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endgameaddiction last won the day on March 5

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  1. Yeah. Fuck HOA. Glad my neighborhood doesn't have it.
  2. Thought he was going to stroll in and have some kind of leverage. Dude, this isn't spineless sleepy Joe. You're talking to a boss not a puppet.
  3. 2025-02-17 22-33-51 (New).mp4 I swapped the video in game that is shown on the monitor and the projection screen to this. The original one is on the previous post above. And it Worked as I thought it would.
  4. Follow up to this I find it fascinating how she says she has friends in the military, yet she doesn't take a moment to realize that people in the military fight for that flag and our country. She can spare me the sob story. Trump isn't starting a war. If we go after the cartels, we'll be doing Mexico a favor.
  5. I'm horizontally challenged.
  6. @ritualclarity Couldn't help but laugh at his cat interrupting him. lol Reminds me of my long gone black cat, Miles. RIP Miles.
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