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endgameaddiction last won the day on September 5

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  1. This is an answer I got when asking what punk has to do with any of these subgenres. The name was derived from the term cyberpunk and was coined by author K. W. Jeter. Fringe societies or the concept of anarchy are often themes in these books, so yes, there can be a "punk" element to the genre.
  2. So as I continue to jot down ideas for my story I'm writing, I was curious about adding some steampunk into it. I enjoy the concept of it, but what really doesn't make any sense to me is, I don't see anything punk about it. I've always seen it as a fictional futuristic retro world of steam combustion technology mixed with the Victorian era. I can understand cyberpunk, but not steampunk. I found an article on what I'm specifically trying to understand - the punk in steampunk. https://allaboutsteampunk.com/what-is-punk-about-the-steampunk-culture/ And for the kicks, I found this article on numerous punk genres. https://sorcereroftea.com/punkpunk-a-to-z-of-punk-genres/ I just don't understand why everything has to be associated with the word punk.
  3. Let's have a discussion around the whole notion of all these different punk genres out. Do you like any of them? Do they make sense? What's your take on it.
  4. Toddler Howard can say what he wants, it's all lip service to me.
  5. If that quest is supposed to be some inside joke, I sure missed it. And even if it was, I doubt I would find is humorous. This is like the equivalent of the child ghoul locked inside a fridge for over 200 years in FO4.
  6. Commie in blue gets triggered by the way Nick pronounces Kamala. Nick should've called her Kommie Kamala. That probably would've put a smile on his face instead. Kommie Kamala and Tyrannical Timmy.
  7. This bimbo thinks her socialist policies are going to jive with that majority of the American people.
  8. endgameaddiction


    Blue Man Bad!
  9. Some old ones I did last year.
  10. Looks kind of close to the Fallout leather armor in 3 and NV. Maybe a skimpy modded version.
  11. Another video of the same YTer. Just found his channel.
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