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  1. I've created 3 families of four. Each for a different setting (sandbox); Four isn't definitive, but it's what I have so far. First is a family that pertains to a tribe. I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with the backstory of the father being killed while the grandmother, aunt, granddaughter and grandson escaping the village ambush by another tribe. There's the feminine granddaughter, grandma, and aunt. And then there's the grandson who's now got to step up and be the provider. Second family is a family of futa apart from the dad and son of course. They are a family of incest. There's big dick daddy bear, Long haired femboy son., Girly-girl dick daughter, and then there's the muscular femdom wife. They are a tight knit family. Thinking the proper scene would be a family that lives in the forest. Third is a goth family of incest. There's the voluptuous dazzling provocative wearing actress and MILF who loves to flirt. Ex-model aunty with the two-tone hair whom loves attention. Pink-haired daughter who's a fashion cloths designer and model. And then the femboy brother who has a crush and bangs his sister. Likes to wear his sister's designer outfits. He has an obsession over his sister's appearance. So much he tries to mimic her look. Oh, and only a few have names. Still working on that, too.
  2. Was messing around with voice.ai again. Trump-recording-12-27-2024-22-52-47.mp3 Trump-recording-12-28-2024-03-45-43.mp3 Trump-recording-12-28-2024-03-49-15.mp3
  3. Just found out about saving props. It allows you to save props and use them in new sandboxes without having to recreate it from scratch. Pretty cool. Something else you can share as a file like presets, autosaves and sandbox (editor mode) saves. I made a quanset hut a while ago and duplicated them to have a total of 8 for my sandbox. Adding the quanset hut prop to a different sandbox, Last few days been working on making a saloon. Will save the saloon as a prop once I finish it.
  4. Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone.
  5. They wanted me to activate my account via email. When I put in my username or email address, and password, it said it was incorrect. I then reset my password, and put in a new one. Same thing happened, so I gave up at this point. I'll check it out. Thanks.
  6. Getting tired of the retards at YT. I decided I would create a rumble account, but screw them too. Twice I tried and the moment go to log in when it toled me to go to my email to activate my account, both times it said my username or password was incorrect. So fuck 'em. I'm not that desperate to contact them. If they can't get their crap together, that's their problem.
  7. I tend to agree with most of the things he says.
  8. Joran Peterson is absolutely right. I watched the original video of his years ago on this topic, and couldn't agree more.
  9. No doubt the world has no shortage of stupid people.
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