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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. I, personally, would never work for a company that doesn't offer weekly Macrame courses.
  2. What pisses me off about this is it should be all over the "legitimate" media headlines. You know if, say, Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro had had that turnout, the Lamestream media would be heckling them nonstop. But I guess they have to protect their Woke darlings. If I was a student at Penn State and found out my student fees went to this, I'd demand a refund from Mulvaney.
  3. Because Biden made Thanksgiving affordable!
  4. I often wonder what it is that trips up successful companies. Is this a case of them thinking that: 1) They're too big to fail. Since every product they've put out prior has been a hit, they can't go wrong? 2) They tried something new and deviated too far from the formula (New Coke, anyone?) and that's what went wrong? 3) They have foolishly alienated their loyal customers (Bud Light, Gillette) to pander to a new base? 4) All of the above?
  5. Not that I'm the benchmark for anything but I like Bethesda games in spite of their problems. I remember being excited about the releases of Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and then Skyrim. I couldn't wait to install them and jump in. I initially had almost zero interest in Starfield. After watching "official" and critical reviews, I probably made the right decision. It just really, really looks like a waste of time. They should have just worked on ES 6, is my opinion. Hopefully Bethesda can learn from this and bounce back. Just give the fans what they want.
  6. I thought it was just me, not noticing that the ads were always that prevalent. Seriously. Today I watched a 6-minute Steelers/Browns pregame video and there were TWO ad breaks, each with 2 full ads you couldn't skip! For a six-minute video? Are you fucking kidding me?
  7. I have to say that, as mean-spirited and petty as it is, I really enjoy watching Rapino fail. Just like I enjoy watching Kaepernick flailing around, desperately trying to resurrect his NFL career. The two of them have it made: starting players in their chosen professions. I mean, in Kaepernick's case, there are only 32 positions available, and he was one of them. Rapino's is even more rarified. Shut your mouth, field the ball and do your fucking job. Save the political banter for the cocktail bar, like the rest of us do.
  8. Maybe a Pirate took over your "reyboard"? RRRRRRRRRR!
  9. Yes. Whenever I post a link, all I ever see is the link, no thumbnail.
  10. Also, is there some reason I can't get the thumbnail from the link into my posts? How the hell do I do that?
  11. As usual, I'm ten years behind but I can't stop ;listening to these guys. Winery Dogs, Xanadu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAUnJeYvKGM
  12. That chick, after makeup, is a weak 6, at best. I agree with Ritual: some dude fed her a line about how pretty she was to get laid and girlfriend RAN with it! As a Pretty Man, I can absolutely guarantee you, it's Hell. Women calling and texting me constantly, wanting to take me out and yammering at me when the football game is on? It's Hell, I tell you! HELL!
  13. I remember the first time I saw this movie as a kid, I more or less paraphrased this:
  14. The Kingdom of the Crystal Suck made more money than the Dud of Destiny. If I ever needed a concise description of Hollywood's collapse, that's it.
  15. Biden. Feinsten. McConnell. Fetterman. Our country is literally being run by retards.
  16. Is that John Cougar Melon Balls? Because, if so, he is the most Elitist piece of shit I ever met. I kid you not...this is a True Story. My brother is in the local Stagehands Union and occasionally I work shows when they need extra hands. I worked a John Mellencamp show and before we started the job, the steward gathered everyone around and (again I KID YOU NOT!) said "The production has stated that no one is to approach Mister Mellencamp for any reason, even if it's a matter of health and safety. He is absolutely not to be addressed in any manner." If I hadn't been there and heard it with my own ears I would have called bullshit. But I was there. And that was what was said. Fuck him and his Indiana Farmboy ass.
  17. Bridge should only ever be cast as the leading lady's kooky best friend. When is Holly Weird going to realize that casting a woman who looks like a gawky teenaged boy is not what people who watch movies want to see? I mean, please and by all means , correct me if I'm wrong but do even women who look like Bridge want to see her in leading roles or do they want a different actor?
  18. Haha! When they all start screaming like little bitches at 10 minutes!!! I also love how the protesters think that hundreds of vehicles idling with their AC on for hours helps the planet. Fucking morons.
  19. vancleef


    Elana and her Fiendish Friends is pretty cool. The NPC is fully voiced and her lines are hilarious, kind of a mix between enthusiastic novice mage and goofy Goth Girl. There's an entire quest attached to her to explore dungeons for ingredients and unique spells. The spell effects are hilarious. Add one of the sex mod extensions for her and you get even more goofy dialogue. Just finished a playthrough with her and highly recommend the mod.
  20. vancleef


    Elana from Netherworks "Elana and her Fiendish Friends" mod
  21. There's a reason bedrooms have doors and voting booths have curtains because what people are doing behind them ain't my fucking business. But more and more I'm having those same private choices shoved down my throat and being told, "it's my business!" Guess what, Kids? I still don't give a fuck. But if you keep pushing me to choose a side, then you're not going to like my choice because I will choose my blood and clan over anyone else. And do not get between me and my People.
  22. I use a Skyrim SE spell but stick with what you've created. It looks way better. Also, is that the ghost of Tovluld?
  23. I just cheat and cast a "ghost form" spell on the character!
  24. I watched this twice and actually laughed harder the second time through!
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