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Posts posted by endgameaddiction

  1. From what I heard, the 2080 ti is supposed to be the new Nvidia Titan which is now customizable whereas the previous ones weren't. So I guess you can expect to see EVGA, MSI, Zotac and the others to release them more than likely with trio custom cooler fans and heat sinks and possibly different pcb boards. That's what I heard from a JayzTwoCents anyways.

    But the rage is that with real time ray tracing is giving you 30FPS at 1080p and a lot of people are not content with that. So you are getting what you couldn't before in gaming but at the cost of performance. But then again that will more than likely change as new drivers are released.

    However, I certainly wouldn't buy it. Not now. I'm still gaming at 1080p but I just recently bought a 970 and it feels good to be able to slap on 2-4k landscape textures and play with a nice ENB on and still maintain 59.9fps to mid 40s. It's a breath of fresh air. Now I can mount my GTX 260 on my wall for the 9+ years of never giving up on me. :D

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  2. Anyone going to get their new GPU with Turing micro architecture design once it hits the market, or wait a while? Seeing as AMD isn't caught up with Nvidia, I already see these GPUs selling at a high price because of supply and demand by gamers, miners and developers.

    What do you think?


    Update: Changed the title of this thread to make it more of a general discussion over Nvidia and Radeon GPUs.

  3. You're probably speaking of jaam. He's the reason why I stayed away from Sexout section. I learned quickly him and I would end up clashing and I didn't want to deal with his attitude so I dropped at the most about 3 posts in the Sexout section and never looked back.

    Which I never bothered using Sexout either.

  4. Well I already did for a friend who needed help with creating a custom follower. But when it comes to Fallout 3 or New Vegas, it's been way too long so I'm rusty on that. Eventually I will get back to Fallout 3.  I already tried months ago but I ran into some weird problem where I tried to repair a weapon and it would instantly cause CTD every time. I wish I had my Fallout 3 setup from 4-5 years ago where I had it completely stable except every now and then getting a corrupt save. But wasn't a problem, Just delete latest save and revert back to a previous and you were good to go.

    LOL reminds me. I forgot about the decapitation hack to fix corrupt save.

    • Like 1
  5. In a way I kinda regret moving over to Skyrim. I would have never noticed the leet attitude on LL. I really enjoyed the Fallout 3/FNV section back in those days where I was very productive and very helpful. Never cared who you were, if I was able to help, I had no problem reaching out and even writing a tutorial on the spot for someone. I very much enjoyed that I could provide a solution for someone. In fact, I was always eager to jump in and help someone.

    I would of easily done the same for Skyrim but I began to become more of a dick because of the attitude over there. K2 isn't kidding when there is circle jerking going on over there by the contributors. If you aren't stroking their ego, they don't care. It's all about I'm better than you and you'll never know what I know, which is what makes me special attitude.

    • Like 1
  6. I am currently trying this version of Skyrim out and it's slightly imrpoved graphics wise. But it seems that is the only improvement they made upon this game. It's basically Skyrim x32 with visual enhancements. But since it's on x64 I'm going to see how it does in performance withotu unofficial patches. And then probably try it with the unofficial patches and see how it does with that.

    I am just fed up with Skyrim x32. There's no winning with that game. I constantly lose hours upon hours of progress. Uninstalled it for the last time and trying this SSE out now.

    If this game holds up then I will mod it and stick with it. Would be nice to test the mods I had for it on Skyrim x32 and see if it lives up to performance as people claim.


    Update: 5mins later and my game froze on the way to Riverwood from the standing stones... Already starting to lose my hope and ethunsiasm with this as well. I may just throw the towel. Not going to bother investing hours into downloading mods, testing mods, installing mods, fixing the game as best I can which does nothing in Skyrim x32. sigh...

  7. Ditigal games was one of the worst things to ever haven in the game industry.


    But I'm glad Bethesda is doing this. More people will pirate their games. And these companies will never get it. Most of the time it's not even being cheap, it's a form of revenge to these shady companies. So great move BSW. Attack one guy and it will be more than just one guy pirating your stuff from here on out.

  8. What I can clearly see is an agenda is being pushed on LL and it's slowly disintegrating the community. It very much reminds me of that video you posted a while ago about that guy talking about how SJWs infiltrate a community pretending to be all cool until they move up in position to a staff and then the community starts to plunder because of the agenda they are pushing destroying the niche hobby and community form within.

    You can clearly tell the direction they're going. But people like GrimReaper needs to understand that there is no point of return for LL. 2011-2014 is long gone. Those fun days on LL are over. He's wasting his time because not one of them is caring. They are caring about the ones who are pushing their agenda.  They are caring about those who are validating them as gods with every post they make.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, vancleef said:

    Just reading some of that made me develop a  Mangina.

    Seriously. I've only lurked there a few times and mostly joined just to steal all of Kendo's stuff. 

    I feel like I am truly among my people here.

    Careful, Trump might grab it. :P

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  10. On 8/4/2018 at 12:29 PM, bjornk said:

    As if that would change anything... I certainly agree with you about the moderators, but I also think that Ashal himself isn't much different. He was just very rude when I simply pointed out a problem with SexLab (with the proof), which is still there. "Take it to Ashal", they kept saying, if you had a problem with the actions of the mods, yeah, right, he'd probably ban you right away... for creating too much "drama"...

    PS. Not interested in voting, it's a pointless stupid poll and I don't care. I don't like that CPU guy either.

    CPU is the one that I really dislike and make fun of when I say 'muh feelings' because ever since he became a moderator, shortly after he started with his BS on deleting and editing comments that he found offensive. If it wasn't that it was locking a thread. I can't count how many times he did it to me and I was getting fed up with it. The FO4 fanboys would all run to superman CPU to hide behind because I made fun of Fallout 4 or Bethesda.


    ^ This proves my point. And it's funny he's trying to back pedal and call someone a troll because his bullshit was called out. And clearly when he types "keep the tone down" it's because words offend him. Even if they aren't even hurtful.

    I used to like him when he was a contributor. The moment he turned into a moderator authoritarian I lost respect for him.

    His true colors are showing in his own thread. And I'm having a great laugh about it.

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