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Blog Entries posted by vancleef

  1. vancleef
    So in my scatter-brained manner instead of finishing issue 2 of Fall In: Vault Bimbos in Peril I've resurrected the original series I created years ago instead.
    It features the character Silas Caine, a cynical, ruthless wandering lawman who roams the DC Wasteland dispensing Justice. It proved to be popular and had a few dozen fans and a lot of anonymous readers. I enjoy making these strips because they indulge my love of Westerns, especially the work of Sergio Leone.
    While there is action and dark humor these comics feature a better crafted story. Fall In will continue to be more of a comedy and I'll leave the darker stuff to Silas Caine..
    Instead of posting each page as it's finished I'll merely put up a few teasers and release the whole thing in one go this time. Not only will that allow me to edit and tweak the pages before publishing there will be more surprises for the reader.
    Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.

  2. vancleef
    Trying out some new techniques and I think I may have finally figured out how to add a drop-shadow to my text. Hopefully it makes it easier to read and doesn't look so flat and lifeless.
    In any case, things are getting more complicated for our protagonist!
    *I re-posted the first page in this chapter here to make it easier to follow the storyline*
    Page 2.1

    Page 2.2

    Page 2.3

  3. vancleef
    Finished the first chapter of the comic. I'll create a cover and post the entire comic for download. Anyone who wants to read it now, feel free to scroll back through blog where they've all been posted.
    Thanks for reading!

  4. vancleef
    So I guess I should start with who I am. My member name is VanCleef and yes, it was inspired by the awesome actor from a series of great Spaghetti Westerns. A number of years back I started modding my Fallout 3 game and using pose, clothing, locations and about a zillion other mods, created a series of comics featuring my Fallout PC, Silas Caine, a cynical Wasteland Ranger who patrols the DC Wasteland hunting down criminals and dispensing justice. At some point I'll get around to posting them here if anyone is interested. I had a big following over at the Fallout Nexus and released a number of issues. While I personally think the writing and stories were pretty good, the graphics were total crap. I created the whole thing using (brace yourself!) Microsoft Paint! My computer burned up one day and I didn't get back to gaming or creating comics for several years. 
    Late last year I decided it was time to get going again and treated myself to a new computer. Once I got it up and running and re-installed my old save games I realized I'd missed creating comics. So I decided to start over again but this time do a better job! And while I hope to get back to producing Adventure Comics I decided to go in a new direction with this one. I want to do something sexy and funny.
    I had an idea for a story about a girl who signs up to beta test an online massive multi-player online sex game set in the Fallout Universe. But when she does events go wildly awry. This story isn't going to be the next great American Novel. In fact, to label it Pulp Fiction might even be a stretch. But it'll feature lots of comedy, boobs, ass, kink and sex mixed in with the adventure. I hope you'll tune in when I get some pages up.
    Fortunately for me the Master of Modding Mojo His Own Bad Self, Kendo 2 is giving me a hand.  Not only are his comics an inspiration but he has been enduring a veritable onslaught of questions and for some reason he's still putting up with me. He's been a huge help so far. 
    In any case I just spent the last few hours tonight navigating the murky waters of the GIMP illustrator program and I sort of managed a test cover. I still have a way to go before I'll consider it worthy of release but feel free to critique it. 

    Alright. That's enough for now. Hopefully I've piqued your interest. Or not. Whichever.
  5. vancleef
    Finally got some time to start on issue #2. Wendy is trapped in the Fallout world and as confused as ever. With the help and advice from lots of folks here and in the community I've upped my production values for this issue.  Modded my environment and I have to say the outdoor shots look much better.
    In any case here's a sneak peek at page one before inserting dialogue and other graphics.

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