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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. Can I write this fucking guy off as a dependent on my taxes next year?
  2. In the Mage's College quest "Hitting the Books" you have a really fun way of completing the quest. If you rescue Orthorn (the dumbass who stole the books because he wanted to get in with the Cool Kidz gang of Necromancers), you can trade him for the books! I only recently learned this option because I gave up rescuing Orthorn because he would always get killed halfway through the dungeon. Instead, I waited until I had cleared the place out but recruited him before entering The Caller's lair, figuring he'd act as a distraction. Instead, there's a line of dialogue where the Caller says she needs a new experimental subject since you killed all of hers. Betray Orthorn (i.e. laugh in the dickhead's face!) and be on your way, mission accomplished!
  3. You can finish the first half of the Potema Awakening quest in, like, a minute. In "The Man Who Cried Wolf" you enter the cave where the Necromancers have summoned Potema. Walk out on the ledge, go into sneak mode and fire arrows up at the silhouette of the Ritual Master until she's dead. Potema's spirit escapes and you can sit and watch the fun as the Undead attack their former masters. Alternately, fire a couple of Frenzy spells (or their stronger versions) up at the top of the tower and watch the Necromancers beat the shit out of each other. Great fun
  4. Upton is great, Discovered him a few years ago. He has some seriously hilarious routines.
  5. Smoking? In this political climate? You're going to get cancelled!
  6. Do the Amazing ":15 DANCE Gabriella $" | CSL Plasma (youtube.com)quot; | CSL Plasma (youtube.com)
  7. Holy shit but this is 100% FACT! Just for fun tonight I opened up an AI generator I use. I prompted "trump supporter" and "biden supporter", (lower case letters intentional as I didn't want to "influence" the generator. I generated one image each. No second chances, no edits. This is what I got: trump supporter biden supporter HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  8. The good news is, as a convicted felon she also can't vote. So she'll only be able to cast no more than six votes for Democratic candidates now. Her dead husband, however, will still be good for at least twelve votes.
  9. Oh sure but when I take my genitalia out in public, I have to register!
  10. Re: Milano. Calling her dumber than a box of rocks is an insult to boxed rocks.
  11. vancleef


    Wow. You showed me the photo of the model that inspired this! You got it perfect!
  12. Shit, they closed about a dozen stores in "Minority Neighborhoods" in my city two decades ago for this very reason. And then the lowlifes started complaining until the "New Blue City Gummint" gave them new stores. And surprise, surprise: they closed!
  13. Gee I guess Stalin-inspired tactics don't work so well in this country. When will they ever learn...
  14. I was going to post this but you beat me to it. I all but cheered when I watched the video. This Dude totally fucking outplays the Lamestream Media at their own game.
  15. I also remember the "Mostly peaceful protesters" rigging IEDs at police stations during the lockdown. Fuck that Third World shithole.
  16. I remember this. I also remember that it was the Reservation Police that rousted them. You didn't hear any talk of police brutality since it was Native Americans performing the eviction. You know if those cops were White guys, the whole focus of the story would have shifted.
  17. And it's just a coincidence that Germany has stationed active-duty troops in Lithuania. *cough, cough1* right next door to Poland... I knew the EU was a fucking Leftist Fascist organization but holy shit they even have the Germans under their control too? Right? Some dumb ass friend of a friend on Farcebook posted some video about all this missing money the Defense Department can't account for and I commented, "Check Zelensky's pockets and you'll find it". Suddenly this fucking idiot was completely reversing the very argument he'd just made.
  18. "And I get them all outside, they all crumble in to ash piles and then the cell never loads again because there's 27 piles of smoldering ash eating up my frame rate. " The Ritual Stone doesn't reduce your "followers" to ash. You can actually reuse them! Then, when they kill a bunch of new victims, you add them to the roster and so on and so on! That said, there instead would be 107 bodies fucking up your frame rate. So, yeah. Hard pass.
  19. I don't actually expect you to do this, BTW. It just seems a shame to waste all that free cannon fodder.
  20. Now what you need is the Atherial Crown and put the Ritual Stone power into it. Then, you can resurrect this entire batch of corpses and have them follow you around. Normally the Stone's power can only be used once a day but since it's in the crown, you can unequip and re-equip the crown over and over, thereby "recharging" the power to reuse unlimited. Also, the Ritual Stone power causes them to flop down onto the ground instead of disintegrating when the timer runs out and you can reuse them over and over. You end up with an undead army that adds its victims to itself, resulting in a massive horde of undead servants. Best part is the crown is an item you can get legit from a quest from the Dawnguard expansion so it's not a cheat or exploit. 100% Canon. Now go be that Necromancer Lord you always wanted to be!
  21. I predict ES 6 won't flop. But I'm an opitimist.
  22. vancleef

    Inar One-eye

    Totally win over Maven's daughter Ingun and bang her. Get invited to the house to meet the family. Make an excuse to slip away to the kitchen and drop Ingun's poisons into the soup. Return and just sip wine while everyone enjoys the first course. Smile menacingly when the stomach cramps start.
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