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Image Comments posted by endgameaddiction

  1. There's already one from the Dwarven Cyborg Collection on LL. Maybe take a look at it.


    I'd post the link, but LL has been running slower than 56k dialup modem. All that money invested in that site and it runs like turd.


    21 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    NSFWmods isn't about "perverted" side of modding. It is about an open space where people can peruse their likes freely. ;) Just so happens most here are "perverted" :P

    When you put it like that, sounds good to me. Though, not everyone will view it like that. But it is a good way of looking at it.



    Pipboy Readius is where it's at. Though, I sometimes like to have the vanilla pipboy. But it really gets annoying when using outfit mods that have sleeves and it clips with the pipboy. And the thing is way to big for the forearm. They should have made the pipboy a hand held device you store in your zipped pocked on the vault jumpsuit. The pipboy on the wrist just makes it seems like your property of vault-tec.


    30 minutes ago, bjornk said:

    I honestly can't stand the New Vegas' (or FO3) female faces, neither the vanilla female faces nor modded ones. Luckily I can use my imagination in this shot. 😅

    Seriously, why is Bethesda always shitty with faces? Yeah, they seem to improve it with each new game, but the improvement is pretty negligible...

    It's due to the crappy Facegen Modelor they implemented in the GECK. It wouldn't have been so bad if and when morphing the face didn't result in the rest of the face deforming when you are say adjusting the lips, nose or eyes.

    Fallout 4 faces are 'decent' at best, but Bethesda's Fallout 4 females and even males are worse in terms of unique. All the guys and gals look the same.

    It's like the ugly Bijin female overhaul mod for Skyrim

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