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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. My band opened for these guys in 2000. I have always been a huge fan of them ever since I first heard them as a kid. Bucket List item checked off.
  2. That is, like, the most awesome thing I've heard this week!
  3. The bank was inspired by one in Tombstone that I took lots of photos of when I was there. This one is from a few years back that I constructed, inspired by Tombstone's famous Birdcage Theater: I have a large saloon interior that I built years back for replicating Barroom Brawls in miniature. But I want to do a new one now that my skills have improved.
  4. How are the cows doing? Have you had any problems with rustlers?
  5. Scratch built a bank for my miniature Western collection. Had the most fun with the safe. And here are the jerks that are going to try and rob it!
  6. Cowpoke Kendo. I like that image, you riding the range wearing an impossibly huge hat.
  7. That's what pisses me off. I have a cousin who had four boys. One day, his wife decides she likes cocaine and starts robbing the savings account. When she gets caught, she runs off with her sleazebag dealer/boyfriend. My cousin is left to raise four boys aged 5 to 12 on his own. And he does it. Not just the bare minimum either. He works hard but manages to sock away some money for their college. He encourages the boys to follow their hobbies and sports. He institutes two mandatory family dinner nights a week. All four boys grow up, get jobs in their teens, 3 go to college, 1 goes into the military and they grew up to be well-adjusted adult males. Take that, you Feminist assholes.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/blm-official-calls-investigation-founder-114017918.html EDIT: Goddamnit! How do you insert a link with the image?
  9. So...let me get this right: Submissive chicks have been doing this for years and it's degrading Pornography. A Woke couple does it and it's...empowering?
  10. Right? I don't care if you're Gay but don't be a Fag!
  11. Simply put, the everyday Joe has to start saying "no". I know these assholes will try and cancel you, call for your firing, etc. Just start saying no. Refuse to apologize. Stick to your guns. It worked for me the few times I was bullied as a kid and it'll work now, too.
  12. The good news is sooner or later, the rational people who understand that Idealism and Cold Logic never lasts will eventually retake control. The question is how much damage will occur before then?
  13. Apologies to Kendo for a meme featuring a spider bite...
  14. But that Santorini suntan? Totally worth it!
  15. Eh, I'm in the Minority here. I like their games. But I don't make excuses for their flaws. I look at Bethesda games like I did when I owned my classic Camaro. They're pieces of shit that require constant work but every now and again it's fun to drive.
  16. One of my clients is a NYPD officer whose beat is East Harlem. He loves his body cam. In the past, when perps sued him for brutality, he used to waste about two weeks a year in court for these hearings. Now the case is dropped as soon as the defense lawyers see the footage. He says it's rare to even have to go to court at all now.
  17. vancleef


    "That looks...uh...uncomfortable?
  18. vancleef


    So many toys...
  19. What gets me about this douchebag is, in addition to his lack of access to hair conditioner, is how he waits UNTIL the police start wrestling him to the ground and THEN yells for his companion to start filming it. That way, you don't see the lead up and he looks the victim. Personally, I think police body cams are the greatest invention since the wheel and axle. How many Liberals thought that it would make police look like thugs and instead shows what assholes criminals are.
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