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LadySmoks presents... MedBod-a-Go-Go!!!

A HUGE THANK YOU to JoshQ for his MedBod female meshes! This outfit was inspired by Austin Powers Fembots, and the curvy Go-Go Girl look of the 1960's. I could not get some things to work as one of my FemmeBots, so made it as a Sim outfit.

The outfit is for YA/A Female Sims, comes in one preset with 4 re-colorable channels, found in CAS Outfits and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity.

The boots are for YA/A Female Sims, one preset with 4 recolorable channels, and available for Everyday, Formalwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity. These boots are similar to my other stiletto boots, BUT these boots are a bit "thicker" at the calves to accomodate MedBod's figure. They will fit regular female Sims.

I hope you like it!!!

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