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Posts posted by endgameaddiction

  1. The only good thing about Bethesda games is the fact that you can mod it. One of the greatest aspects of being able to mod their games is to be able to create scenes and define a story through screenshots and your own written stories, which allows you to roleplay by the characters you create. Which is something you, Vancleef and others do around other sites. But when it comes to the game itself, it's very difficult for me because no matter how much I try to use my imagination, my demon girls will always be the dragonborn and perhaps side with the stormcloaks or imperials if I give a damn.

    To me, the solution for this is to ditch the whole fixed protagonist and give us the option to start the game through various different factions or non faction choices such as a farmer who was harvesting his wheat and a dragon decided it would be funny to fire breathe it all to ashes and you decide to go on a vendetta because now you can't make bread. XD

  2. I have a very hard time roleplaying with Bethesda games because of the mere fact in their games, you can be anything and everything.

    My biggest pet peeve is the fact that you can join all these factions without repercussion. Without consequences. And when you have no conequences, there is little choice to be made because it has no impact on the way you play. There are mods out there that can help alleviate that to an extent, but the issue pretty much remains. I've had this argument on LL in the past and it's one of the reasons why I fail to see Skyrim as an RPG, because consequences and choices don't really factor. Only when you have to choose between the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion. And even then, that's just a side quest. I guess you can also include the point where Delphine tells you to kill Paarthurnax, but even though it's a choice, there isn't really any consequences behind it. What do you gain if you spair Paarthurnax's life, morality? What do you gain if you fullfil Delphine's wish by killing Paarthurnax? I always let Paarthurnax live because I have never been convinced ever to give a crap about the Blades. Delphine isn't a character that grows on me. She seems pretty useless to me throughout the whole entire game and so does the Blades as a whole. I'm the fucking Dragonborn, you bow to me. At least the Greybeards grant me shouts and all they do is sit on a mountain all their lives. So the only thing I really do is create a backstory for my characters and just play as them. I don't stick with just playing as a thief, or just a warrior. I used to play as a mage but I got bored with it. But if I did, I would be all because in Skyrim there isn't really classes to pick. There isn't a path to choose that locks the others forcing you to play as a mage, a warrior, or a thief. You can be anything and everything and that is mediocre to me.

    They treat their games like MMO, which makes sense to allow the player to be everything because they want people playing MMOs for a very very long time. But it stinks for single player games.

  3. That was another thought I had. And it would make sense since Bethesda kicked Valve to the curb and no shares in paid mods from Creation Club. Good move on Bethesda cutting out the middle man. Obviously it's going to beneficial for Bethesda in the long run even though right now the ball has just begun to roll with CC.

    And it was a given that there is nothing that's going to stop the snow ball from gradually getting bigger and not being able to stop it since their fanbase has given up the fight very quick.

    At least I'll give credit to the EA ex fans for still fighting against EA and their shady practices pushing EA to the corner of the ring.

  4. Off Topic, but about this video and the part about Creation Club mods. It seems to me that Bethesda is trying to cripple the mod community by releasing a creation club version. Doesn't seem to be working right now, but I'm pretty sure the fanboys are drooling all over it. Especially the console cucks.

    I still can't wait for TES6 to roll out. Before it does, I guarantee you there will be an emporium of high quality mods on CC that normally would be made by top modders on Nexus a few years later. This will give Bethesda the upper hand.

    Now, all Bethesda has to do is release a crappy half arsed Creation Kit and it will cripple the mod community and put into submission more fans into having to get the real goodies from Creation Club.

    If I was Bethesda, that's exactly what I would do. Leave the full Creation Kit version to my CC modders and give the half arsed version that limits creativity to the public.

  5. Okay, I picked one from that cringeworthy website's list.


    If all women did this to their faces, I wouldn't be hesitant for one moment to go MGTOW. Or at the very least, pull the bag over the face and take a deep breath trick.

    Then again, judging both images, I can't tell which one is worse, and would go MGTOW anyways. Lil Kim must've gained weight in the before image. Because I remember her from the 90s and she didn't look bad.


  6. @Kendo 2

    Yep, you beat me to it. I'm not concerned about the OP myself. I can give two fucks about his fake apology. It was more to do with Hayley being silenced over her opinion.

    The staff knew as much as I knew that that thread was an open invitation for heavy criticism. They knew it was going to be a shit show eventually. So I don't understand why it was concerning to them about someone giving their opinion.

    And even if I am not able to read Hayley's comment that was removed, I'll still side with her and take her word because this has happened before.

    It's just very funny how it's time to lock the thread when someone's ends up questioning moderators actions.

  7. Serena's problem is she kept throwing a tantrum. She blames the umpire for doing it to her and never doing it to men. But in the cases with the men, their tantrums have been really short. If she would of stopped fueling the fire, I bet she wouldn't have gotten what she deserved.

    Oh well, sucks to be her. She got schooled anyways. I just feel bad for Naomi when the crowd booed at her. She didn't deserve it.

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