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Posts posted by endgameaddiction

  1. 2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Even if I agree with your idea of what should be done. It isn't the case, and they are protected. Unfortunate fact of current laws we have today.

    That is the reason I mentioned that man needed to press charges on her for assault, which she did and was videoed doing so. Gotta fight with what you got. ;)

    If she was arrested for assault and charges pressed, she'd end up with a record. I believe she was a college student... then a student with a record.. good luck getting a great job afterwards. ;) Of course, she wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes in jail and instead given probation (shame really, Jail would really work wonders on such a person ;) ) the experience would be a learning one for her. Police and Judges don't give a fuck about her SJW agenda.


    Not if you're in Commiefornia. I happen to live in Nevada and fuck, I wish we had a border wall between us and them. Keep that filth out of our state... They bring their ghetto, poverty and drive like shit.

  2. That's where I don't like it. A one-on-one fight shouldn't result jail time. Need to be more like the Irish mate. Just let them duke it out. Too many people evade discipline because they get away with it due to how pussy some laws can be. There are some people who go too far and deserve a bloody lip. Maybe next time they'll think twice before fucking with the wrong person. But no matter what, even if he well deserved it, he can press charges and I'd go to jail.

    Think of it like this community. If you are going to talk shit, don't expect the moderators to jump in and protect you. Same should be applied in real life. Don't start something you can't finish.

    If that happened, watch all the SJWs go back to dwelling in their basement. Especially the ANTIFA clowns.

  3. I'm not in favor of assault. But I'm also not in favor of crying for help when assaulted. If someone punches you, you have every right to defend yourself. Same as an insult. And I don't mean the petty insult like someone calling you a fag or something. I mean, if you talk shit about my wife, mother or child, then you are asking for a bloody mouth.

  4. So the latest controversial is Blizzard and their latest game: Diablo: Immortal, which happens to be a mobile game that was introduced in BlizzCon. I figured I would open the topic to laugh and bash Blizzard, the fanboys and stupid so called journalists who quickly run to defend Blizzard.

    Let the hate unleash!



  5. The game industry needs to collapse and reemerge with companies who are competent knowing what gamers want.


    It's also funny how either he was going to say "are there anymore questions?" to skip the guy's question, or he was going to ask a staff "are there any plans for it on PC" and probably remembered it's never going to be on PC when the guy asked if there was plans for it being on PC and then proceeding to answer his question.

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  6. I turned my back on them long ago. Not once, ever since, have i regretted that decision. The only regret I have is ever buying TES Anthology and getting into Skyrim. But then again, I'm glad I did. That buggy piece of shit, but most of all, their stunt on paid mods in 2015 was the final nail in the coffin for me.

    They have been predictable for a long time. Even a fucking blind man can see right through them.

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  7. I just realized after skimming through Creation Kit for Skyrim in the Head Parts and Actors that Bethesda used the male child head for the female as well. I knew they looked similar but thought maybe there was some distinction. I guess not. Fucking laziness. Not like it matters. Their kids look like shit.

    They must be that sensitive about children they had to make manginas. Or maybe they are into the LGBTQXYZ1234567 and catered to them girly bois from weird ass parents who like to dress them up like porcelain dolls and give them their proper pronouns.

    They were also too fucking lazy to add children of races that are not human. I suppose in Bethesda land Mers, Khajiit and Argonians can't have children. They must be going extinct.

  8. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda Games Studio regrets making an online game. Since they are the type who does minimal patches and proceeds to ignore the remaining bugs and the bugs that have infiltrated their official patches. Their ongoing of having to address these bugs is going to irritate them.

  9. You know, it was funny when members on LL would criticize me for making fun of how bad Fallout 4 was and not ever playing it. Bethesda is so predictable you already know in advance that Fallout 5 and TES6 is going to be S.H.I.T.

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  10. The whole private server thing smells more like lies just to hype people into buying the game. From a business standpoint, it only makes sense in Fallout 4 because 1) they released the creation kit before Creation Club was announced and launched. 2) They are trying to slowly get their fan base adapted to it, which didn't seem to be working. I don't know how it's doing now and really don't care to go and find out. If it's even possible to find out.

    MMOs are generally created for people to play for a long time. Just look at WOW still pooping out expansions. It would make more sense to leave out the creation kit and stick solely with Creation Club as the only option for mods in FO70shit. Otherwise it's just strike 2 on the failure of making profit from Creation Club.

    I'm going to laugh if they really do lie about the private servers and a lot of people get pissed off. I swear, it's like they know Bethesda is capable of lying, but they manage to fully trust their word again.


    I guess "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." doesn't seem to get to their heads.

  11. Bethesda fanbois are the equivalent of the brain dead extreme left pink puss hat wearing snowflake that believes everything Jim Acosta says on CNN.


    Just replace it with Bethesda and Todd and it's the same thing. :P

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