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endgameaddiction last won the day on January 5

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  1. Stupid to think that someone actually chased someone with a rifle in their hands trying to do bodily harm to them with a skateboard. He should be lucky he can still ride his skateboard. Though, falling off of it may not be as pleasant I presume.
  2. Unlike Bethesda, this game actually has a bard with a voice actress that can sing...
  3. This is another adult game that adds nudity, and sex into the game. Carnal Instinct used to be on UE4, but is now on UE5. My only concern is that it's been on pre-alpha for a long time. I've been playing both versions. Though, I don't think the version with UE4 can no longer be found through STEAM. It has great potential, but I haven't really followed this game much.
  4. Don't know if it's just me, but when I click to open this site in a new tab, it stays stuck on eternal loading.
  5. I don't know if anyone else shops (or has shopped) at Etsy, but it doesn't surprise me. Almost everything that becomes mainstream tends to turn into corporate greed. Yes, there are some good things that are mainstream, but it tends to get negative attention that leads to these fucks looking for ways to profit off of something that functions fine as is. One of the reasons why I used to be (sometimes still am) very vocal about mainstream. A once niche market place that I remember from way back to now another Amazon marketplace. Looks like they'll have to migrate to a new platform to start over.
  6. Is it a rumor? I thought it was confirmed. I don't keep up with them to care. Nothing Bethesda does is out of goodwill. I see this nothing more than to foster more cash from their fans sheep. I only expect them to do this with the rest of their older titles. I was hoping for Skyblivion and SkyWind, but since it's not going to be available for LE (only SE), I have nothing to look forward to from any of this.
  7. I'm not at all interested.
  8. Maybe Karen learned her lesson. Maybe. I've never hit a woman in my life, but sometimes I wonder how I would react in a situation like this. So far, the worst has been a female just talk crap when she gets angry at me for whatever reason. lol
  9. Will they learn? Nah, orange man bad!
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