color channel, and limited in what you can do. The booties are done similarly to better match the outfit.
    Outfit is found in CAS Outfits and booties in CAS Shoes. Both for YA/A Sim female, enabled for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity.
    I hope you like it!!!
    Original byAvirein: https://ineedts3cc.tumblr.com/post/177073873085 
    Forlan gun by Severinka: http://sims3s.ru/accessory.php
    548 0
  19. This CC is completely free You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission I don’t take requests nor commissions Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Located in ‘tops’ category Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=3524; LOD2=1841 1 color channel Only available as .package Defects:
    Torso and garment will look “weird” in CAS, in-game everything looks fine Texture stretching and pixelation depending how close you zoom, your sim weight and animations The bones the garment came with generated clipping with the face while using custom animations, I did some tweaking and stopped the clipping but in exchange the collar will move “oddly” Potential clipping with medium and long hair also with some 3D necklaces behind the neck Notes:
    Only compatible with bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 anything else will show an ugly gap on the hip Credits:
    Original mesh and textures by Electronic Arts
    2,304 0
  20. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=1546; LOD2=1036 3 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Small clipping around the tights depending on animation Too dark/bright colors look awful Textures look “grainy” from upclose Texture and mesh stretching/deformation depending on weight and animation Notes:
    Almost the same mesh as N02, I just made space to “bake” a belt on the texture Made for MedBod 1.9 although most tops (like the ‘Simple Corset” series) will clip on the front or back. Garments above the hip (like Decades Bra-Tie) are mostly safe and more revealing ones (like Blouse-jacket) are free from issues. Also you can mix the skirt with several accessories like the ’Simple Lingerie’ series On the EA front very few tops are long enough to “hide” the gap on the hip and are wide enough to be used with this skirt without clipping
    3,908 0
  21. E.C. Hosiery presents: the Hooters uniform! This outfit comes in 3 parts, found in tops (shirt), bottoms (shorts), and accessories (tights).
    As usual, feedback and comments are welcome. Happy Simming!
    4,213 0
  22. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3728; LOD2=1687 1 color channel Only available as .package Defects:
    Garment look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Extremely large boobs (those that use custom sliders) might get some clipping between breast and neck Notes:
    From MedBod 1.9 you can only mix this garment with ‘Barely There Skirt N04’ everything else has clipping or texture interference issues. On EA’s side you should be able to use skirts, shorts, pants and alike without problems Credits:
    Original mesh and textures by Electronic Arts
    1,195 0
  23. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=1574; LOD2=832 3 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Skirt looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Texture stretching depending on weight Small clipping just below the belt on custom animations and poses Notes:
    Compatible with garments made for MedBod 1.9 that stop at the hips or have enough space below them like Sweater Fold and Jacket Leather Seams, others might clip. On EA’s side very few tops are long enough to “hide” the gap on the hip and are wide enough to be used with this skirt without clipping 
    1,722 0
  24. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3784; LOD2=1962 3 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Garment looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Too dark / bright colors look awful There’s going to be some deformation on the navel area, this happens under normal “simming” and custom animation/poses Notes:
    Made for MedBod 1.9, besides the naked bottom this garment can be mixed with 'Lingerie Romantic', 'Tight Leather Shiny Pants' and ‘Barely-there Skirts’ N02 and N03 Anything made to conform to EA’s body shape will clip behind the hips
    464 0
  25. Details:
    Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs (sans pregnant) Polycount: LOD1=3780; LOD2=1468 4 color channels Only available as .package Defects:
    Garment looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Too dark / bright colors look awful Normal “simming” is OK but custom animations and sim’s weight might clip/deform the garment Notes:
    Made for MedBod 1.9, besides the naked bottom this garment can be mixed with 'Lingerie Romantic' (although I think they don’t look good together 😕 ) Anything made to conform to EA’s body shape will clip behind the hips
    291 0

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