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Image Comments posted by bjornk

  1. After having mastered the ways of the voice Force, Tolfdir's long lost twin brother Tobi (aka. Tobi-Wan Kenobi the Jarl of Tatooine) finally returns to Skyrim as a Jedi Master... Spells and Abilities: Call Servant (to bring food), Conjure Viagra (you never know), Conjure (female) Housecarl (not available until he finds one), Conjure Ewok (for distraction) and Conjure Java (to pick up the loot) and Jedi Mind Tricks (for speech checks). Unfortunately for him, his lightsaber was confiscated by the Imperial authorities at the customs, so he will have to build a new one, to do so he'll need two flawless gems (depending on the LS color you want), two steel ingots, three blabla and something else he keeps forgetting...

    On a serious note, most quests and dialogues in Skyrim assume that the player is quite young, so playing as an old guy would either be quite annoying or quite immersion breaking, or both, e.g. hearing Brynjolf calling you "lad".

  2. Here's a mod idea:

    Hulda tells you that Nazeem's been looking forΒ  bodyguards. Since you're a bit short on money, you decide to give it a go. You take Lydia and together, you go to see Nazeem for the job interview.

    It seems Nazeem's willing to employ both of you as his bodyguards on one condition, you will only use the uniforms and other equipment that he supplies and nothing else, cause he can't be seen around with a bunch of guards in poor quality equipment which might hurt his reputation, in other words, he wants to show off around the Cloud District with his new bodyguards. The pay is substantial, so you both accept the job.

    Next morning you both arrive at his farm to begin your new job. Nazeem greets you and gives you your new armor and weapons. The armor looks a bit skimpy but you don't pay much attention and put it on. Three of you then start walking towards Whiterun...

    In the following days, Nazeem's uniforms get skimpier and skimpier, he gets more and more confident around you and starts to order you around, seeing you don't object, his demands get bolder and bolder...

    Well, I leave the rest to your imagination, but I suppose you can see where this is going... πŸ˜…

    • Haha 1
  3. If you've ever followed an NPC or an something else that is AI driven (such as travelling carts/carriages) in Skyrim, you'll notice that the overworld (aka. Tamriel) navmesh is not only not precise enough for the AI to navigate properly, but is also fairly broken, which often causes NPCs to get stuck in places or behave strangely. Which suggests that even if someone attempted to create a mod with wandering NPCs, that mod would most likely give the player a lotta headache. It's not impossible to make, but it would require a lot of fail-safe features to put things back in order.

    These kinds of dom-sub mods, or enslavement mods in general, need to provide their own content and consciously try not to interfere with the vanilla content. I would personally find it extremely annoying if I had to fight dragons and stuff and do vanilla quests while an NPC following me around and telling me to do it "in the nude". It's really a "rage-quit" material for me.

    There are much more immersive ways to implement what this mod is trying to do, but unfortunately, like the significant majority of LL mods, this one assumes a specific kind of fetish role-play in a juvenile and stupid way. Instead of using dumbass followers, a much better way would be to use certain prominent NPCs in towns that have actual daily traveling schedules (e.g. Erikur, Maven) who have influence and can afford to buy and keep the PC, perhaps as a result of an slave auction.

    • Agree 1
  4. Haven't checked your thread on LL but I have that mod installed and I've never really used it so far. IMO a "dominant follower" (the mod requires a "follower") is kind of an oxymoron, it's a stupid concept really, mostly due to Skyrim's idiotic game mechanics. It would only make sense if the player was forced to follow a travelling NPC, who actually wanders around, and visits different locations, but the only NPCs in Skyrim that actually do that are the Khajiit traders and in fact, travelling with them can often be a fun adventure which I sometimes do.

  5. Is this what you call "not doing mesh work for Skyrim"? πŸ˜… What version of DD are you using? Are these BS compatible (have sliders), in other words, can I readjust them for UNP Perky for instance, using BS?

    • Haha 1
  6. I was thinking of a simple "interactive comic" type of thing in which a few branching paths lead the character to different scenes based on the choices made as well as the stats/skills.

    It would naturally require slightly more effort than putting together a comic, but at least that effort wouldn't go to waste as the scenes can be reused and/or extended with new stuff to add more paths, which you can use to do different sort of "playthroughs", but anyways, it's just an idea. πŸ˜‰


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  7. Did we have different kinds of games in mind? πŸ˜… I was mainly thinking of a game with static images and/or videos rather than one with real-time animations. If you wanna know what kinds of games can be made with Ren'Py, you can check out the most popular ones on F95, most of them are just visual novels, but a few of them have actual game play. For instance, this one below, has a fantasy setting with orcs and elves, has items (different weapons and armor), skills, stats, combat, a branching story line, based on character's choices, a world map with different locations.


    There's also a list of RenPy games on the official page:

    Simulations: https://games.renpy.org/category/sim
    RPGs: https://games.renpy.org/category/rpg

  8. 7 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I've looked at 'rpg makers' and the licensing is a joke.Β  Β You make a game and 'We own it, you don't' or 'this doesn't fit with our SJW standards so you can't release it under our flag', etc.Β  Even something like a toddler-level 2d scrolling jumper requires approval from some Millennial Communist somewhere.Β  It's not worth the effort, and that's intentional on their part.

    Fuck that. You can make a QSP (page in Russian) game, which wouldn't require licensing and coding is simple and similar to basic HTML. People who want to play it would need to download QSP Player. Or Ren'Py, which doesn't require licensing either, although it supports Python language which I'm not very familiar with. Ren'Py games are pretty popular at F95.

    • Confused 1

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    1 hour ago, vancleef said:

    I was ready to uninstall DCL and then I decided really work with the MCM. I eliminated most containers as spawn points, adjusted the number of items affixed and just toggled the rape function off.
    After that, it was way more playable.

    I had already turned off most of its features anyway, it wasn't really worth keeping.

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    Study Hall

    11 hours ago, vancleef said:

    If you have Deviously Cursed Loot installed, Julius Tullus (I think that's his name) is the College's resident Perv. Guy makes you trade a blowjob for every clue he distributes!

    That retarded mod tries to slap a "device" on you at every opportunity, it adds stupid garbage to every container, with a mentality, "Now that we've got some bondage stuff we might as well as abuse the shit out of it" and also adds a bunch of unkillable NPCs. It's super annoying and highly unimmersive. BTW, when I had the mod, I put that idiot in a pillory and left him to rot somewhere down in the Midden. 🀣

    • Haha 1

    Study Hall


    I'm sure Urag has already read those books... several times... and is eager to put the theory into practice... with the help of someone who's willing. You gonna help him? πŸ˜…

    • Haha 1
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