Raise the already stupidly high (thus meaningless from an RPG perspective) level cap? Fuck no. And bring back the skill points and checks ffs. level 200, can do everything, is super OP is not fucking challenging or fun.
Keep the same ugly fucking art style that literally made the world boring and uninteresting to look at? Nope.
And make it procedurally generated which is what literally everyone hates about Starshit? Goddam Idiot.
Make every area respawn literally right after you leave it (because of buggy design) giving the player no sense of accomplishment/completion? Fuck no.
No in game world/settlement building? Fuck, that's one aspect of FO4 that I halfway enjoyed.
Better A.I./interactions from/with companions/enemies? With literally no back story to support their existence and them being basically one dimensional cardboard dummies to shoot at.... it won't fucking matter. Especially if the combat and weapons aren't completely overhauled and made fun again.
Just no, no, no. They need to tear this fucking IP back down to it's original conceptual structure and rebuild the whole fucking franchise from scratch for modern times. Bring back the dismal, gloomy, dead serious atmosphere. And for the love of fucking gaming, hire competent writers to breathe life into it.