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Everything posted by vancleef

    Dirty Dolls, Shady Dudes and hilarious dialogue. In other words, a Classic Kendo Comic. Thanks for the early Christmas gift! "Shut the fuck up, Dennis!"
  1. I don't quite remember the saying but it's something like, "A Man is barbarian, but a gentleman knows how to control it." I never understood the Hate for Peterson. Most of his talk boils down to "Stand up, be strong, go work so you can take care of yourself and your family." Sounds like basic practical advice to me and, if I'm being 100% honest, advice I need to be reminded of from time to time.
  2. She's correct. It's not funnny. It's fucking hilarious!
  3. How am I just learning this? Literally started a new character last night but have already started the main quest. Gonna go back to an earlier save and erase the future!
  4. vancleef

    The North Pole

    Blitzen got blitzed!
  5. Like Botox. I mean, injecting toxic bacteria directly into your body? What could possibly go wrong?
  6. A number of my Fraternity Brothers were members of a famous European Folk Dance group (surprisingly, not at all as Gay as it sounds) and could bust these moves without breaking a sweat. Some of the Slavic dances were amazing.
  7. The Return of Rugel! It's Christmas come early!
  8. I don't know how to tell them that they'll survive. We survived Biden (barely) and they'll survive Trump. God, what Drama Queens. Although I guess some of them ARE Queens?
  9. vancleef


    Right arm is a bit wonky but I just really liked this one.
  10. I'd like to make a joke about a half-dozen less Liberals but this is just ridiculous. We're not going to have witch hunts and lynchings. We already had that under Biden and look how the country reacted to it. Man Who Used To Share Anti-Trump Posts Kills Wife, Ex-Partner, 2 Sons
  11. If I made a video saying "I'm going to be meaner to women" I can't even imagine the shitstorm. These dummies need to substitute "Straight White Men", with Jew, Black or Woman and see if it still doesn't sound offensive.
  12. vancleef

    Vankar the Vankarian

    Ha! That Dude rocks! Although I can't imagine him winning a fight against Rugel...
  13. I find it amusing that now Liberal women are calling for abstinence. I mean, how more fucking Right Wing can you be?
  14. To be accurate, though, a lot of cats can be real dicks. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind some of this. But yeah. Same with Incels, the 4B of males. Those fucking guys need to move to Thailand or something. Look, kids, at one point I was something of an Incel: awkward, dorky and not too concerned with my personal appearance. AND THEN I GREW THE FUCK UP! Women can be difficult to understand sometimes, they don't always think like we do, react in completely different ways to situations and can have a confusing value system. You know, just like us guys? And there are a lot of stuck-up bitches that, believe me, are not worth pursuing. But there are a whole lot of them that are. And as far as these 4B morons are concerned, let 'em rant. Helps you to identify them and not put your dick in crazy. They'll all grow up to be Vance's Childless (and mate less) Cat Ladies. So basically, female Incels. I say more 4B, not less. Helps to identify the dangerous ones.
  15. It's amazing how they fail to see how prejudice and racist they are. A Farcebook friend posted something along the lines of, "Can't believe we're dealing with Nazis in 2024. Can we just start shooting the Nazis now?" I reported the comment just to see what Farcebook would do, mentioning in the report's comments box for them to substitute the word Nazi with Jews, Women or Homosexuals. Needless to say, for some reason the same platform that levied a 30-day suspension on me for typing "Girls are icky!" found this comment to be within their guidelines... Time to switch over to X, I'm thinking.
  16. In other news, OnlyFans reports record level profits. Trump's election has women swearing off sex: Inside the 4B movement Joke's on you, bitches! I don't need an unpopular President to not get laid! I'll use my personality!
  17. I really love Todd Rundgren (in spite of HIS politics!) and I feel bad comparing him to this has-been Hag.
  18. Colbert was a Second-Rate comedian at best at his height. Now, he just reaches for the low-hanging fruit level punchlines. He hasn't been relevant for about a decade.
  19. I know I probably sound like a Conspiracy Theory Weirdo but I wonder if all those Illegals were flown in to cover up the deficit on the books...
  20. Jeezuz Keerist but Griffin looks like Todd Rundgren in drag these days!
  21. Our Pennsyltucky Man Orc slams his own allies! John Fetterman Trashes Pennsylvania Green Party Voters
  22. vancleef

    Hammer Glamour

    A leftover from my "Halloween AI Shoot". Inspired by and tribute to the classic Hammer Film Girls from the 70s.
  23. Those missiles aren't going to buy themselves. The funny part will be how the same people that abhor War and War Profiteering will suddenly be criticizing an end to it. EDIT: in tandem with my Media Rant above, I read a few articles on the Ukraine's possible future under the new admin and lo and behold! We've been hearing nothing but positive news from Ukraine of the people's brave stand against Russia, we only see videos of Ukrainian tank kills and the casualty lists of the Russians. Now, overnight, things are grim, the Russians hold the heights around the cities and they're on the move. Anyone who believes the obsolete "Legacy" media is a fool.
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